Call Number (LC) Title Results
D259 .A42 Richelieu, Gustav Adolf und das Reich. 1
D259.A4713 2007 Reason of State, Propaganda, and the Thirty Years' War : an Unknown Translation by Thomas Hobbes. 1
D259 .A4713 2007 Reason of state, propaganda, and the Thirty Years' War : an unknown translation by Thomas Hobbes ; Noel Malcolm. 1
D259 .C47 The certaine newes of this present vveeke. Continued from Rome, Naples, Genoway, France, the Low-Countires, the Palatinate, and many other places. Wherein is truly set downe the manner of the last fight at Bergen-vp-zoam ... with the certaine present state of Count Mansfield ... also other speciall letters and aduertisements concerning a new defeat said to be giuen since to Spinola ... by the Prince of Oranges forces. Lastly is added a speciall relation of the death of that famous and worthy Captaine Fairfax, being slaine at Frankendale. 1
D259 .C65 1632 The continuation of our Swedish intelligence, since the 23. of the last, to the first of this present. Conteining amongst the rest, these particulars following. A patheticall speech made by the King of Sweden to his commaunders and captaines, vpon occasion of some misdemeanors committed by the souldiers. The confirmation of the burning of the Walsteyn and Bavarian magazen at Fryenstadt, together with the defeat given vnto some Imperiall regiments at the same time. The taking of great Glogaw and Breslaw, with other townes in Silesia, by the mixt forces of the Swedes, Saxons and Brandenburgers. The preparation of the King of Sweden by (command of a generall fast throughout the whole army, and in the city of Norimberg) to goe vpon some great designe, most of his forces being come to him. Something concerning France, and the troubles there. 1
D259 .C66 1631 The continuation of our weekely avisoes, since the 16. of May to the 4. of Iune, contayning amongst many other matters, these particulars following .. 1
D259 .C66 1632 The continuation of our forraine avisoes, from the third of October to this present. Divers larger and exacter relations of the utter ruine of the imperiall armie in Silesia. More newes of the Boores of Austria. Of the king of Swedens armie in Franconia. Some difference in Polonia. Wallensteyns leaving of his trenches. Some combustions betwixt the Boores and souldiers in Flanders. With many other occurrences of note from other places.
The continuation of our forraine avisoes, since the 27th of the last. Conteining many remarkable late passages out of the High Dutch, out of private letters, & out of the Low Dutch; some part do follow. ..
The [co]ntinuation [of] the forraine avisoes for two weekes last past, containing many very remarkable passages of Germanie, France, Spaine, Italy, Sweden, the Low-Countries, and other parts of the world ..
The continuation of our weekely avisoes, since the 13 of this present. Conteining amongst diverse other things these ensuing particulars. A relation of what is lately passed in the armies both of the king of Sweden, and the imperiall generals Walsteyn, and Bavaria ... The burning of the citty Friedstadt by Generall Oxensteyn ... Two hundred waggons of provision sent to Walsteyns army, surprized by the Sweds [sic] ... The solemne preparation of the French king and his councell to goe against the revolted lords ... The state of Maestricht as it lately stood, with a great defeat given Pappenheym in endeavouring to relieve it ..
D259 .H46 2000 Eigentlicher Bericht, so wol auch Abcontrafeytung : eine Untersuchung der nicht-allegorischen Nachrichtenblätter zu den Schlachten und Belagerungen der schwedischen Armee unter Gustav II Adolf (1628/30-1632) / 1
D259 .N48 The 19. of Iuly. In this weekly newes is related the great difference or vnlikelihood of agreement betweene the Emperour and Bethlem Gabor. : With the comming downe of the Marquis of Iaggerendorf, with his forces into Silesia, to relieue the cittie Glats, belonging to the king of Bohemia, being alreadie arrived at Gabalonica. : As also the recovery of the Great cittie Chur in Switzerland by the Protestants. 1
D259 .N48 1640 Newes of this present weeke from Germany, Italy, and Spaine, the greatest that came these many yeers, in one weeke. The generall heads are as follow: .. 1
D259 .N56 The 19. of August. The entertainement of Count Mansfield, and the Duke of Brunsvvick, into the seruice of the Duke of Bulloygne, being both dismissed by the King of Bohemia. : As also the inuasion made vpon the countrey of SerBruggen by Count Mansfield, with his arriuall in the prouince of Namure ... with strange tidings from Bergen vp Zome ... likewise the wonderfull proceedings of Monsieur Tilly and Don Cordoua in the palatinate ... moreouer, the late commotion which happened in Turkie, wherein about 60000 Turkes were slayne: with the actions of Bethlem Gabor .. 1
D259 .R44 1623 A relation of the late horrible treason, intended against the Prince of Orange, and the whole state of the vnited prouinces, according to the Dutch coppy printed at the Hage. Whereunto is added these particulars out of our Weekely Newes: A declaration published by the French king, in behalfe and for the restoring of the Marquesse of Rosny ... The arriuall at Constantinople of the ambassadors of Sweden, Muscouia, and Polonia ... Whereunto is added A most true and wonderfull vision seene by Intien Iansen ... at Oosterzee ... With diuers other particular relations, of many parts of the world. 1
D259 .S23 The safe arriuall of Christian Duke of Brunswick vnto the king of Bohemia, and the vniting of their forces. With a particular rehersall of diuers notable passages and accidents, as well after as before the battaile betwixt the aforesaid duke and the imperials. : Likewise relating the further intents and designes of both parties; with many other speciall occurrences. Printed this third of July. 1
D259 .S527 Chronometra aliquot memorabilium rerum his certis annis gestarum epigramma historia es testis mundi, & narratio rerum quae nisi sit veri nuncia, laude caret : Herodotus libro primo, cui titilus Clio, de Croeso ad Cyrum ex Solone : est circulus quidam actionum humanarum qui circumactus non sinit semper eos dem esse felices.
Chronometra aliquot memorabilium rerum his certis annis gestarum epigramma historia es testis mundi, & narratio rerum quae nisi sit veri nuncia, laude caret : Herodotus libro primo, cui titilus Clio, de Croeso ad Cyrum ex Solone : est circulus quidam actionum humanarum qui circumactus non sinit semper eos dem esse felices ..
D259 .S97 The surprisall of tvvo imperial townes by Count Mansfield, and the Duke of Brunsvvick, since their arrivall in Alsatia; with the new supplies sent by the Duke of Bulloigne to Count Mansfeild; with the rest of their proceedings vntill tkis [sic] present the nineteenth of Iuly 1622. ; Likewise relating the courageous sally, and great slaughter made by the English Garrisons in Bergen op Zoone ... Together with the vnlookt for attempt of the Prince of Orange vpon certain hundreds of waggons, which were sent from Antwerpe to Spinola's ledger ... Lastly the late occurrences which haue happened between the king and the Protestants. Printed this nineteenth of Iuly. 1
D259 .T54 The third of Iuly. A continuation of the warres. : Shewing the proceedings of late in Germanie, Italy, Hungaria, France, and the low countries. ; VVith many remarkable accidents happened in the afore-said parts. 1
D260 .E7 The myth of the all-destructive fury of the Thirty Years' War. 1
D260 .K36 1997 Die bayerische Kriegsorganisation in der zweiten Hälfte des Dreissigjährigen Krieges 1635-1648/49 / 1
D260 .L313 Thirty Years' War / 1
D260 .M58 2018 Towards a Westphalia for the Middle East / 1