Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-2021-CRS-211791 Money for Something : Music Licensing in the 21st Century. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211792 The 10-20-30 Provision : Defining Persistent Poverty Counties. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211793 Rwanda : In Brief. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211794 National Guard Civil Support in the District of Columbia, CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211795 Congressional Liaison Offices of Selected Federal Agencies. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211796 Quarter and Half Dollar Coins : History and Current Status, CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211797 U.S. Dollar Coins : History and Current Status, CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211798 The Child Tax Credit : Proposed Expansion in the House Ways and Means Reconciliation Legislation, CRS Insight. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211799 Small Business Administration 7(a) Loan Guaranty Program. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211800 Are Temporary Protected Status Recipients Eligible To Adjust Status?, CRS Legal Sidebar. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211801 Unauthorized Immigrants' Access to COVID-19 Vaccines, CRS Insight. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211802 The Defense Production Act Committee (DPAC) : A Primer, CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211803 Off-Label Use of Prescription Drugs. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211804 Supreme Court Nominations, 1789 to 2020 : Actions by the Senate, the Judiciary Committee, and the President. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211805 The State of Campaign Finance Policy : Recent Developments and Issues for Congress. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211806 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Proposed COVID-19 Pandemic Economic Relief : In Brief. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211807 U.S. Farm Income Outlook : February 2021 Forecast, CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211808 Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) : Section 6902 Payments, CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211905 FY2021 Military Construction Appropriations : An Overview of Division J of P.L. 116-260, CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-211906 Military Sexual Assault : A Framework for Congressional Oversight. 1