Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-2008-AML-0270 Obscenity, Child Pornography, and Indecency Recent Developments and Pending Issues. 1
CRS-2008-AML-0271 Lobbying Regulations on Non-Profit Organizations 1
CRS-2008-AML-0272 Congressional Review of Agency Rulemaking An Update and Assessment of the Congressional Review Act After a Decade. 1
CRS-2008-AML-0273 No Child Left Behind Act and "Unfunded Mandates" A Legal Analysis of School District of the City of Pontiac v. Secretary of the United States Department of Education. 1
CRS-2008-AML-0274 Legal Challenges to the Client Communication Provisions of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 1
CRS-2008-AML-0275 HOPE NOW Alliance/American Securitization Forum (ASF) Plan to Freeze Certain Mortgage Interest Rates 1
CRS-2008-AML-0276 Expanding the Scope of the Public Performance Right for Sound Recordings A Legal Analysis of the Performance Rights Act of 2007 (H.R. 4789 and S. 2500) 1
CRS-2008-AML-0277 EMTALA Access to Emergency Medical Care. 1
CRS-2008-AML-0278 Delegation of the Federal Power of Eminent Domain to Nonfederal Entities 1
CRS-2008-AML-0279 Immigration Terrorist Grounds for Exclusion and Removal of Aliens. 1
CRS-2008-AML-0280 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Commemorative Works and Other Honors Authorized by Congress. 1
CRS-2008-AML-0281 Veterans Affairs Benefits for Service-Connected Disabilities. 1
CRS-2008-AML-0282 Carcieri v. Kempthorne Whether the Secretary of the Interior May Acquire for the Narragansett Indian Tribe Trust Land Which Is Not Subject to Rhode Island's Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction. 1
CRS-2008-AML-0283 "Orphan Works" in Copyright Law 1
CRS-2008-AML-0284 Offshore Oil and Gas Development Legal Framework. 1
CRS-2008-AML-0285 Constitutional Issues Relating to Proposals for Foreclosure Moratorium Legislation That Affects Existing Mortgages 1
CRS-2008-AML-0286 Congressional Oversight and Related Issues Concerning the Prospective Security Agreement Between the United States and Iraq 1
CRS-2008-AML-0287 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act Gaming on Newly Acquired Lands. 1
CRS-2008-AML-0288 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coverage of Contagious Diseases 1
CRS-2008-AML-0289 "Price Gouging," the Antitrust Laws, and Vertical Integration in the Petroleum Industry How They Are Related. 1