Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-2007-DSP-0136 Department of Justice Reauthorization Provisions to Improve Program Management, Compliance, and Evaluation of Justice Assistance Grants. 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0137 Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Background, Legislation, and Issues. 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0138 Highly Qualified Teacher in Every Classroom Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act. 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0139 Children in Poverty Profile, Trends, and Issues. 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0140 Unauthorized Alien Students Legislation in the 107th and 108th Congresses. 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0141 Montgomery GI Bill Education Benefits Analysis of College Prices and Federal Student Aid Under the Higher Education Act. 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0142 Hate Crime Legislation 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0143 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Analysis of Changes Made by P.L. 108-446. 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0144 Youth Gangs Background, Legislation, and Issues. 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0145 Emergency Contraception Plan B. 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0146 Border Security The Complexity of the Challenge. 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0147 Immigration Noncitizen Eligibility for Needs-Based Housing Programs. 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0148 U.S. Immigration Policy on Temporary Admissions 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0149 Impact of Medicare Premiums on Social Security Beneficiaries 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0150 USDA Rural Housing Programs An Overview. 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0151 Mental Health Parity Act A Legislative History. 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0152 Overview and Funding History of Select Department of Justice (DOJ) Grant Programs 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0153 Social Security Reform Current Issues and Legislation. 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0154 Terrorist Watchlist Checks and Air Passenger Prescreening 1
CRS-2007-DSP-0155 Section 202 and Other HUD Rental Housing Programs for the Low-Income Elderly 1