Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-1997-FND-0169 Colombia Briefing Paper. 1
CRS-1997-FND-0170 Bosnia Implementation Force (IFOR) and Stabilization Force (SFOR) Activities of the 104th Congress. 1
CRS-1997-FND-0171 Nicaragua's 1996 Elections and Results 1
CRS-1997-FND-0172 Latin America and the Caribbean A Fact Sheet on Leaders and Elections. 1
CRS-1997-FND-0173 Mexico-U.S. Relations Issues for Congress. 1
CRS-1997-FND-0174 Cambodia Problems, Prospects and U.S. Policy Concerns. 1
CRS-1997-FND-0175 China After Deng Xiaoping Changing Conditions, Outcomes and Implications. 1
CRS-1997-FND-0176 Defense Industry in Transition Issues and Options for Congress. 1
CRS-1997-FND-0177 Korea U.S.-South Korean Issues. 1
CRS-1997-FND-0178 Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions for FY1997 1
CRS-1997-FND-183531 Costs of Major U.S. Wars and Recent U.S. Overseas Military Operations. 1
CRS-1997-FND-183843 United Nations Peacekeeping Operations : Country Participation. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0001 Hispanic Tradition and Achievement in the U.S 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0002 Minority and Women-Owned Business Programs of the Federal Government 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0003 Presidential Election Campaign Fund and Tax Checkoff Background and Current Issues. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0004 Shutdown of the Federal Government Effects on the Federal Workforce and Other Sectors. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0005 Violence Against Women Federal Funding and Recent Developments. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0006 Presidential Veto and Congressional Procedure 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0007 Term Limits for Members of Congress State Activity. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0008 Presidential Veto and Congressional Procedure 1