Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-1985-AML-0087 Federal Income Tax Deduction for State and Local Taxes A Brief History of the Law. 1
CRS-1985-AML-0088 Civil Rights Enforcement Under H.R. 3821, the Educational Voucher or "Equity and Choice Act of 1985" 1
CRS-1985-AML-0089 Urinalysis Testing for Substance Abuse in the Military 1
CRS-1985-AML-0090 Comments on Department of the Interior Memorandum of September 20, 1985 Entitled "Protection of National Park System Units from the Adverse Effects of Air Pollution" 1
CRS-1985-AML-0091 Remedies Available to the House of Representatives After an Investigation of a Contested Election Case 1
CRS-1985-AML-0092 Invalidation of Elections by the States 1
CRS-1985-AML-0093 Federal Statutory Research 1
CRS-1985-AML-0094 Summary and Analysis of the Legislative History of the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 and Subsequent Amendments 1
CRS-1985-AML-0095 Mandatory Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of the United States 1
CRS-1985-AML-0096 Legal Analysis of Questions Related to the Application of the Delaney Clause to Color Additives 1
CRS-1985-AML-0097 Revocation of Federal Firearm Dealers' Licenses for the Sale of Armor-Piercing Ammunition Under Proposed Legislation 1
CRS-1985-AML-0098 Binding Nature of Earmarked Appropriations 1
CRS-1985-AML-0099 Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee (FRPCC) 1
CRS-1985-AML-0100 Executive's Duty To Enforce the Laws 1
CRS-1985-AML-0101 Review of Contract Entered Into Without Competition; Bases for Such Action and Inquiry Whether Requirements of Law and Regulations Were Met Under Circumstances and Facts 1
CRS-1985-AML-0102 Status and Litigating Authority of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 1
CRS-1985-AML-0103 Legal Analysis of Whether There Are Jones Act Restrictions on the Foreign Ownership of American-Made Boats Used for Fishing in United States Waters 1
CRS-1985-AML-0104 Legal Authority Of the Secretary Of Health And Human Services To Ban The Use Of Sulfites In Restaurants Under The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act 1
CRS-1985-AML-0105 State Ballot Authentication Provisions 1
CRS-1985-AML-0106 Patents for Inventions Made or Used in Outer Space on a Space Vehicle 1