Call Number (LC) Title Results
CN384 .S345 2009 Augustan and Julio-Claudian Athens : a new epigraphy and prosopography / 1
CN384 .S345 2009eb Augustan and Julio-Claudian Athens : a new epigraphy and prosopography / 1
CN384 .S38 1985 Athens in the age of Alexander : the dated laws & decrees of "the Lykourgan era" 338-322 B.C. / 1
CN384 .T695 2016 Athenian Lettering of the Fifth Century B.C. : The Rise of the Professional Letter Cutter / 1
CN384 .T7 1975 The lettering of an Athenian mason / 1
CN384.W35 Athenian proxenies of the fifth century, B.C. / 1
CN385.C56 C67 1985 Die Inschriften von Kios / 1
CN385.D44 C67 1977 Corpus des inscriptions de Delphes / 1
CN385.D63 D35 2013 Ta chrēstēria elasmata tēs Dōdōnēs tōn anaskaphōn D. Euangelidē / 1
CN385.E44 C5 2005 Eleusis, the inscriptions on stone : documents of the Sanctuary of the Two Goddesses and public documents of the deme / 1
CN385.E64 P75 2014 Bauurkunden und Bauprogramm von Epidauros (400-350) : Asklepiostempel, Tholos, Kultbild, Brunnenhaus / 1
CN385.E64 P75 2022 Bauurkunden und Bauprogramm von Epidauros. Abaton, Kleisia, Aphroditetempel, Artemistempel, Theater, Epidoteion, é︡p Kynòs skanámata / 1
CN385.E64 W33 1995 Inni di Epidauro / 1
CN385.L56 H54 2003 The Lindian chronicle and the Greek creation of their past / 1
CN385.M43 P47 1991 Index verborum in inscriptiones Megarae et coloniarum / 1
CN385.T47 V36 2006 Thorikos : final report, Thorikos 3 : graffiti, dipinti, stamps / 1
CN390 .F45 1991 Concordanze delle inscriptiones graecae christianae veteres occidentis / 1
CN390 .G85 1996 Recueil des inscriptions grecques médiévales d'Italie / 1
CN393.C3 C57 1992 Le tessere pubbliche dal Tempio di Atena a Camarina / 1
CN393.M3 D83 1995 Inscriptions grecques dialectales de grande Grèce / 1