Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-2007-GAO-0472 Rail safety the Federal Railroad Administration is taking steps to better target its oversight, but assessment of results is needed to determine impact : report to congressional committees / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0473 Customs revenue customs and border protection needs to improve workforce planning and accountability : report to congressional committees / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0474 Defined benefit pensions conflicts of interest involving high risk or terminated plans pose enforcement challenges : report to congessional requesters / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0475 Federal disability assistance stronger federal oversight could help assure multiple programs' accountability : report to congressional requesters / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0476 Freedom of Information Act Processing Trends Show Importance of Improvement Plans. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0477 GAO Performance and Accountability Report, FY2007 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0478 High-risk series an update / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0479 Military personnel strategic plan needed to address Army's emerging officer accession and retention challenges : report to the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0480 Securing, stabilizing, and rebuilding Iraq key issues for Congressional oversight : report to Congressional leadership and committees / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0481 Social Security Reform Issues for Disability and Dependent Benefits. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0482 Trade Adjustment Assistance States Have Fewer Training Funds Available Than Labor Estimates When Both Expenditures and Obligations Are Considered. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0483 GAO Performance and Accountability Highlights, FY2006 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0484 International Trade U.S. Trade Preference Programs; an Overview of Use by Beneficiaries and U.S. Administrative Reviews. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0485 Prescription Drugs FDA Guidance and Regulations Related to Data on Elderly Persons in Clinical Drug Trials. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0486 VA Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service Contract Management Is Improving, but Challenges Remain. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0487 Food and Drug Administration Revenue Information on Certain Companies Participating in the Medical Device User Fee Program. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0488 Oil and Gas Royalties Royalty Relief Will Cost the Government Billions of Dollars but Uncertainty over Future Energy Prices and Production Levels Make Precise Estimate Impossible at This Time. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0489 Information on selected issues concerning banking activities 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0490 Railroad Safety--Responses to Posthearing Questions 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0491 Social Security Costs Associated with the Administration's Efforts To Promote Program Reforms. 1