Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1983-WAM-0017 Tax and budget issues related to leasing by nontaxable entities 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0018 Description of tax bills (H.R. 2163 and H.R. 2809) scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means, on June 2, 1983 / 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0019 Description of H.R. 3110 relating to tax treatment of property used by nontaxable entities, scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means, on June 8, 1983 / 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0020 Description of tax provisions of H.R. 2769 (The Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act) scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means, on June 9, 1983 / 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0021 Trends in the use of tax-exempt bonds to finance private activities, including a description of H.R. 1176 and H.R. 1635 scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means, on June 15 and 16, 1983 / 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0022 Tables Related to Consideration of H.R. 1183 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0023 Development of the law and continuing legal issues in the tax treatment of private foundations 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0024 Report on miscellaneous tariff and trade bills 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0025 Description of income tax provisions relating to private foundations scheduled for hearings before the Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means on June 27, 28, and 30, 1983 / 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0026 Description of life insurance income tax proposal 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0027 Comparison of H.R. 2973, As Passed by the House and As Passed by the Senate 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0028 Summary of FY84 Budget and Proposed Revenue Increases 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0029 Description of H.R. 3475 Tax Law Simplification and Improvement Act of 1983 : scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means on July 25, 1983 / 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0030 Description of H.R. 3525 (Permanent Tax Treatment of Fringe Benefits Act of 1983) scheduled for a hearing before the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the Committee on Ways and Means on August 1, 1983 / 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0031 Comparison of Present Law, a Discussion Proposal and Possible Clarifications Offered by Representatives Stark and Moore Relating to the Tax Treatment of Life Insurance Companies and Their Products. / 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0032 Report on trade mission to Japan and the Republic of Korea 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0034 Actuarial cost estimate of the effects of Public Law 98-21 on old age, survivors, and disability insurance and hospital insurance programs 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0035 Background materials on Medicare hospice benefit, including description of proposed implementing regulations 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0036 Description of H.R. 3805 (Technical Corrections Act of 1983) scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means on September 22, 1983 / 1
CMP-1983-WAM-0037 Description of tax bills (H.R. 699, H.R. 2476, H.R. 2504, H.R. 2831, H.R. 3096, H.R. 3173, H.R. 3592, and H.R. 3593) scheduled for a hearing before the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the Committee on Ways and Means on September 21, 1983 / 1