Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 41.22:T/21891 On the effect of marsh drainage on river discharge = (K voprosu o vliyanii osusheniya bolot na rechnoi stok) / 1
C 41.22:T/21892 The effect of mentor pollen in the self-pollination of corn = (Mentoralʹnoe vliyanie pylʹts y pri samoopylenii kukuruzy) / 1
C 41.22:T/21893 Effect of gibberellin on the activity of apical meristems of certain plants = Vliyanie gibberellina na deyatelʹnostʹ apikalʹnykh meristem nekotorykh rastenii / 1
C 41.22:T/21894 Interaction of root systems of different tree species = Vzaimodeistvie kornevykh sistem raznykh vidov derevʹev / 1
C 41.22:T/21895 Rezul'taty elektrometriccheskikh issledovanii vliyaniya polezashchtnykh lesonasazhndenii na izmenenie rezhima temperatury i vlazhnosti vozdushnogo potoka u poverkhnosti zemli = Results of electrometric investigations on the influence of shelter belts on the variation of air temperature and relative humidity near the ground / 1
C 41.22:T/21896 Particle boards from waste wood produced without the use of binders = (O plitakh iz drevesnykh otkhodov, izgotovlennykh bez vyazhushchikh veshchestv) / 1
C 41.22:T/21897 Immunity in plants = (Ob immunitete u rastenii) / 1
C 41.22:T/21898 The temperature and humidity of the air and the soil temperature in fields between the shelter belts = (Rezhim temperatury i vlazhnosti vozdukha i temperatury pochvy na mezhpolosnykh polyakh) / 1
C 41.22:T/21899 Changes in the properties of ordinary chernozem soils in the areas between strips under various age groups of forest strips = (Izmenenie svoistv obyknovennogo chernozema pod lesnymi polosami razlichnogo vozrasta v mezhpolosnom prostranstve) / 1
C 41.22:T/21900 The alteration of the soil under shelterbelts of different composition = (Izmenenie pochvy pod lesnymi polosami razlichnogo sostava) / 1
C 41.22:T/21901 The problem of boundaries of plant associations in nature = (K voprosu o granitsakh rastitelʹnykh assotsiatsii v prirode) / 1
C 41.22:T/21905 Development of fruiting bodies and sporulation in polyporus fungi = (Razvitie plodovykh tel i sporulyatsiya trutovykh gribov) / 1
C 41.22:T/21906 The erosion of forest soils in various types of forests in the Carpathian mountain zone in connection with lumbering : (Eroziya lesnykh pochv v raznykh tipakh lesa gornoi zony karpat v suyazi s rubkami glavnogo po'zovaniya) / 1
C 41.22:T/21908 The influence of trees and shrubs on physicochemical properties of chernozem soils = (Vliyanie drevesnykh i kustarnikovykh porod na fiziko-Khimicheskie svoistva chernozemnoi pochvy) / 1
C 41.22:T/21910 The present state of tree selection and seed-growing and methods for their development = (Sovremennoe sostoyanie i puti razvitiya selektsii drevesnykh porod i lesnogo semenovedenia) / 1
C 41.22:T/21911 A method of studying the effect of climatic fluctuations on the width of annual rings in trees = O metode izucheniya vliyaniya kolebanii klimata na shirinu godichnykh kolets dereva / 1
C 41.22:T/21912 Connection between polycotyledonous seedlings and the structure of the mature plant = (O svyazi mnogodolʹnosti prorostkov so stroeniem vzroslogo rasteniya) / 1
C 41.22: T/31063/1-9 Hydrotechnic structures and water flow control : selected articles / 1
C 41.22:T/31075 Chemistry and technology of synthetic liquid fuels = (Iskusstvennoe zhidkoe toplivo (khimiya i tekhnologiya)) / 1
C 41.22:T/31089 Theoretical forest biogeophysics = Teoreticheskaya biogeofizika lesa / 1