Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 41.22:T/11398 Studies on buckwheat. Studia nad gryk̨a. cz. IX, Plony ziarna i zielonej masy z 10 różnych terminów siewu / 1
C 41.22:T/11399 Studies on buckwheat. (Studia nad gryką. 1
C 41.22:T/11420 Approximate graphical determination of the boundary between two deformation regions in wood testing-machine diagrams = (Priblizhennoe graficheskoe nakhozhdenie granit︠s︡y dvukh oblasteĭ deformirovaniya na mashinnoĭ diagramme) / 1
C 41.22:T/11421 Relaxation and "aftereffect" in natural wood and presswood under compression = Relaksatsiia i posledeistvie estestvennoi i presovannoi drevesiny pri szhatii / 1
C 41.22:T/11422 Effect of moisture content and temperature of wood on its elastic and plastic properties = (Vliyanie temperatury i vlazhnosti drevesiny na ee uprugo-plasticheskie svoistva) / 1
C 41.22:T/11424 Resistance of pinewood to compression at different angles to the grain / 1
C 41.22:T/11425 Method of measuring internal stresses in wood during air drying = (O metode izmereniya vnutrennikh napryazhenii v drevesine v protsesse ee atmosfernoi sushki) / 1
C 41.22:T/11426 Resistance of frozen wood to impact (cross beam) bending = (Soprotivlenie udarnomu (poperechnomu) izgibu zamorozhennoi drevesiny) / 1
C 41.22:T/11427 Sexual variability in certain species of pine = (O polovoi izmenchivosti u nekotorykh vidov sosen) 1
C 41.22:T/11428 Russian experience in field-protecting afforestation. 1
C 41.22:T/11430 Irrigation : (Selected articles) 1
C 41.22:T/11433 Initial priming of siphon spillways = (O vklyuchenii sifonnykh vodosbrosov v raboty) 1
C 41.22:T/11434 Chemistry and technology of combustible shales and their products = (Khimiya i technologiya goryuchikh slantsev i produktov ikh pererabotki) / 1
C 41.22:T/11493 Scientific principles of soil systematics and classification = Nauchnye osnovy sistematiki i klassifikatsii pochv / 1
C 41.22:T/11494 Concerning the basic principles of soil classification = Ob osnovynkh printsipakh klassifikatsii pochv / 1
C 41.22:T/11495 An attempt at a general soil classification = (Opty obshchei klassifikatsii pochv) / 1
C 41.22:T/11496 Classification of soils of the northern part of the European USSR = Sistematika pochv severnoi chasti Evropeiskoi territorii SSSR / 1
C 41.22:T/11497 Soils of the isolated pine forests in Kazakhstan = Pochvy ostrovnykh borov Kazakhstana / 1
C 41.22:T/11498 Soils of the southwestern part of the Kola Peninsula = (Pochvy yugo-zapadnoi chasti kolʹskogo poluostrova) / 1
C 41.22:T/11499 Conflicting processes as a basis for the genetic development of soils = (Protivopolozhnye protsessy kak osnova geneticheskogo razvitiya pochv) / 1