Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX9451 .T67 1907i The torments of Protestant slaves in the French king's galleys, and in the dungeons of Marseilles, 1686-1707 A.D. with some illustrative texts / 1
BX9452 .E92 An Exact copy of the petition of the protestants in France to their sovereign Lewis XIV for redress of their present oppressions / 2
BX9452 .H3 1966 La France protestante : ou vies des protestants français qui se sont fait un nom dans l'histoire depuis les premiers temps de la réformation jusqu'à la reconnaissance du principe de la liberté des cultes par l'Assemblée nationale ; ouvrage précédé d'une notice historique sur le protestantisme en France, et suivi de pièces justificatives / 1
BX9452 .J87 Pastoral letters directed to the suffering Protestants of France, groaning under the cruel persecution of the bloody tyrant Lewis XIV wherin the sophistical arguments, and unspeakable cruelties, used by the papists, for making new converts, are laid open, and exposed to the just abhorrence of all true Christians / 1
BX9452 .P48 1697 The petition of the Protestants in France to their king upon account of the treaty of peace. 2
BX9453 .A3 1699 An account of the sufferings and dying words of several French Protestants, under this present persecution as it was received from the hands of several Protestant ministers, who arrived lately in England. 1
BX9453 .B46 1991 The Huguenot population of France, 1600-1685 : the demographic fate and customs of a religious minority / 1
BX9453 .B5 1882 Histoire ecclésiastique des églises réformées au royaume de France : publiée d'aprés l'édition de 1580 / 1
BX9453 .C52 1686 An account of the persecutions and oppressions of the Protestants of France
An account of the persecutions and oppressions of the Protestants in France
BX9453 .C66 1590 Examen pacifique de la doctrine des Huguenots prouuant contre les Catholiques rigoureux de nostre temps & particulierement contre les obiections de la response faicte a l'apologie Catholique, que nous qui sommes membres de l'Eglise Catholique apostolique & Romaine ne deurions pas condemner les Huguenots pour heretiques iusques a ce qu'on ait faict nouuelle preuue. 1
BX9453 .D43 Lex talionis, or, An enquiry into the most proper ways to prevent the persecution of the Protestants in France 2
BX9453 (INTERNET) Lex talionis, or, An enquiry into the most proper ways to prevent the persecution of the Protestants in France
The apologie of the Reformed Churches of France VVherein are expressed the reasons, why they haue ioyned their armies; to those of the King of Great Britaine /
[Daniel Ben Alexander] [the converted Jew of Prague in Bohemia, baptized in the Reformed Church of Rouen, the 12. of Aprill. 1621] /
BX9453 .J87 1698 M. Jurieu, the famous French Protestant divine, his account of the present persecution of the Protestants in France. 1
BX9453 .L47 1681 A Letter from Rochel in France to Mr. Demeuare, one of the French ministers at the French church in the Savoy, shewing the intolerable persecutions that are there exercised against them. 1
BX9453 .R43 1781 Recueil de pieces sur l'état des Protestans en France. 1
BX9453 .S34 1681 The humble petition of the Protestants of France, lately presented to his most Christian Majesty, by the Mareschal Schomberg, and the Marquis Ruvigny. A true copy in English. 1
BX9453 .S55 The Huguenots in France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes with a visit to the country of the Vaudois / 1
BX9453 .T66 Popish mercy and justice being an account, not of those (more than an hundred thousand) massacred in France by the papists, formerly, but of some later persecutions of the French Protestants : set forth in their petition to the French king / 2
BX9453 .T78 1675 A true relation of the sad estate of the reformed churches in France and several passages of the great persecution they lye under; collected out of the several addresses and speeches in print, made unto the French king / 1
BX9453 .V38 1985 Mémoire pour le rappel des Huguenots / 1