Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5147 .Z9 1578 A fourme of praier with thankes giuing to be vsed euery yeere, the 17. of Nouember, being the day of the Queenes Maiesties entrie to her reigne. 1
BX5147.Z9 1578 A fourme of prayer, with thankes geuyng, to be vsed euery yeere, the 17. of Nouember, being the day of the Queenes Maiesties entrie to her raigne. 1
BX5147.Z9 1580 A forme of common prayer; to be used upon the eighth of July: on which day a fast is appointed by His Majesties proclamation, for the averting of the plague, and other judgements of God from this kingdom. /
The order of prayer, and other exercises, vpon Wednesdays and Frydayes, to auert and turne Gods wrath from vs, threatned by the late terrible earthquake: to be vsed in all parish churches and housholdes throughout the realme, /
BX5147.Z9 1605 Prayers and thankesgiuing to be vsed by all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects for the happy deliuerance of His Maiestie, the Queene, Prince and states of the Parliament, from the most traiterous and bloodie intended massacre by gunpowder the 5 of Nouember 1605 /
Prayers and thanksgiuing to be vsed by all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects for the happy deliuerance of His Maiestie, the Queene, Prince and states of the Parliament, from the most traiterous and bloodie intended massacre by gun-powder the fift of Nouember 1605 /
Prayers, and thanksgiuing, to be vsed by all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects for the happy deliuerance of His Maiestie, the Queene, Prince, and states of the Parliament, from the most traiterous and bloody intended massacre by gun-powder, the fift of Nouember, 1605 /
BX5147 .Z9 1606 A fourme of prayer with thankesgiuing, to be vsed by all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects euery yeere, the fift of August. Being the day of his Highnesse happy deliuerance from the trayterous and bloody attempt of the Earle of Govvry and his brother, with their adherents. / 1
BX5147.Z9 1610 Prayers and thankesgiuing to bee vsed by all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects, for the happy deliuerance of His Maiestie, the Queene, Prince and states of Parliament, from the most traiterous and bloody intended massacre by gunpowder, the fift of Nouember 1605. / 1
BX5147 .Z9 1618 A fourme of prayer with thankesgiuing, to be vsed by all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects euery yeere, the fift of August. Being the day of his Highnesse happy deliuerance from the traiterous and bloody attempt of the Earle of Gowry and his brother, with their adherents. / 1
BX5147.Z9 1620 Prayers and thankesgiuing to be vsed by all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects, for the happy deliuerance of His Maiestie, the Queene, Prince, and states of the Parliament, from the most traiterous and bloody intended massacre by gun-powder the 5. of Nouember, 1605. / 1
BX5147.Z9 1623 Prayers and thankesgiuing to be vsed by all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects, for the happy deliuerance of His Maiestie, the Queene, Prince and states of the Parliament, from the most traiterous and bloody intended massacre by gun-powder the 5. of Nouember, 1605. / 1
BX5147 .Z9 1631 A forme of prayer with thankesgiuing to bee vsed of all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects euery yeere the 27 of March, being the day of His Highnesse entry to this kingdome / 1
BX5147.Z9 1634 Prayers and thanksgiuing to be vsed by all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects, for the happy deliuerance of His Maiestie, the Queene, Prince, and states, of the Parliament, from the most traiterous and bloody intended massacre by gun-powder, the fift of Nouember. 1605. / 1
BX5147 .Z9 1635 A forme of prayer with thankesgiuing to be vsed of all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects euery yeere the 27 of March, being the day of His Highnesse entry to this kingdome / 1
BX5147.Z9 1635 Prayers, and thanksgiuing, to be vsed by all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects, for the happy deliuerance of His Maiestie, the Queene, Prince, and states, of the Parliament, from the most traiterous and bloody intended massacre by gun-powder, the fift of Nouember. 1605. / 1
BX5147.Z9 1636 Prayers and thanksgiuing to be vsed by all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects for the happy deliuerance of His Maiestie, the Queene, Prince, and states of the Parliament, from the most traiterous and bloody intended massacre by gun-powder, the fift of Nouember. 1605. / 1
BX5147.Z9 1640 A prayer for the Kings Majestie in his expedition against the rebels of Scotland; to be said in all churches in time of divine service, next after prayer for the queen and royall progenie. 1
BX5147 .Z9 1662 A form of prayer with thanksgiving to be used of all the Kings Majesties loving subjects, the 29th of May yearly, for His Majesties happy return to his kingdoms : it being also the day of his birth / 2
BX5147 .Z9 1666 A form of common prayer to be used on Wednesday the tenth day of October next, throughout the whole kingdom of England and dominion of Wales being appointed by His Majesty a day of fasting and humiliation in consideration of the late dreadful fire which wasted the greater part of the city of London /
By the King. Proclamation for a general fast through England and Wales, and the town of Barwick upon Tweed, on Wednesday the tenth of October next
BX5147 .Z9 1685 A form of prayer with thanksgiving to be used yearly on the fifth day of November for the happy deliverance of King James I and the three estates of the realm from the most traiterous and bloody intended massacre by gun-powder : and also for the happy arrival of His present Majesty on this day for the deliverance of our church and nation /
A form of prayer with fasting to be us'd yearly upon the 30th of January, being the day of the martyrdom of the blessed King Charles the First : to implore the mercy of God, that neither the guilt of that sacred and innocent bloud [sic], nor those other sins by which God was provoked to deliver up both us and our King into the hands of cruel and unreasonable men, may at any time hereafter be visited upon us or our posterity.
A form of prayer with thanksgiving to Almighty God to be used in all churches and chapels within this realm every year, upon the sixth day of February, being the day on which His Majesty began his happy reign /
A form of prayer with thanksgiving to almighty God for having put an end to the Great Rebellion by the restitution of the King and royal family and the restauration of the government after many years interruption which unspeakable mercies were wonderfully compleated upon the 29th of May in the year 1660, and in memory thereof that day in every year is by act of Parliament to be for ever kept holy /
BX5147.Z9 1687 Jan 29 A form, or order of thanksgiving, and prayer, to be used in London, and ten miles round it, on Sunday the 15th. of this instant January, and throughout England on Sunday the 29th. of the same month, by all parsons, vicars, and curates, in their respective parish churches, and chapels, in behalf of the King, the Queen, and the royal family, upon occasion of the Queen's being with child. 1
BX5147 .Z9 1694 A form of prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God to be used throughout the cities of London and Westminster, and elsewhere within the weekly bills of mortality, on Sunday the second day of December next ensuing ... : for the preservation of His Majesty from the dangers to which His Royal Person was exposed during his late expedition : and for his safe return to his people : and for the success of his forces by sea and land. 2