Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1763 .H68 2022 Sprachliche Aggression bei Martin Luther : Argumentationsformen und -funktionen am Beispiel der Streitschrift "Wider das Papsttum zu Rom vom Teufel gestiftet" (1545) / 1
BX1763 .H86 The Hunting of the Romish fox, and the quenching of sectarian fire-brands being a specimen of popery & separation / 2
BX1763 .I5 1682 The informers lecture to his sons instructing them in the mysteries of that religion. 1
BX1763 .I93 Rome is no rule, or, An answer to an epistle published by a Roman Catholic who stiles himself Cap. Robert Everard and may serve for an answer to two Popish treatises, the one entituled The question of questions, and the other Fiat lux, out of which books the arguments urged in the said epistle against the authority of the Scriptures and the infallibility of the Roman Church are collected : in which answer, the authority of the Scriptures is vindicated and the arguments for the Roman infallibility refuted /
Rome is no rule, or, An answer to an epistle published by a Roman Catholic who stiles himself Cap. Robert Everard and may serve for an answer to two Popish treatises, the one entituled The question of questions, and the other Fiat lux, out of which books the arguments urged in the said epistle against the authority of the Scriptures and the infallibility of the Roman Church are collected : in which answer, the authority of the Scriptures is vindicated and the arguments for the Roman infallibility refuted /
BX1763 (INTERNET) The doctrines and practices of the Church of Rome truly represented in answer to a book intituled, A papist misrepresented, and represented, &c.
A briefe confutation, of a popish discourse lately set forth, and presumptuously dedicated to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie : by Iohn Howlet, or some other birde of the night, vnder that name : Contayning certaine reasons, why papistes refuse to come to church, which reasons are here inserted and set downe at large, with their seuerall answeres /
The hunting of Antichrist VVith a caueat to the contentious /
A modest enquiry into the mystery of iniquity
The true rule, judge, and guide of the true church of God discovered, and borne testimony unto what it is, and wherein it consisteth in opposition to the pretended Catholick Church of Rome her rule, foundation, guide, and judge, being returned in answer to Captain Robert Everrand his book, titled An epistle to all the nonconformists ... /
A defense of the sincere and true translations of the holie Scriptures into the English tong against the manifolde cauils, friuolous quarels, and impudent slaunders of Gregorie Martin, one of the readers of popish diuinitie in the trayterous Seminarie of Rhemes /
The fourth note of the church examined, viz. amplitude, or multitude and variety of believers
Truth's triumph ouer Trent, or, The great gulfe betweene Sion and Babylon that is, the vnreconcileable opposition betweene the Apostolicke Church of Christ, and the apostate synagogue of Antichrist, in the maine and fundamentall doctrine of iustification, for which the Church of England Christs spouse, hath iustly, through Gods mercie, for these manie yeares, according to Christs voyce, separated her selfe from Babylon, with whom from henceforth she must hold no communion /
A plain defence of the Protestant religion, fitted to the meanest capacity being a full confutation of the net for the fishers of men, published by two gentlemen lately gone over to the Church of Rome. Wherein is evidently made appear, that their departure from the Protestant religion was without cause of reason. /
Antichrist stormed, or, Mystery Babylon the great whore, and great city, proved to be the present Church of Rome wherein all objections are fully answered : to which is added, the time of the end, or a clear explanation of Scripture prophecies, with the judgment of divers learned men concerning the final ruine of the Romish Church, that it will be in this present age : together with an account of the two witnesses, who they are, with their killing, resurrection & ascention : also an examination and confutation of what Mr. Jurieu hath lately written concerning the effusion of the vials ... : likewise a brief review of D. Tho. Goodwins exposition of the 11th chapter of the Revelations, concerning the witnesses, and of that street in which they should lie slain, proving it to be meant of Great Brittain : and a brief collection of divers strange prophecies, some very antient /
The difference between the Church of England, and the Church of Rome in opposition to a late book, intituled, An agreement between the Church of England, and Church of Rome.
The vnitie and scisme of the olde chirche
Jack vp Lande
A dialogue agaynst the tyrannye of the Papistes
A defence of M. Perkins booke, called A reformed Catholike against the cauils of a popish writer, one D.B.P. or W.B. in his deformed Reformation /
A replie to Iesuit Fishers answere to certain questions propou[n]ded by his most gratious Matie: King Iames
An epistle of the reuerend father in God Hieronymus Osorius Bishop of Arcoburge in Portugale, to the most excellent Princesse Elizabeth by the grace of God Quene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, &c
An answer to Mr. Dodwell and Dr. Sherlocke, confuting an universal humane church-supremacy aristocratical and monarchical, as church-tyranny and popery : and defending Dr. Isaac Barrow's treatise against it
The subuersion of Robert Parsons his confused and worthlesse worke entituled, A treatise of three conuersions of England from paganisme to Christian religion.
The old Roman Catholik, as at first he was taught by Paul, in opposition to the new Roman Catholick, as of latter he is taught by the Pope the one being apostolicall, the other apostaticall : derived and proven only out of the Epistle of Paul to the Romanes : whereunto is added a clear probation that the same also was the doctrine of the primitive bishops of Rome ... discovering to all clearly the apostasie of that church from the ancient Roman fayth and puritie thereof to the noveltie of gross heresie and idolatrie, and sufficient to convince, if not convert, any papist that is not wilfully obdured /
An ansvvere to a treatise vvritten by Dr. Carier, by way of a letter to his Maiestie vvherein he layeth downe sundry politike considerations; by which hee pretendeth himselfe was moued, and endeuoureth to moue others to be reconciled to the Church of Rome, and imbrace that religion, which he calleth catholike. /
The blazon of papistes
The fountaine and vvelspring of all variance, sedition, and deadlie hate Wherein is declared at large, the opinion of the famous diuine Hiperius, and the consent of the doctors from S. Peter the Apostle his time, and the primitiue Church in order to this age: expresly set downe, that Rome in Italie is signified and noted by the name of Babylon, mentioned in the 14. 17. and 18. chapters of the Reuelation of S. Iohn.
To J.S., the author of Sure-footing, his letter, lately published, The answer of Mer. Casaubon, D.D., concerning the new way of infallibility lately devised to uphold the Roman cause, the Holy Scriptures, antient fathers and councills laid aside
The encounter against M. Parsons by a revievv of his last sober reckoning, and his exceptions vrged in the treatise of his mitigation. : Wherein moreouer is inserted ... Published by authoritie.
An answer at large, to a most hereticall, trayterous, and papisticall byll in English verse which was cast abrode in the streetes of Northamton, and brought before the judges at the last assizes there, 1570.
Ane prettie mirrour or conference, betuix the faithfull protestant a[n]d the dissemblit false hypocreit In to the quhilk may be maist easylie perceaued [and] knawin the one fro[m] the vther. /
A catholicon, that is, A generall preservative or remedie against the pseudocatholike religion gathered out of the catholike epistle of S. Jude, briefly expounded, and aptly, according to the time, applied to more then halfe an hundreth of popish errours, and as many corruptions of manners : with a preface seruing as a preparatiue to the catholicon, and a dyet prescribed after.
The refutation of the byshop of Winchesters derke declaratio[n] of his false articles
An antiquodlibet, or, An aduertisement to beware of secular priests
Echemythia Roman oracles silenced, or, The prime testimonies of antiquity produced by Henry Turbervil in his manual of controversies examined and refuted /
The Iesuits miracles, or, New popish vvonders containing the straw, the crowne, and the vvondrous child, with the confutation of them and their follies.
The enthusiasm of the church of Rome demonstrated in some observations upon the life of Ignatius Loyola.
The Catholike moderator, or, A moderate examination of the doctrine of the Protestants Prouing against the too rigid Catholikes of these times, and against the arguments especially, of that booke called, The answer to the Catholike apologie, that we, who are members of the Catholike, apostolike, & Roman Church, ought not to condeme the Protestants for heretikes, vntill further proofe be made /
The Puritan and the papist
The accomplishment of the prophecies, or, The third booke in defence of the Catholicke faith contained in the booke of the high & mighty King Iames. I. by the grace of God King of Great Brittaine and Ireland. Against the allegations of R. Bellarmine; and F.N. Coëffeteau & other doctors of the Romish church /
The Christian against the Iesuite wherein the secrete or namelesse writer of a pernitious booke, intituled A discouerie of I. Nicols minister &c. priuily printed, couertly cast abrod, and secretely solde, is not only iustly reprooued : but also a booke, dedicated to the Queenes Maiestie, called A persuasion from papistrie, therein derided and falsified /
The Pope confuted The holy and apostolique Church confuting the Pope. The first action. /
A treatise concerning the ground of faith
A true report of the disputation or rather priuate conference had in the Tower of London, with Ed. Campion Iesuite, the last of August. 1581
The Protestant's answer to The Catholick letter to the seeker, or, A vindication of the Protestant's answer, to the seeker's request
Ecclesia triumphans, that is, The ioy of the English church for the happie coronation of the most vertuous and pious prince, Iames by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defendour of the faith, &c. and for the ioyfull continuance of religion and peace by the same : With a briefe exposition of the 122. Psalme, and fit application to the time : wherein are declared the manifold benefits like to grow by these good beginnings to the church and common-wealth of England : Dedicated to the most gratious ladie and vertuous princess, Ioland Anne, by the grace of God, Queene of England, Scotland, France, &c.
The epistle that Iohan Sturmius, a man of great lerninge and iugement, sent to the Cardynalles and prelates that were chosen and appointed by the Bysshop of Rome, to serche out the abuses of the churche. /
A frendly larum, or, faythfull warnynge to the true harted subiectes of England Discoueryng the actes, and malicious myndes of those obstinate and rebellious papists that hope (as they terme it) to haue theyr golden day. /
The mystery of iniquity unvailed in a discourse wherein is held forth the opposition of the doctrine, worship, and practices of the Roman Church to the nature, designs and characters of the Christian faith /
The suruey of popery vvherein the reader may cleerely behold, not onely the originall and daily incrementes of papistrie, with an euident confutation of the same; but also a succinct and profitable enarration of the state of Gods Church from Adam vntill Christs ascension, contained in the first and second part thereof: and throughout the third part poperie is turned vp-side downe.
A defence of the papers written by the late king of blessed memory, and Duchess of York, against the answer made to them
The pageant of popes contayninge the lyues of all the bishops of Rome, from the beginninge of them to the yeare of Grace 1555. Deuided into iii. sortes bishops, archbishops, and popes ... /
The vvyll of the Deuyll with his ten detestable commaundementes: directed to his obedient and accursed chyldren, and the reward promised to all such as obediently will endeuer themselues to fulfil them. Whervnto is adioyned, a dyet for diuers of the deuylles dearlinges, commonly called, dayly dronkardes. Very necessarie to be read, and wel considered of all Christians.
The copies of certaine letters vvhich haue passed betweene Spaine and England in matter of religion Concerning the generall motiues to the Romane obedience. /
The abbreuyacyon of all generall councellys holden in Grecia, Germania, Italia, and Gallia
The reliques of Rome contayning all such matters of religion, as haue in times past bene brought into the Church by the Pope and his adherentes /
A confutacion of that popishe and antichristian doctryne, whiche mainteineth ye ministracyon and receiuing of the sacrament under one kind made dialoge-wise betwene the prieste and the prentyse /
A plaine subuersyon or turnyng vp syde down of all the argumentes, that the Popecatholykes can make for the maintenaunce of auricular confession with a moste wholsome doctryne touchyng the due obedience, that we owe vnto ciuill magistrates, made dialogue wyse betwene the prentyse and the priest /
The growth of knavery and popery under the mask of presbytery
A conference between two Protestants and a papist, occasion'd by the late seasonable discourse
The difference between the Church and Court of Rome, considered in some reflections on a dialogue entituled, A conference between two Protestants and a Papist /
A sermon preached before the House of Lords, on November 5, 1680
A vindication of both parts of the Preservative against popery in an answer to the cavils of Lewis Sabran, Jesuit /
A reformed Catholike, or, A declaration shewing how neere we may come to the present Church of Rome in sundrie points of religion, and vvherein we must for euer depart from them with an advertisment to all fauourers of the Romane religion, shewing that the said religion is against the Catholike principles and grounds of the catechisme.
An answer to several late treatises, occasioned by a book entituled A discourse concerning the idolatry practised in the Church of Rome, and the hazard of salvation in the communion of it.
The defence of the mariage of preistes agenst Steuen Gardiner bisshop of Wynchester, Wylliam Repse bisshop of Norwiche, and agenst all the bisshops and preistes of that false popissh secte, with a confutacion of their vnaduysed vowes vnaduysedly dissined : whereby they haue so wykedly separated them whom God cowpled in lawfull mariage /
The rekenynge and declaracion of the fayth and belefe of huldrike zwyngly byshoppe of ziiryk the chefe town of Heluitia, sent to Charles .v. that nowe is Emproure of Rome : holdynge a parlement or counsayll at Ausbrough with the chefe lordes and lerned men of Germanye, the yere of our Lorde in the moneth of July.
Sure-footing in Christianity, or, Rational discourses on the rule of faith with short animadversions on Dr. Pierce's sermon : also on some passages in Mr. Whitby and M. Stillingfleet, which concern that rule /
A vindication of the Brief discourse concerning the notes of the church in answer to a late pamphlet entituled, The use and great moment of the notes of the church, as delivered by Cardinal Bellarmin, De notis ecclesiae, justified.
A solemne contestation of diuerse popes, for the aduaunsing of theyr supremacie quoted and collected faithfully out of their own cannon law, according to the very wordes, stile, and tenor of the same theyr own canons, decres, decretales, clementines, extrauagantes, bulles, epistles, and commen glose vpon the same. Histories and stories of Romane bishops [et]c. In forme and wordes, as their are to be seane, and found by the quotations here vnto annexed.
A revievv of the Councell of Trent VVherein are contained the severall nullities of it: with the many grievances and prejudices done by it to Christian kings and princes: as also to all catholique churches in the world; and more particularly to the Gallicane Church. /
A disputacio[n] of Purgatorye made by Ioh[a]n Frith which is deuided in to thre bokes The first boke is an answere vnto Rastell, which goeth aboute to proue Purgatorye by naturall phylosophye. The seconde boke answereth vnto Sir Thomas More, which laboureth to proue Purgatorye by Scripture. The thirde boke maketh answere vnto my lorde of Rochestre which most leaneth vnto the doctoures.
A replie vnto M. Hardinges ansvveare by perusinge whereof the discrete, and diligent reader may easily see, the weake, and vnstable groundes of the Romaine religion, whiche of late hath beene accompted Catholique. /
The true copies of the letters betwene the reuerend father in God Iohn Bisshop of Sarum and D. Cole vpon occasion of a sermon that the said Bishop preached before the Quenes Maiestie, and hir most honorable Counsel. 1560. Set forthe and allowed, according to the order appointed in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions. Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis per septennium.
A comparison of the Parliamentary protestation with the late canonicall oath and the difference betwixt them as also the opposition betwixt the doctrine of the Church of England and that of Rome : so cleared that they who made scruple of the oath may cheerfully and without doubt addresse themselves to take the protestation : as also a fvrther discvssion of the case of conscience touching receiving the sacrament of the Lords Supper, when either bread or wine is wanting or when by antipathy or impotence the party that desires it cannot take it : wherein the impiety, injury and absurdity of the popish halfe communion is more fully declared and confuted : both which discourses were occasioned by a letter of a lay-gentle-man, lately written to the authour for his satisfaction touching the matters fore-mentioned /
A second discourse in vindication of the Protestant grounds of faith, against the pretence of infallibility in the Roman Church in answer to The guide in controversies by R.H., Protestancy without principles, and Reason and religion, or, The certain rule of faith by E.W. : with a particular enquiry into the miracles of the Roman Church /
The foure cardinall-vertues of a Carmelite-fryar
The ioviall broome man, or, A Kent street souldiers exact relation, of all his travels in every nation his famous acts are all shewne here, as in this story doth appeare. To the tune of slow men of London.
Loves lunacie, or, Mad Besses fegary Declaring her sorrow, care and mone, which may cause many a sigh and grone: a young-man did this maid some wrong, wherefore she writ this mounfull song. To the tune of, The mad mans Morris.
A short, legal, medicinal, useful, safe, easie prescription to recover our kingdom, church, nation from their present dangerous, distractive, destructive confusion and worse than Bedlam madnesse seriously recommended to all English freemen who desire peace, safety, liberty, settlement. /
A dissvvasive from popery to the people of Ireland By Jeremy Lord Bishop of Dovvn.
A brefe chronycle concernynge the examinacyon and death of the blessed martyr of Christ syr Iohan Oldecastell the lorde Cobham
Eubulus, or, A dialogue, where-in a rugged Romish rhyme, (inscrybed, Catholicke questions, to the Protestaut [sic]) is confuted, and the questions there-of answered
An answeare for the time, vnto that foule, and wicked defence of the censure, that was giuen vpon M. Charkes booke, and Meredith Hanmers Contayning a maintenance of the credite and persons of all those woorthie men : namely, of M. Luther, Caluin, Bucer, Beza, [etc.] ... with a shamelesse penne most slanderously hath sought to deface : finished sometime sithence: and now published for the stay of the Christian reader till Maister Charkes booke come foorth.
Papa confutatus Sanctæ & apostolicæ Ecclesiae in confutationem Papæ. Actio prima.
Against Ierome Osorius Byshopp of Siluane in Portingall and against his slaunderous inuectiues An aunswere apologeticall: for the necessary defence of the euangelicall doctrine and veritie. /
A short treatyse of certayne thinges abused in the Popysh Church longe vsed: but now abolyshed, to our consolation, and Gods word auaunced, the lyght of our saluation.
The blessings on Mount Gerizzim, and the curses on Movnt Ebal, or, The happie estate of Protestants compared with the miserable estate of papists vnder the Popes tyrannie /
The nullity of the Romish faith, or, A blow at the root of the Romish Church being an examination of that fundamentall doctrine of the Church of Rome concerning the Churches infallibility, and of all those severall methods which their most famous and approved writers have used for the defence thereof : together with an appendix tending to the demonstration of the solidity of the Protestant faith, wherein the reader will find all the materiall objections and cavils of their most considerable writers, viz., Richworth (alias Rushworth) in his Dialogues, White in his treatise De fide and his Apology for tradition, Cressy in his Exomologesis, S. Clara in his Systema fidei, and Captaine Everard in his late account of his pretended conversion to the Church of Rome discussed and answered /
The Catholick ballad, or, An invitation to popery upon considerable grounds and reasons.
Catholick charitie complaining and maintaining, that Rome is uncharitable to sundry eminent parts of the Catholick Church, and especially to Protestants, and is therefore Uncatholick : and so, a Romish book, called Charitie mistaken, though undertaken by a second, is it selfe a mistaking /
Three letters declaring the strange odd preceedings of Protestant divines when they write against Catholicks : by the example of Dr Taylor's Dissuasive against popery, Mr Whitbies Reply in the behalf of Dr Pierce against Cressy, and Dr Owens Animadversions on Fiat lux /
Europæ speculum, or, A vievv or survey of the state of religion in the vvesterne parts of the world VVherein the Romane religion, and the pregnant policies of the Church of Rome to support the same, are notably displayed : with some other memorable discoueries and memorations, never before till now published according to the authours originall copie.
A relation of the state of religion and with what hopes and pollicies it hath beene framed, and is maintained in the severall states of these westerne parts of the world.
An expostulation or complaynte agaynste the blasphemyes of a franticke papyst of Hamshyre
The diuell of the vault, or, The vnmasking of murther in a briefe declaration of the Cacolicke-complotted [sic] treason, lately discouerd /
A brand taken out of the fire, or, The Romish spider, with his webbe of treason VVouen and broken : together with the seuerall vses that the world and Church shall make thereof /
D. Heskins, D. Sanders, and M. Rastel, accounted (among their faction) three pillers and archpatriarches of the popish synagogue (vtter enemies to the truth of Christes Gospell, and all that syncerely professe the same) ouerthrowne, and detected of their seuerall blasphemous heresies /
A caueat for Parsons Hovvlet concerning his vntimely flighte, and seriching in the cleare day lighte of the Gospell, necessarie for him and all the rest of that darke broode, and vncleane cage of papistes, vvho vvith their vntimely bookes, seeke the discredite of the trueth, and the disquiet of this Church of England. /
An apologie or defence of the watch-vvord against the virulent and seditious ward-vvord published by an English-Spaniard, lurking vnder the title of N.D. : Devided into eight seuerall resistances according to his so many encounters, /
A sermon preached in the cathedrall church of Durham, Iuly, 7. 1628
The certainty of Christianity without popery, or, Whether the Catholick-Protestant or the papist have the surer faith being an answer to one of the oft canted questions and challenges of the papists, sent to one who desired this : published to direct the unskilful, how to defend their faith against papists and infidels, but especially against the temptations of the Devil, that by saving their faith, they may save their holiness, their comfort and their souls /
The tryal of spirits both in teachers & hearers wherein is held forth the clear discovery and certain downfal of the carnal and antichristian clergie of these nations /
Animadversions upon a book intituled, Fanaticism fanatically imputed to the Catholick Church, by Dr. Stillingfleet, and the imputation refuted and retorted by S.C
A balad intituled, A cold pye for the papistes wherin is contayned : the trust of true subiectes for suppressyng of sedicious papistrie and rebellion : to the maintenance of the Gospell, and the publique peace of Englande. Made to be songe to Lassiamiza noate.
The refutation of ane ansuer made be Schir Iohne Knox to ane letter send be Iames Tyrie, to his vmquhyle brother /
A confutation of a sermon, pronou[n]ced by M. Iuell, at Paules crosse, the second Sondaie before Easter (which Catholikes doe call Passion Sondaie) Anno D[omi]ni .M.D.LX
The way to heauen shevving, 1. That saluation is onely in the Church. 2. What that Church is. 3. By what meanes men are added to the Church. 4. The author, or efficient of this addition. 5. The time & continuance of that worke. 6. The happinesse of those that are added to the Church. /
A briefe suruay and censure of Mr Cozens his couzening deuotions Prouing both the forme and matter of Mr Cozens his booke of priuate deuotions, or the houres of prayer, lately published, to be meerely popish: to differ from the priuate prayers authorized by Queene Elizabeth 1560. to be transcribed out of popish authors, with which they are here paralelled ... /
Spiritus est vicarius Christi in terra. A breefe and pithie summe of the Christian faith made in fourme of a confession, vvith a confutation of the papistes obiections and argumentes in sundry pointes of religion, repugnaunt to the Christian faith /
A bull graunted by the Pope to Doctor Harding & other by reconcilement and assoyling of English Papistes, to vndermyne faith and allegeance to the Quene. With a true declaration of the intention and frutes thereof, and a warning of perils therby imminent, not to be neglected.
An addition declaratorie to the bulles, with a searching of the maze Scene [sic] and allowed.
The theater of the Popes monarchie wherein is described as well the vncleane liues of that wicked generation, as also their Antichristian gouernment, and vsurped kingdome : togeather with their horrible superstition, and blasphemous religion, as it is now vsed at this present, where Antichrist the Pope & his members do beare rule /
The third advice to a painter, how to draw the effigies of the whore of Rome whose character is lively represented by a bad woman.
The zealous, and impartial Protestant shewing some great, but less heeded dangers of popery, in order to thorough and effectual security against it : in a letter to a member of Parliament.
Reasons humbly offer'd for a law to enact the castration of popish ecclesiastics, as the best way to prevent the growth of popery in England
Nevvs from hell, Rome and the Innes of court wherein is set forth the coppy of a letter written from the devill to the pope : the true coppy of the petition delivered to the King at Yorke : the coppy of certaine articles of agreement betweene the devill, the pope, and divers others : the description of a feast, sent from the devill to the pope : together with a short advertisement to the high court of Parliament with sundry other particulars /
The Popes benediction, or, His generall pardon to be purchased onely with mony and without penance sent into England by Ignatim Holy-water a Iesuit to the Arch-bishop of Canterbury and to the rest of his subjects there.
An answer to Mr. Cressy's Epistle apologetical to a person of honour touching his vindication of Dr. Stillingfleet /
Novelty represt, in a reply to Mr. Baxter's answer to William Johnson wherein the oecumenical power of the four first General Councils is vindicated, the authority of bishops asserted, the compleat hierarcy of church government established, his novel succession evacuated, and professed hereticks demonstrated to be no true parts of the visible Church of Christ /
Certain discourses, viz. of Babylon (Rev. 18. 4.) being the present See of Rome (with a sermon of Bishop Bedels upon the same words) of laying on of hands (Heb. 6. 2.) to be an ordained ministry, of the old form of words in ordination ... : each being the judgment of the late Arch-bishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland /
The Fisher catched in his owne net
The grand sacrilege of the Church of Rome, in taking away the sacred cup from the laiety at the Lords Table detected, and conuinced by the euidence of holy Scripture, and testimonies of all ages successiuely from the first propagation of the catholike Christian faith to this present : together with two conferences, the former at Paris with D. Smith, now stiled by the Romanists B of Calcedon, the later at London with M Euerard, priest /
The Romish Fisher caught and held in his owne net, or, A true relation of the Protestant conference and popish difference A iustification of the one, and refutation of the other. In matter of fact. faith /
An ansvver to the calumnious letter and erroneous propositions of an apostat named M. Io. Hammiltoun
The confutation of the abbote of Crosraguels masse
A vision of Balaams asse VVherein hee did perfectly see the present estate of the Church of Rome /
A treatise concerning the properties and offices of the true Church of Christ
A treatise of the vnvvritten Word of God, commonly called traditions
A treatise of the vvritten VVord of God
A comfortable epistle, too Goddes faythfull people in Englande wherein is declared the cause of takynge awaye the true Christen religion from them, & howe it maye be recouered and obtayned agayne /
The apology of Iohan Bale agaynste a ranke papyst anuswering both hym and hys doctours, that neyther their vowes nor yet their priesthode areof the Gospell, but of Antichrist. Anno Do. M.CCCCC.L. A brefe exposycyon also upo[n] the .xxx chaptre of Numerii, which was the first occasion of thys present varyaunce. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
Tvvo treatises written against the papistes the one being an answere of the Christian Protestant to the proud challenge of a popish Catholicke : the other a confutation of the popish churches doctrine touching purgatory & prayers for the dead /
A newyeares gifte dedicated to the Popes Holinesse, and all Catholikes addicted to the Sea of Rome, preferred the first day of Ianuarie, in the yeare of our Lorde God, after the course and computation of the Romanistes, one thousand, fiue hundreth, seauentie and nine /
Examen pacifique de la doctrine des Huguenots Prouuant contre les Catholiques rigoureux de nostre temps & particulierement contre les obiections de la response faicte a l'Apologie Ctholique [sic], que nous qui sommes membres de l'Eglise Catholique Apostolique & Romaine ne deurions pas condemner les Huguenots pour heretiques iusques a ce qu'on ait faict nouuelle preuue.
Campanella revived, or, An enquiry into the history of the Royal Society, whether the virtuosi there do not pursue the projects of Campanella for the reducing England unto Popery being the extract of a letter to a person of honour from H.S. with another letter to Sir N.N. relating the cause of the quarrel betwixt H.S. and the R.S. and an apology against some of their cavils : with a postscript concerning the quarrel depending betwixt H.S. and Dr. Merrett.
Antipus To heare of such thinges ye be not wont nam horum contraria verissima sunt.
T. Stapleton and Martiall (two popish heretikes) confuted, and of their particular heresies detected
A papist mis-represented and represented, or, A twofold character of popery the one containing a sum of the superstitions, idolatries, cruelties, treacheries, and wicked principles of the popery which hath disturb'd this nation above an hundred and fifty years, fill'd it with fears and jealousies, and deserves the hatred of all good Christians : the other laying open that popery which the papists own and profess, with the chief articles of their faith, and some of the principle grounds and reasons, which hold them in that religion /
Fair-warning, or, XXV reasons against toleration and indulgence of popery with the Arch-bishop of Canterbury's letter to the King and all the bishops of Irelands protestation to the Parliament to the same purpose : with an answer to the Roman-Catholicks reasons for indulgence : also the excellent reasons of the Honourable House of Commons against indulgence, with historical observations thereupon.
Against the revolt to a foreign jurisdiction, which would be to England its perjury, church-ruine, and slavery in two parts ... /
A short summary of the principal controversies between the Church of England, and the church of Rome being a vindication of several Protestant doctrines, in answer to a late pamphlet intituled, Protestancy destitute of Scripture-proofs.
A copie of a challenge taken owt of the Confutation of M. Iuells sermon /
A dissuasive from popery
A dissuasive from popery to the people of England and Ireland together with II. additional letters to persons changed in their religion ... /
Controversial discourses relating to the church being an answer to Dr. Sherlock's Discourse concerning the nature, unitie, and communion of the Catholick Chvrch /
A second letter to Mr. G. in answer to two letters lately published concerning the conference at the D. of P
An answer to the considerations which obliged Peter Manby, late Dean of London-Derry in Ireland, as he pretends, to embrace what he calls, the Catholick religion
Mr. Matthew Pool, author of that elaborate work, Sinopsis critticorum his late sayings a little before his death, concerning the material points of the popish party, charged against the Protestants, wherein the desperate tenets of popish Jesuitical principles are detected and sollidly censured : for the settlement of all real professors, and practical opposers of those demnable delusions, in a few words to the wise : he dyed the 12th of this instant stilo nova, at Amstersdam.
A discourse, prepared for the ears of some Romanists (at a general quarter sessions, in the north, when they were summon'd to take the oaths.)
The vpcheringe of the messe
Several weighty considerations humbly recommended to the serious perusal of all, but more especially to the Roman Catholicks of England to which is prefix'd, An epistle from one who was lately of that communion to Dr. Stillingfleet, Dean of St. Pauls, declaring the occasion of the following discourse.
The pretensions of the triple crown examined in thrice three familiar letters ... /
A letter from the authour of Sure-footing, to his answerer
A reply to Mr. J.S. his 3d. appendix containing some animadversions on the book entituled, A rational account of the grounds of Protestant religion /
The Christen rule, or, State of all the worlde from the hyghest to the lowest and how euery man shulde lyue to please God in hys callynge. Item, the Christian state of matrimony, and how ma[n] and wife shuld kepe house together with loue. Item, the maner oe [sic] saynge grace after the holy scrypture.
The hatefull hypocrisie, and rebellion of the Romishe prelacie
A discussion of the popish doctrine of transubstantiation vvherein the same is declared, by the confession of their owne writers, to haue no necessary ground in Gods Word : as also it is further demonstrated to be against Scripture, nature, sense, reason, religion, and the iudgement of the auncients, and the faith of our auncestours /
Iacobs thankfulnesse to God, for Gods goodnesse to Iacob A meditation on Genesis 32. 10. VVherein by the way also the popish doctrine of mans merite is discussed /
Popish glorying in antiquity turned to their shame Whereby is shewed, how they wrong, villifie, and disgrace, that whereunto they pretend to carry greateste reuerence : and are most guilty of that which they vpbraide vnto others : Collected and proued out of themselues, for the singular profit both of pastors and professors /
A pore helpe The buklar [and] defence of mother holy kyrke and weape[n] to driue he[n]ce al the against here wircke.
Certaine tables sett furth by the right reuerend father in God, William Bushopp of Rurimunde, in Ghelderland wherein is detected and made manifeste the doting dangerous doctrine, and haynous heresyes, of the rashe rablement of heretikes /
The obedie[n]ce of a Christen man and how Christe[n] rulers ought to governe, where in also (if thou marke diligently) thou shalt fynde eyes to perceave the crafty conveyance of all iugglers.
The censure of a loyall subiect upon certaine noted speach & behauiours of those fourteen notable traitors, at the place of their executions, the xx. and xxi. of September, last past : As also, of the Scottish queen, now (thanks be to God) cut off by iustice, as the principal roote of al their treasons. On Wednesday the 8. of Februarie 1586 : Wherein is handled matter of necessarie instruction and comfort for al duetiful subiectes : especially, the multitude of ignoraunt people. Feare God: be true to thy Prince: and obey the lawes.
An antilogie, or, Counterplea to An apologicall (he should haue said) apologeticall epistle published by a fauorite of the Romane separation, and (as is supposed) one of the Ignatian faction wherein two hundred vntruths and slaunders are discouered, and many politicke obiections of the Romaines answered : Dedicated to the Kings most excellent Maiestie /
The practice practised by the Pope and his prelates which they haue vsed synce they came to their estates.
A mappe of Rome liuely exhibiting her mercilesse meeknesse, and cruell mercies to the Church of God /
Tvvo sermons the one A heavenly voice, calling all Gods people out of Romish Babylon. The other An everlasting record of the utter ruine of Romish Amalek /
The comparison betwene the Antipus and the Antigraphe or answere therunto with. An- apologie [sic] or defence of the same Antipus. And reprehence of the Antigraphe.
Doctour doubble ale
A letter to Her Highness the Duchess of York some few months before her death
Motives and reasons for dissevering from the Church of Rome and her doctrine wherein after the declaration of his conversion, he openeth divers absurdities practised in that Church, being not matters of report, but such things whereof he was an eye and ear witness /
A confutation of a popishe, and sclaunderous libelle, in forme of an apologie geuen out into the courte, and spread abrode in diuerse other places of the realme /
A retentiue, to stay good Christians, in true faith and religion, against the motiues of Richard Bristow also a discouerie of the daungerous rocke of the popish Church, commended by Nicholas Sander D. of Diuinitie /
A discharge of five imputations of mis-allegations, falsly charged upon the (now) Bishop of Duresme, by an English baron Shewing, that no solid or reall answer is to be expected, from the Romish party, to his late booke (against their Masse) so greatly maligned by them.
A preamble vnto an incounter with P.R. the author of the deceitfull treatise of mitigation concerning the Romish doctrine both in question of rebellion and aequiuocation: /
The popish kingdome, or, Reigne of Antichrist, written in Latine verse
A treatise touching the Word of God written, against the traditions of men handled both schoolelike, and diuinelike, where also is set downe a true method to dispute diuinely and schoolelike /
The bee hiue of the Romishe Church a com[m]entarie vpon the sixe principall pointes of Master Gentian Heruet, a Romish Catholike his booke, which is deuided into sixe partes, as in the argument doth appeare. And an epistle made by the authour of this booke vnto Franciscus Sonnius, late Bishop of Antwerpe /
The anatomie of popish tyrannie wherein is conteyned a plaine declaration and Christian censure, of all the principall parts, of the libels, letters, edictes, pamphlets, and bookes, lately published by the secular-priests and English hispanized Iesuties, with their Iesuited arch-priest; both pleasant and profitable to all well affected readers.
A Christian dialogue, betweene Theophilus a deformed Catholike in Rome, and Remigius a reformed Catholike in the Church of England Conteining. a plaine and succinct resolution, of sundry very intricate and important points of religion, which doe mightily assaile the weake consciences of the vulgar sort of people; penned ... for the vtter confusion of all seditious Iesuites and Iesuited popelings in England.
The dovvnefall of poperie proposed by way of a new challenge to all English Iesuits and Iesuited or Italianized papists: daring them all iointly, and euery one of them seuerally, to make answere thereunto if they can, or haue any truth on their side; knowing for a truth that otherwise all the world will crie with open mouths, fie vpon them, and their patched hotch-potch religion.
An exact discoverie of Romish doctrine in the case of conspiracie and rebellion by pregnant obseruations : collected (not without direction from our superiours) out of the expresse dogmaticall principles of popish priests and doctors.
The grand imposture of the (now) Church of Rome manifested in this one article of the new Romane creede, viz: the holy, catholike, and apostolike Romane Church, mother and mistresse of all other churches, without which there is no saluation. Proued to be a new, false, sacrilegious, scandalous, schismaticall, hereticall, and blasphemous article (respectiuely) and euerie way damnable. The last chapter containeth a determination of the whole question, concerning the separation of Protestants from the present Church of Rome: whereby may be discerned whether side is to be accounted schismaticall, or may more iustly pleade soules saluation /
The golden ballance of tryall VVherein the reader shall plainly and briefely behold, as in a glasse of crystall; aswell by what rule all controuersies in religion, are to be examined, as also who is, and of right ought to be the vpright iudge in that behalfe : Whereunto is also annexed a counterblast against a masked companion, terming himself E.O. but supposed to be Robert Parsons the trayterous Iesuite.
The hunting of the Romish foxe presented to the popes holines, with the kisse of his disholy foote, as an odoriferous & redolent posie verie fit for his grauitie, so often as he walketh right stately, in his goodly pallace Bel-vidêre.
The Iesuits antepast conteining, a repy against a pretensed aunswere to the Downe-fall of poperie, lately published by a masked Iesuite Robert Parsons by name, though he hide himselfe couertly vnder the letters of S.R. which may fitly be interpreted (a sawcy rebell.)
The Popes funerall Containing a plaine, succinct, and pithy reply, to a pretensed answere of a shamelesse and foolish libell, intituled, The forerunner of Bels downfall. VVhich is nothing else indeede, (as the indifferent reader shall preceiue by the due peruse thereof,) but an euident manifestation of his owne folly; with the vtter confusion of poperie, and all popish vassals throughout the Christian world.
Thomas Bels motiues concerning Romish faith and religion.
The tryall of the nevv religion Contayning a plaine demonstration, that the late faith and doctrine of the Church of Rome, is indeede the new religion /
The vvoefull crie of Rome Containing a defiance to popery. With Thomas Bells second challenge to all fauorites of that Romish faction. Succinctly comprehending much variety of matter.
A little treatise concerning trial of spirits: taken for the most part our of the works of the R.F. Robert Parsons, of the Societie of Iesus Whereunto is added a comparison of a true Roman Catholike with a Protestant, wherby may bee discouered the difference of their spirits : With an appendix taken out of a later writer.
The burnynge of Paules church in London in the yeare of oure Lord 1561. and the iiii. day of Iune by lyghtnynge, at three of the clocke, at after noone, which continued terrible and helplesse vnto nyght
A friendly advertisement to the pretended Catholickes of Ireland declaring, for their satisfaction; that both the Kings supremacie, and the faith whereof his Majestie is the defender, are consonant to the doctrine delivered in the holy Scriptures, and writings of the ancient fathers. And consequently, that the lawes and statutes enacted in that behalfe, are dutifully to be observed by all his Majesties subjects within that kingdome. /
A description of the Roman Catholick Church wherein the pretentions of it's [sic] head, the manners of his court, and principles, and doctrines, the worship and service, the religious orders and houses, the designs and practises of that Church, are represented in a vision /
A few plain reasons why a Protestant of the Church of England should not turn Roman Catholick
The Character of a church papist
The grand impostor discovered, or, An historical dispute of the papacy and popish religion ... divided in four parts : 1. of bishops, 2. of arch-bishops, 3. of an œcumenick bishop, 4. of Antichrist : Part I, divided in two books ... /
Two short discourses against the Romanists
The second part of the dissuasive from popery in vindication of the first part, and further reproof and conviction of the Roman errors /
A warning to come out of Babylon
An ansvver to a challenge made by a Iesuite in Ireland Wherein the iudgement of antiquity in the points questioned is truely delivered, and the noveltie of the now romish doctrine plainly discovered. /
The originall of idolatries:, or, The birth of heresies a true, sincere, and exact description of all such sacred signes, sacrifices, and sacraments as haue been instituted and ordained of God since Adam; with the true source and liuely anatomy of the sacrifice of the Masse. /
A very true report of the apprehension and taking of that arche Papist Edmond Campion the Pope his right hand with three other lewd Iesuite priests, and diuers other laie people, most seditious persons of like sort
Hell illuminated, or, Sancy's Roman Catholic confession wherein are such lessons, which if studiously practis'd, 'tis much to be fear'd, the Devil himself will turn Jesuit.
Full and easie satisfaction which is the true and safe religion in a conference between [brace] D. a doubter, P. a papist, and R. a reformed Catholick Christian : in four parts ... /
Naked popery, or, The naked falshood of a book called The Catholick naked truth, or, The Puritan convert to apostolical Christianity, written by W.H opening their fundamental errour of unwritten tradition, and their unjust description of the Puritans, the prelatical Protestant, and the papist, and their differences, and better acquainting the ignorant of the same difference, especially what a Puritan and what a papist is /
A treatise of episcopacy confuting by Scripture, reason, and the churches testimony that sort of diocesan churches, prelacy and government, which casteth out the primitive church-species, episcopacy, ministry and discipline and confoundeth the Christian world by corruption, usurpation, schism and persecution : meditated in the year 1640, when the et cætera oath was imposed : written 1671 and cast by : published 1680 by the importunity of our superiours, who demand the reasons of our nonconformity /
The Scriptures genuine interpreter asserted, or, A discourse concerning the right interpretation of Scripture wherein a late exercitation, intituled, Philosophia S. scripturæ interpres, is examin'd, and the Protestant doctrine in that point vindicated : with some reflections on another discourse of L.W. written in answer to the said exercitation : to which is added, An appendix concerning internal illumination, and other operations of the Holy Spirit upon the soul of man, justifying the doctrine of Protestants, and the practice of serious Christians, against the charge of ethusiasm, and other unjust criminations /
A defence of the Holy Scriptures, worship, and ministerie, used in the Christian Churches separated from Antichrist Against the challenges, cavils and contradiction of M. Smyth: in his book intituled The differences of the Churches of the Separation. Hereunto are annexed a few observations upon some of M. Smythes censures; in his answer made to M. Bernard. /
A reply to a pretended Christian plea for the anti-Chistian [sic] Church of Rome: published by Mr. Francis Iohnson a⁰. 1617 Wherin the weakness of the sayd plea is manifested, and arguments alleaged for the Church of Rome, and baptisme therein, are refuted; /
The trying out of the truth begunn and prosequuted in certayn letters and passages between Iohn Aynsworth and Henry Aynsworth; the one pleading for, the other against the present religion of the Church of Rome. The chief things to be handled, are. 1. Of Gods word and Scriptures, whither they be a sufficient rule of our faith. 2. Of the Scriptures expounded by the Church; and of unwritten traditions. 3. Of the Church of Rome, whither it be the true Catholike Church, and her sentence to be received, as the certayn truth.
The state of the now-Romane Church Discussed by way of vindication of the Right Reuerend Father in God, the Lord Bishop of Exceter, from the weake cauills of Henry Burton. /
A key for Catholicks, to open the jugling of the Jesuits, and satisfie all that are but truly willing to understand, whether the cause of the Roman or reformed churches be of God ... containing some arguments by which the meanest may see the vanity of popery, and 40 detections of their fraud, with directions, and materials sufficient for the confutation of their voluminous deceits ... : the second part sheweth (especially against the French and Grotians) that the Catholick Church is not united in any meerly humane head, either Pope or council /
Select arguments and reasons against popery
A vindication of the Animadversions on Fiat lux wherein the principles of the Roman church, as to moderation, unity and truth are examined and sundry important controversies concerning the rule of faith, papal supremacy, the mass, images, &c. discussed /
A declaration or test to distinguish Protestant dissenters, from papists, and popish recusants
An answer to a late printed paper given about by some of the Church of Rome in a letter to a gentleman.
An answer to the address presented to the ministers of the Church of England
Pulpit-popery, true popery being an answer to a book intituled, Pulpit-sayings, and in vindication of the Apology for the pulpits, and the stater of the controversie against the representer.
A defence of the discourse concerning the idolatry practised in the Church of Rome in answer to a book entituled, Catholicks no idolators /
A brief censure vppon two bookes written in answere to M. Edmonde Campions offer of disputation.
Certain general reasons, prouing the lawfulnesse of the Oath of allegiance, written by R.S. priest, to his priuat friend. Whereunto is added, the treatise of that learned man, M. William Barclay, concerning the temporall power of the pope. And with these is ioyned the sermon of M. Theophilus Higgons, preached at Pauls Crosse the third of March last, because it containeth something of like argument
The three conformities., or , The harmony and agreement of the Romish Church with gentilisme, Iudaisme and auncient heresies
Abjuration of poperie
A letter from a Protestant gentleman to a lady revolted to the Church of Rome
The history of religion
The popish inquisition newly erected in New-England whereby their church is manifested to be a daughter of mysterie Babylon which did drink the blood of the saints, who bears the express image of her mother, demonstrated by her fruit : also their rulers to be in the beasts power upon whom the whore rideth, manifested by their wicked compulsary laws against the lamb and his followers, and their cruel and bloody practises against the dear servants of the Lord, who have deeply suffered by this hypocritical generation : some of their miserable sufferings for the testimony of Jesus, declared as follows and some of their unjust and vvicked laws set down ... /
The last speech, and confession of the whore of Babylon, at her place of execution, on the fifth of November last whereunto is added, the famous story of the Bell, used by the Irish papists, taken out of the Bishop of Down and Conner's epistle to his perswasive against popery.
News from Ireland, touching the damnable design of the papists in that kingdom to forge a sham-plott upon the Presbyterians being the declaration of William Smith Gent. maintaining his late evidence against St. Lawrence, a Popish priest, who would have suborn'd him to have sworn the same.
The church of Rome, no safe guide, or, Reasons to prove that no rational man, who takes due care of his own eternal salvation, can give himself up unto the conduct of that church in matters of religion
The rewarde of wickednesse discoursing the sundrye monstrous abuses of wicked and vngodlye worldelinges: in such sort set downe and written as the same haue béene dyuersely practised in the persones of popes, harlots, proude princes, tyrauntes, Romish byshoppes, and others. VVith a liuely description of their seuerall falles and finall destruction. Verye profitable for all sorte of estates to reade and looke vpon. /
A treatise of religion and governmemt [sic] with reflexions vpon the cause and cure of Englands late distempers and present dangers· The argument vvhether Protestancy is less dangerous to the soul, or more advantagious to the state, then the Roman Catholick religion? The conclusion that piety and policy are mistaken in promoting Protestancy, and persecuting Popery by penal and sanguinary statuts.
A petition to the King. For authority and allowance to expound the Apocalyps in Hebrew and Greek to shew Iewes and Gentiles: that Rome in Cæsars and pope, is therein still damned. And for translaters to set over all into other large-vsed tongues.
Christ on his throne, or, Christs church-government briefly laid downe and how it ought to bee set up in all Christian congregations : resolved in sundry cases of conscience.
A persuasion from papistrie vvrytten chiefely to the obstinate, determined, and dysobedient English papists, who are herein named & proued English enimies and extreme enimies to Englande : which persuasion, all the Queenes Maiesties subiectes, fauoring the Pope or his religion, will reade or heare aduisedlye.
An excellent and a right learned meditacion, compiled in two prayers most frutefull and necessary to be vsed and said of al ttue [sic] English men, in these daungerous daies of affliction, for the comfort and better stay of the christen co[n]science, bewailing the deserued plages of England.
A request to Roman Catholicks to answer the queries upon these their following tenets ...
Anti-Christ pointed and painted out in his true colours, or, The popes of Rome proven to bee that man of sinne and sonne of perdition fore-prophesied in Scripture by the clear witnessing of Roman Catholicks themselves, who lived and died in the communion of that church /
An answer to the Amicable accommodation of the difference between the representer and the answerer
Sodom fair, or, The market of the man of sin Containing, a true account of the prices of the Pope's pardons and dispensations, being a treatise very useful and necessary for all young English papists who intend to take Holy Orders, or travel through Italy, and all such as intend to be cheated both out of their souls and money : to which is added, the history of adultery, as it is now at Rome by law established, with the life of Clement the Sixth, and blasphamous bull which he published for the year of jubele, 1350.
An answer to some papers lately printed concerning the authority of the Catholick Church in matters of faith, and the reformation of the Church of England
A discourse concerning the idolatry practised in the Church of Rome and the danger of salvation in the communion of it in an answer to some papers of a revolted Protestant : wherein a particular account is given of the fanaticism and divisions of that church /
Additional discourses of Mr. Chillingworth never before printed
To the Parliament of England, and the several members thereof
The transproser rehears'd, or, The fifth act of Mr. Bayes's play being a postscript to the animadversions on the preface to Bishop Bramhall's vindication, &c. : shewing what grounds there are of fears and jealousies of popery.
Which is the true church? the whole Christian world, as headed only by Christ, ... or, The Pope of Rome and his subjects as such? : in three parts ... /
Bishop Bramhall's vindication of himself and the episcopal clergy, from the Presbyterian charge of popery as it is managed by Mr. Baxter in his treatise of the Grotian religion : together with a preface shewing what grounds there are of fears and jealousies of popery.
Iurisdiction regall, episcopall, papall Wherein is declared how the Pope hath intruded vpon the iurisdiction of temporall princes, and of the Church. The intrusion is discouered, and the peculiar and distinct iurisdiction to each properly belonging, recouered. /
The actes of Christe and of Antichriste concernyng bothe their life and doctrine /
Copies of two papers written by the late King Charles II together with a copy of a paper written by the late Duchess of York : to which is added an answer to the aforesaid papers all printed together.
The summe of the conference betwene Iohn Rainoldes and Iohn Hart touching the head and the faith of the Church :wherein by the way are handled sundrie points, of the sufficiencie and right expounding of the Scriptures, the ministerie of the Church, the function of priesthood, the sacrifice of the masse ... but chiefly and purposely the point of Church-gouernment ... /
Merry iests, concerning popes, monkes, and friers whereby is discouered their abuses and errors &c. /
The English Spanish pilgrime, or, A nevv discouerie of Spanish popery, and Iesuiticall stratagems vvith the estate of the English pentioners and fugitiues vnder the King of Spaines dominions, and else where at this present : also laying open the new order of the Iesuitrices and preaching nunnes /
Seuen dayes conference betweene a Catholicke Christian, and a Catholicke Romane : concerning some controuersies of religion /
Fides Catholica, or, The doctrine of the Catholick Church in eighteen grand ordinances referring to the Word, sacraments and prayer, in purity, number and nature, catholically maintained, and publickly taught against hereticks of all sorts : with the solutions of many proper and profitable questions sutable to to [sic] the nature of each ordinance treated of /
The Lord Coke his speech and charge VVith a discouerie of the abuses and corruption of officers.
Babel's builders unmasking themselves as appears by the following paper from Barbadoes, (promoted by George for his party, and subscribed by eighty two of them.) With a letter of G.F.'s, G.W.'s, &c, in answer thereunto; and observations thereupon. Also, a false prophecy of that lying prophet, Solomon Eccles. Published for undeceiving the simple, and in abhorrence and detestation of the principle and practice contained in the said paper; they being of an evil tendency, and contrary to the doctrine of Christ and his apostles, or of any sincere-hearted Protestants, or true Christians this day. /
A letter written to a friend concerning Popish idolatrie
The double PP A papist im armes. bearing ten seuerall sheilds. Encountred by the protestant. at ten seuerall weapons. A Iesuite marching before them.
The papists strength, principles, and doctrines (which they are sworn to preach, from the Councel of Trent, by the Popes authority, and after confirmed by the last General Assembly at Rouen, 1571, all which they have sworn to perform) answered and confuted furthermore their principles and doctrines answered and confuted, as they were laid down in two or three severall papers, by R.W. papist, lately sent from Holland : also a challenge to the pope and all his adherents to choose out of all his dominions some cardinals, fryers, or Jesuits to try their bread and wine, after consecration (by watching on their side and on our side) to prove that if afterward they have consecrated it, whether the bread and wine doth not loose its taste and savour, and so not the body and blood of Christ : also a paper to all them that fast and afflict themselves who are in the will-worship and voluntary humility : also some quæries to all the papists upon earth to be answered in writing and sent to them, which all sects upon the earth call Quakers /
An answer to the Animadversions on two pamphlets lately published by Mr. Collier, &c
An answer to a book called A just defence and vindication of Gospel-ministers, and Gospel-ordinances put forth by J.G. In which he pretends an answer to E.B.'s Tryal of the ministers, and other things against the Quakers. ...Given forth from him who desires the edification and satisfaction of all in the things appertaining to the Kingdom of God, /
Some reflections upon a treatise call'd Pietas Romana & Parisiensis, lately printed at Oxford to which are added, I, A vindication of Protestant charity, in answer to some passages in Mr. E.M.'s Remarks on a late conference, II, A defence of the Oxford reply to two discourses there printed, A.D., 1687.
Tyranny and popery lording it over the consciences, lives, liberties, and estates both of King and people
Papists no Catholicks, and popery no Christianity
A seasonable discourse shewing the necessity of maintaining the established religion, in opposition to popery
The coppy of a letter sent from France
An ansvver to a discourse intituled, Papists protesting against Protestant-popery being a vindication of papists not misrepresented by Protestants : and containing a particular examination of Monsieur de Meaux, late Bishop of Condom, his Exposition of the doctrine of the Church of Rome, in the articles of invocation of saints, and the worship of images occasioned by that discourse.
A discourse concerning a judge of controversies in matters of religion being an answer to some papers asserting the necessity of such a judge : with an address to wavering protestants, shewing what little reason they have to think of any change of their religion : written for the private satisfaction of some scrupulous persons, and now published for common use : with a preface concerning the nature of certainty and infallibility.
A discourse concerning the nature, unity, and communion of the Catholick Church wherein most of the controversies relating to the church are briefly and plainly stated /
A papist not misrepresented by Protestants being a reply to the Reflections upon the Answer to (A papist misrepresented and represented)
A preservative against popery being some plain directions to unlearned Protestants, how to dispute with Romish priests, the first part /
Scripture mistaken the ground of Protestants and common plea of all new reformers against the ancient Catholicke religion of England : many texts quite mistaken by Nouelists are lay'd open and redressed in this treatis[e] by Iohn Spenser.
Roman forgeries, or, A true account of false records discovering the impostures and counterfeit antiquities of the Church of Rome /
Mr. Blacklovv's reply to Dr. Layburn's pamphlet against him
A brief history of several plots contrived, and rebellions raised by the papists against the lives and dignities of sovereign princes, since the reformation. Taken from faithfull historians.
A defence of the Missionaries arts wherein the charge of disloyalty, rebellions, plots, and treasons, asserted page 76 of that book, are fully proved against the members of the Church of Rome, in a brief account of the several plots contrived, and rebellions raised by the papists against the lives and dignities of sovereign princes since the Reformation /
Pasquine in a traunce a Christian and learned dialogue (contayning wonderfull and most strange newes out of heauen, purgatorie, and hell) wherein besydes Christes truth playnely set forth, ye shall also finde a numbre of pleasaunt hystories, discouering all the crafty conueyaunces of Antechrist. Whereunto are added certayne questions then put forth by Pasquine, to haue bene disputed in the Councell of Trent. /
An answer to a certain godly man[n]es lettres desiring his frendes iudgement, whether it be laufull for a christian man to be present at the popishe masse, and other supersticious churche seruice.
[A treatise against the Defense of the censure, giuen upon the bookes of W. Charke and Meredith Hanmer]
The golden fleece diuided into three parts, vnder which are discouered the errours of religion, the vices and decayes of the kingdome, and lastly the wayes to get wealth, and to restore trading so much complayned of. Transported from Cambrioll Colchos, out of the southermost part of the iland, commonly called the Newfoundland, by Orpheus Iunior, for the generall and perpetuall good of Great Britaine.
Fishers folly unfolded, or, The vaunting Iesuites vanity discovered in a challenge of his (by him proudly made, but on his part poorely performed.)
A retection, or discouerie of a false detection containing a true defence of two bookes, intituled, Synopsis papismi, and Tetrastylon papisticum, together with the author of them, against diuers pretended vntruths, contradictions, falsification of authors, corruptions of Scripture, obiected against the said bookes in a certaine libell lately published : wherein the vniust accusations of the libeller, his sophisticall cauils, and vncharitable slaunders are displayed.
Synopsis papismi, that is, A generall viewe of papistry wherein the whole mysterie of iniquitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine is set downe, which is maintained this day by the Synagogue of Rome, against the Church of Christ, together with an antithesis of the true Christian faith, and an antidotum or counterpoyson out of the Scriptures, against the whore of Babylons filthy cuppe of abominations : deuided into three bookes or centuries, that is, so many hundreds of popish heresies and errors /
Tetrastylon papisticum, that is, The foure principal pillers of papistrie the first conteyning their raylings, slanders, forgeries, vntruthes : the second their blasphemies, flat contradictions to scripture, heresies, absurdities : the third their loose arguments, weake solutions, subtill distinctions : the fourth and last the repugnant opinions of new papistes with the old; of the new one with an other; of the same writers with themselues: yea of popish religion with and in it selfe : compiled as a necessarie supplement or fit appertinance to the authors former worke, intituled Synopsis papismi : to the glorie of God for the dissuading of light-minded men from trusting to the sandie foundation of poperie, and to exhort good Christians stedfastlie to hold the rockie foundation of faith in the Gospell.
The reasons vvhich Doctour Hill hath brought, for the vpholding of papistry, which is falselie termed the Catholike religion vnmasked and shewed to be very weake, and vpon examination most insufficient for that purpose /
The lamentacyon of a Christe[n] agai[n]st the citye of London for some certaine greate vyces vsed theri[n]
A briefe treatise concerning the burnynge of Bucer and Phagius, at Cambrydge, in the tyme of Quene Mary with theyr restitution in the time of our moste gracious souerayne lady that nowe is. Wherein is expressed the fantasticall and tirannous dealynges ofthe [sic] Romishe Church, togither with the godly and modest regime[n]t of the true Christian Church, most slaunderouslye diffamed in those dayes of heresye. /
Charity commended, or, A catholick Christian soberly instructed
A christian familiar comfort and incouragement vnto all English subiects, not to dismaie at the Spanish threats Whereunto is added an admonition to all English Papists, who openly or couertly couet a change. With requisite praiers to almightie God for the preseruation of our queene and countrie. /
Spiritus est vicarius Christi in terra. The poore mans garden wherein are flowers of the scriptures, and doctours, very necessarie and profitable for the simple and ignoraunt people to reade : truely collected and diligently gathered together, /
A pituous lamentation of the miserable estate of the churche of Christ in Englande in the time of the late reuolt from the gospel, wherin is conteyned a learned comparison betwene the comfortable doctrine of the gospell, [and] the traditions of the popish religion : with an instruction how the true Christian ought to behaue himself in the tyme of tryall /
An historical dialogue touching antichrist and poperie drawen and published for the common benefit and comfort of our church in these dangerous daies, & against the desperate attemptes of the vowed aduersaries of Iesus Christ, his gospell, and this florishing state. /
A collection of several tracts and discourses written in the years 1678, 1679, 1680, 1681, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1685
A discourse concerning transubstantiation and idolatry being an answer to the Bishop of Oxford's plea relating to those two points.
The sermon preached at the Crosse, Feb. xiiii. 1607
Tydings from Rome, or, Englands alarm wherein several grounds to suspect the prevalency of the popish interest are seasonably suggested, Londons ruine pathetically lamented, arguments to disswade from the popish religion, are urged, and the duties of Christians in this time of common danger, and distraction, perswaded.
Sions groans for her distressed, or, Sober endeavours to prevent innocent blood, and to stablish the nation in the best of settlements grounded upon scripture, reason, and authority : proving it the undoubted right of Christian liberty under different perswasions, in matters spiritual, to have equal protection as to their civil peace : unto which is added the testimony of fifteen antients ... /
A defence for mariage of priestes by Scripture and aunciente wryters /
Certe[n] godly, learned, and comfortable conferences, betwene the two reuerende fathers, and holye martyrs of Christe, D. Nicolas Rydley late Bysshoppe of London, and M. Hughe Latymer sometyme Bysshoppe of Worcester, during the tyme of their emprysonmentes Whereunto is added. A treatise agaynst the errour of transubstantiation /
A treatise of the cohabitacyon of the faithfull with the vnfaithfull Whereunto is added. A sermon made of the confessing of Christe and his gospell, and of the denyinge of the same.
Further obseruations of the English Spanish pilgrime, concerning Spaine being a second part of his former booke, and containing these particulars : the description of a famous monastery, or house of the King of Spaines, called the Escuriall, not the like in the Christian world : a briefe relation of certaine dæmonicall stratagems of the Spanish Inquisition exercised on diuers English men of note of late times, and now liuing in England. A relation of the founding of a military order in Rome, to wit, of the immaculate Conception of our Lady, the blessed Virgin /
A discourse Wherein is plainly proued by the order of time and place, that Peter was neuer at Rome. Furthermore, that neither Peter nor the Pope is the head of Christes Church. Also an interpretation vpon the second Epistle of S. Paul to the Thessalonians, the second chapter. Seene and alowed according to the order appointed.
A sparing restraint, of many lauishe vntruthes, which M. Doctor Harding do the chalenge, in the first article of my Lorde of Sarisburies replie
Fanaticism fanatically imputed to the Catholick church by Doctour Stillingfleet and the imputation refuted and retorted /
The rock of ages exalted above Rome's imagined rock on which her church is builded she proved not to be the onely Church of Christ, her corrupt doctrines reproved not to be apostolick, but contrary to the true Church of Christ in the apostles dayes : also divers arguments answered which may convince the papists that they are not the true church wherein a book is also answered called A catechism against all sectaries /
The peace of Rome Proclaimed to all the world, by her famous Cardinall Bellarmine, and the no lesse famous casuist Nauarre. Whereof the one acknowledgeth, and numbers vp aboue three hundred differences of opinion, maintained in the popish church. The other confesses neere threescore differences amongst their owne doctors in one onely point of their religion. Gathered faithfully out of their writings in their own words, and diuided into foure bookes, and those into seuerall decads. Whereto is prefixed a serious disswasiue from poperie. /
The Iesuites banner Displaying their original and successe: their vow and othe: their hypocrisie and superstition: their doctrine and positions: with a confutation of a late pamphlet secretly imprinted and entituled: A briefe censure vpon two bookes written in answeare to M. Campions offer of disputation. &c. /
A particular declaration or testimony, of the vndutifull and traiterous affection borne against her Maiestie
A checke or reproofe of M. Howlets vntimely shreeching in her Maiesties eares with an answeare to the reasons alleadged in a discourse therunto annexed, why Catholikes ...refuse to goe to church : vvherein ... the papists traiterous and treacherous doctrine and demeanour ... is somewhat at large vpon occasion vnfolded : their diuelish pretended conscience ... And lastly shevved thatit [sic] is the duety of all true Christians and subiectes to haunt publike church assemblies.
A treatise intitled, Beware of M. Iewel
The anatomy of the English nunnery at Lisbon in Portugall Dissected and laid open by one that was sometime a yonger brother of the conuent: who (if the grace of God had not preuented him) might haue growne as old in a wicked life as the oldest among them. /
A true relation of Englands happinesse, vnder the raigne of Queene Elizabeth and the miserable estate of papists, vnder the Popes tyrany /
Mr. Chillingworths letter touching infallibility
A religious and worthy speech spoken by Mr. Rovse in Parliament concerning the goods, libertjes, and lives of his Majesties subjects laying open, the paintings that are used by the whore of Rome, and Arminianisme amongst us, to draw the people thereby to idolatry : by which meanes, they seeke both to take away our wealth and religion, and the dangerous consequence thereof : with the neere correspondencie, and allyance, that is apparently evident to be betweene our Bishops, and the Bishop of Rome, and the remedy propounded to redresses all such greevances.
Reasons against popery in a letter from Mr. William Chillingworth, to his friend Mr. Lewger, persuading him to return to his mother, the Church of England, from the corrupt Church of Rome.
Several conferences between a Romish priest, a fanatick chaplain, and a divine of the Church of England concerning the idolatry of the Church of Rome, being a full answer to the late dialogues of T.G
The Council of Trent examin'd and disprov'd by Catholick tradition in the main points in controversie between us and the Church of Rome with a particular account of the times and occasions of introducing them : Part 1 : to which a preface is prefixed concerning the true sense of the Council of Trent and the notion of transubstantiation.
Babels balm, or, The honey-combe of Romes religion With a neate draining and straining-out of the rammish honey thereof. Sung in tenne most elegant elegies in Latine /
BX1763 .J35 1611 A treatise of the corruption of Scripture, councels, and fathers, by the prelats, pastors, and pillars of the Church of Rome, for maintenance of popery and irreligion 1
BX1763 .J47 Jesuitical aphorismes, or, A summary account of the doctrine of the Jesuites and some other popish doctors by which true Christianity is corrupted, the publick peace troubled, and the bonds of humane society wholly violated and broken / 2
BX1763 .J48 1578 Ioannis Iuelli, Sarisburiensis in Anglia nuper Episcopi adversus Thomam Hardingum volumen alterum, in quo viginti septem quæstiones & seripturis, & omnium conciliorum ac patrum monimentis, quæcunque sexcentis a nato Christo annis antiquiora sunt, disceptantur atque explicantur / 1
BX1763 .J58 1700 The Jesuits cabinet broken up, or, The form of Jesuitcal government where (as in a mirrour) we may behold, what methods the Jesuits take, to render their Society a perfect monarchy : together, with their private and most secret maxims, by which they rule for the advantage and benefit of their said Society / 1
BX1763 .J63 Julian the apostate being a short account of his life, the sense of the primitive Christians about his succession and their behaviour towards him : together with a comparison of popery and paganism. 2
BX1763 .J63 1689 Julian the apostate being a short account of his life : the sense of the primitive Christians about his succession and their behaviour towards him : together with a comparison of popery and paganism / 2
BX1763 .J7 Truthe tryed very comfortable to the faithfull, but a discomfort to the enemies of God / 1
BX1763 .J875 1686 Reflexions sur deux ecrits publiez sous le nom du feu roi Charles II 1
BX1763 .K47 An epistle [s]ent to divers [pa]pistes in England prouing [th]e Pope to bee the beast in the [1]3 of the Reuelations, and to be the man exalted in the temple of God, as God, Thess. 2.2 ... / 1
BX1763 .K56 An answer to the considerations which obliged Peter Manby &c. (as he pretends) to embrace what he calls the catholick religion 2
BX1763 .K63 An answer at large, to a most hereticall, trayterous, and papisticall byll in English verse which was cast abrode in the streetes of Northamton, and brought before the judges at the last assizes there, 1570. 1
BX1763 .L47 Tyranny and popery lording it over the consciences, lives, liberties, and estates both of King and people. Being a further account of the growth of knavery. 1
BX1763 .L47 1680 Tyranny and popery lording it over the consciences, lives, liberties, and estates both of King & people under the mask of Presbytery 2
BX1763 .L47 1682 A collection of several tracts in quarto 2
BX1763 .L48 1666 Roma piangente, o dialogi tra'l Tevere e Roma. 1