BX1546.S68 C37 1995
I cattolici e il Mezzogiorno / |
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BX1546.S68 C55 1994
Chiesa, assistenza e società nel Mezzogiorno moderno / |
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BX1546.S68 P47
Per la storia sociale e religiosa del Mezzogiorno d'Italia / |
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BX1546.S68 S882 1993
Studi di storia del Mezzogiorno offerti ad Antonio Cestaro da colleghi ed allievi / |
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BX1546.T8 C66 2006eb
Reforming priests and parishes : Tuscan dioceses in the first century of seminary education / |
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BX1546.V4 G35
Parroci e contadini nel Veneto alla fine dell'Ottocento. |
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BX1547.A75 S5 1990
Acts of Gubertinus de Novate, notary of the Patriarch of Aquileia, 1328-1336 : a calendar with selected documents / |
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BX1547.B4 C3 1992
Le visite "ad limina Apostolorum" dei vescovi di Bergamo (1590-1696) / |
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BX1547.B45 C67 2006
The transformation of the laity in Bergamo, 1265-c. 1400 / |
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BX1547.B45.C67 2006eb
Transformation of the Laity in Bergamo, 1265-c. 1400. |
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BX1547.B6 A5 1991
Pranzo di magro per il cardinale / |
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BX1547.B68 B376 1986
La visita apostolica di San Carlo Borromeo alla Diocesi di Brescia : la visita alla parrocchia di Pontevico (1580) / |
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BX1547.B7 S63 1951
Die Bischofstadt Brixen in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung / |
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BX1547.C578 Z33 2010eb
Participation and beliefs in popular religiosity : an empirical-theological exploration among Italian Catholics / |
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BX1547.F48 A72 1996
Un archivio, una diocesi : Fiesole nel Medioevo e nell'età moderna / |
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BX1547.L8 C37 1987
Carte del secolo XI. |
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BX1547.L8 O8 1977
An Italian lordship : the bishopric of Lucca in the late Middle Ages / |
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BX1547.M5 B64 2001
The conquest of the soul : confession, discipline, and public order in Counter-Reformation Milan / |
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BX1547.M5 B64 2001eb
The conquest of the soul : confession, discipline, and public order in Counter-Reformation Milan / |
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BX1547.M6 M4
La controriforma nella diocesi di Mondovì (1560-1602) |
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