Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4500 .B39 1664 Now or never. The holy, serious, diligent believer justified, encouraged excited and directed: and the opposers and neglecters convinced by the light of scripture and reason. / 1
BV4500 .B39 1669 Now or never the holy, serious, diligent believer justified, encouraged, excited and directed, and the opposers and neglecters convinced by the light of Scripture and reason / 2
BV4500 .B39 1677 The poor man's family book in plain familiar conferences between a teacher and a learner : with a form of exhortation to the sick, two catechisms, a profession of Christianity, forms of prayer, for various uses, and some Psalms and hymns for the Lords day : with a request to landlords and rich men to give to their tenants and poor neighbours either this or some fitter book / 2
BV4500 .B39 1684 The poor man's family book in plain familiar conference between a teacher and a learner : with forms of exhortation to the sick, two catechisms, a profession of Christianity, forms of prayer for various uses, and some Psalms and hymns for the Lords day : with a request to landlords and rich men to give to their tenants and poor neighbours either this or some fitter book / 2
BV4500 .B39 1691 The poor man's family book in plain familiar conference between a teacher and a learner : with a form of exhortation to the sick, two catechisms, a profession of Christianity, forms of prayer for various uses, and some Psalms and hymns for the Lords day : with a request to landlords and rich men to give to their tenants and poor neighbours either this or some fitter book / 2
BV4500 .B39 1697 The poor man's family book I. Teaching him how to become a true Christian, 2. How to live as a Christian, towards God, himself, and others in all his relations especially in his family, 3. How to die as a Christian in hope and comfort, and so to be glorified with Christ forever : in plain familiar conference between a teacher and a learner : with a form of exhortation to the sick, two catechisms, a profession of Christianity, forms of prayers for various uses, and some psalms and hymns for the Lord's day / 1
BV4500.B39 A3 A short relation or testimony of the working of the light of Christ in me, from my childhood, 1
BV4500 .B42 The gouernans of vertue, teaching a christen man, howe he oughte dayly to lede his lyfe and fruitfull[y?] to spe[n]d his tyme vnto the glorye of God. Wherin are contayned also many godly prayers and other necessarye instructions for the auoydynge of all wycked temptacions. With a table in the ende. 1
BV4500 .B42 1629 The sicke mans salue: wherein all faithful Christians may learne both how to behaue themselues patientlye and thankfully in the tune of sickenesse, and also virtoouslie to dispose their temporall goods, and finally to prepate themselues gladly and godsly to die. / 1
BV4500 .B42 1679 Metamorphosis Christiana: or, The old man changed into the new. An occasional discourse. 1
BV4500 .B43 1579 The sicke mans salue wherein the faythfull Christians may learne both how to behaue them selues patiently and thankefully in the time of sicknes, and also vertuously to dispose their temporall goods, and finally to prepare themselues gladly & Godly to dye. / 1
BV4500 .B47 Diatribæ discourses moral and theological delivered by several persons in a plain, practical and friendly conference / 1
BV4500 .B47 1505 Epistola sa[n]cti Barnardi abbatis clareuallensis utilissima & moralissima de bona gubernatõne familie omnib[us] x̃pianis valde necessaria 1
BV4500 .B47 1616 A weekes worke, and a worke for every weeke 1
BV4500 .B47 1628 A weekes worke, and a worke for euery weeke 1
BV4500 .B56 The spirit of Christianity 2
BV4500 .B56 1660 The common principles of Christian religion clearly proved, and singularly improved: or, a practical catechism, wherein some of the most concerning foundations of our faith are solidly laid down, and that doctrine, which is according to Godlinesse, sweetly, yet pungently pressed home, and most satisfyingly handled / 1
BV4500 .B56 1671 The common principles of Christian religion, clearly proved, and singularly improved: or, a practical catechism, Wherein some of the most concerning foundations of our faith are solidly laid down; and that doctrine, which is according to godliness, sweetly, yet pungently pressed home, and most satisfyingly handled. / 1
BV4500 .B56 1672 The common principles of Christian religion, clearly proved, and singularly improved: or, A practical catechism, wherein some of the most concerning foundations of our faith are solidly laid down; and that doctrine, which is according to godliness, sweetly, yet pungently pressed home, and most satisfyingly handled. / 1
BV4500 .B64 1618 A discourse about the state of true happinesse deliuered in certaine sermons in Oxford, and at Pauls Crosse / 1