Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4253 .H433 2001 Opening the Scriptures : Faith Through the Year. 1
BV4253 .H45 Six sermons of Thomas Hill, D.D., Master of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge 2
BV4253 .H66 Discourses, or, Sermons on several Scriptures 2
BV4253 (INTERNET) The valevv of true valour, or, The probation and approbation of a right military man Discouered in a sermon preached Iuly 25. before the worthy gentlemen of the military company /
Foure sermons, lately preached
Christs napkin, or, A sermon preached in Kirkcubright at the Communion, May 12. 1633
A sermon preached in Christs Church Bristol at the assizes for that city and county, holden August the 1st, 1676 /
A funerall sermon preached at the obsequies of the Right Hon[oura]ble and most vertuous Lady, the Lady Frances, Countesse of Carbery who deceased October the 9th, 1650, at her house Golden-Grove in Carmarthen-shire /
The vvorks of Mr Stephen Marshall late minister of the Gospel at Finching-Field in Essex. And since at Ipswitch in Suffolk. The first part. Viz. I. Of Christ's intercession. And of sins of infirmity. II. The high priviledge of beleevers. They are the sons of God. III. Faith the only means spiritually to feed on Christ. IV. Of self-denial. V. The saints duty to keep their heart in a good frame, etc. VI. The mystery of spiritual life. Attested by Ralph Venning. Thomas Lye. Thomas Jacomb.
Twoo notable sermons made the thirde and fyfte Fridayes in Lent last past, before the Quenes highnes, concernynge the reall presence of Christes body and bloude in the blessed Sacrament: [and] also the Masse, which is the sacrifice of the newe Testament /
The vvhole sermons of that eloquent diuine, of famous memory ; Thomas Playfere, Doctor in Diuinitie Gathered into one vollume, the titles thereof are named in the next page.
One of the foure sermons preached before the Kings Maiestie, at Hampton Court in September last This concerning the antiquitie and superioritie of bishops. Sept. 21. 1606. /
The bruised reede, and smoaking flax Some sermons contracted out of the 12. of Matth. 20. At the desire, and for the good of weaker Christians. /
The death of ministers improved, or, An exhortation to the inhabitants of Horsley on Glocester-shire, and others, on the much lamented death of that reverend and faithful minister of the Gospel, Mr. Henry Stubbs
LI sermons preached by the Reverend Dr. Mark Frank ... being a course of sermons, beginning at Advent, and so continued through the festivals : to which is added a sermon preached at St. Pauls Cross, in the year forty-one, and then commanded to be printed by King Charles the First.
England's deliverance from the northern presbytery, compared with its deliverance from the Roman papacy
A fruitfull and godly sermon preached at Paules crosse before the Honourable audience and assemblie there, this present yeare 1592. Vpon the 5. chapter of the prophesie of Zacharie, 1, 2, 3, 4 verses. /
Life eternall, or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes delivered in XVIII. sermons /
The fulnesse of Christ for vs a sermon preached at the court before King James of blessed memory /
The Christian religion increas'd by miracle a sermon before the Queen at White-Hall, October 21, 1694 /
The kings shoe made, and ordained to trample on and to treade downe Edomites, to teach in briefe, what is Edoms doome, what the carefull condition of the king, what the loyall submission of a subiect, and what proiects are onely to best purpose /
A sermon preached by Iohn Knox minister of Christ Iesus in the publique audience of the Church of Edenbrough, within the realme of Scotland, vpon Sonday, the 19 of August 1565 For the which the said Iohn Knoxe was inhibite preaching for a season. To this is adioyned an exhortation vnto all the faythfull within the sayde realme ... /
The old mans staffe two sermons shewing the onely way to a comfortable old age /
The great advertisement, that a religious life is the best way to present happiness in two sermons preach'd at White-hall, the 1st on Sunday, April the 15th, the 2d on Sunday, Apr. 22, 1694 /
The mysterie of mankind, made into a manual, or, The Protestants portuize reduced into explication application, inuocation, tending to illumination, sanctification, deuotion, being the summe of seuen sermons, preached at S. Michaels in Cornehill, London /
Several discourses viz. Of the great duties of natural religion. Instituted religion not intended to undermine natural. Christianity not destructive; but perfective of the law of Moses. The nature and necessity of regeneration. The danger of all known sin. Knowledge and practice necessary in religion. The sins of men not chargeable on God. /
The white deuil, or, The hypocrite vncased in a sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, March 7. 1612. /
Gods parley vvith princes with an appeale from them to him. The summe of two sermons on the 3. last verses of the 82. Psalme : preached at Sergeants-Inne in Fleet-Streete. /
A sermon concerning the wisdom of fearing God preach'd at Salisbury, on Sunday, July XXX, 1693 : being the time of the assizes /
A sermon, preached at Paules Crosse on the Monday in Whitson weeke Anno Domini. 1571 Entreating on this sentence Sic deus dilexit mundum, vt daret vnigenitum filium suum, vt omnis qui credit in eu[m] non pereat, sed habeat vitam æternam. So God loued the worlde, that he gaue his only begotten sonne, that al that beleue on him shoulde not perysh, but haue eternall life. Iohn. 3 /
A posing question, put by the wise man, viz. Solomon, to the wisest men concerning making a judgment of the temporal conditions : wherein you have the ignorance of man (in knowing, what is good, or evil, for man in this life) discovered, together, with the mistakes that flow from it : and the great question resolved, viz. whether the knowledg of, what is good for a man in this life, be so hid from man, that no man can attain it /
Two fruitfull and godly treatises, to comfort the afflicted viz. 1. Of the heauenly mansions. 2. The praise of patience. The first contayning the description of the house of glory : the second the loue of patience, to endure all tribulations and affliction to obtaine that heauenly kindome full of sweet consolation for the godly /
Three treatises of the vanity of the creature. The sinfulnesse of sinne. The life of Christ. Being the substance of severall sermons preached at Lincolns Inne /
Gods anatomy upon mans heart, or, A sermon preached by order of the Honorable House of Commons, at Margarets Westminster, Decemb. 27. Being a day of publick humiliation
A notable sermon concerninge the ryght vse of the lordes supper and other thynges very profitable for all men to knowe preached before the Kynges most excellent Mayestye and hys most honorable counsel in hys courte at Westmynster the 14. daye of Marche /
The carnality of religious contention in two sermons preach'd at the merchant's lecture in Broadstreet /
A sermon preached in Oxford the 5. of November. 1607 /
A comfortable sermon of faith, in temptations and afflictions preached at S. Botulphes wythout Aldersgate in London, the .xv. of Februarye. 1573 /
A learned sermon of the nature of pride
A sermon of spirituall life and death preached before the king, at White-Hal, Nouember, 1616 /
A funerall sermon, both godlye, learned and comfortable, preached at S. Maries in Cambridge, Anno 1551. at the buriall of the reuerend doctor, and faithfull pastor of the Churche of Christe, Martin Bucer
A godly and learned sermon, preached before an honourable auditorie the 26. day of Februarie. 1580
A sermon preach'd before the King at St. James's, April 16, 1696 being a day of publick thanksgiving for the discovery of a horrid design to assassinate His Majesty's person, and for the deliverance of the Nation from a French invasion /
Several sermons against evil-speaking
Two sermons preached at Paules-Crosse London the one November 21. the other Aprill 15. 1627 /
The happinesse of practice
Interest deposed, and truth restored, or, A word in season, delivered in two sermons the first at St. Maryes in Oxford, on the 24th of July, 1659, being the time of the assizes : as also of the fears and groans of the nation in the threatned, and expected ruin of the lawes, ministry, and universityes : the other preached lately before the honourable Societie of Lincolns-Inn /
Prossō kai opissō a sermon eqvally pointing forvvard & backward, as it was deliver'd in the Vniversity Church of Saint Maries in Cambridge /
The best name on earth together with severall other sermons /
Christ displayed as the choicest gift, and best master : from Joh. 4. 10. Joh. 13. 13. /
Fovrteen sermons preach'd in Lambeth Chapel before the most reverend father in God, Dr. William Sancroft late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, in the years MDCLXXXVIII, MDCLXXXIX /
The character of a rebel a sermon preached at Market Harborow, on the 26th of July, 1685, being the day of thanksgiving appointed for His Majesties victory over the rebels /
Sermons of the Right Reuerend Father in God Miles Smith, late Lord Bishop of Glocester
The happinesse of those who sleep in Jesus, or, The benefit that comes to the dead bodies of the saints even while they are in the grave, sleeping in Jesus delivered in a sermon preached at the funeral of ... Lady Anne Waller, at the new church in Westminst[er], Oct. 31, 1661 : together with the testimony then given unto her /
The blacke devil, or, The apostate together with The wolfe worrying the lambes : and The spiritual navigator, bound for the Holy Land, in three sermons. /
Compassion towards captives chiefly towards our brethren and country-men who are in miserable bondage in Barbarie : vrged and pressed in three sermons on Heb. 13.3 : preached in Plymouth, in October 1636 /
Englands sicknes, comparatively conferred with Israels diuided into two sermons /
A sparke toward the kindling of sorrow for Sion a meditation on Amos 6. 6. Being the summe of a sermon preached at Sergeants Inne in Fleet-Street. /
The sacrifice of thankefulnesse a sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the third of December, being the first Aduentuall Sunday, anno 1615. /
A sermon preached at Petworth in Sussex, September 9, 1683 being a day of solemn thanksgiving for the gracious and wonderful deliverance of the King, his royal brother, and the government from the late barbarous conspiracy, as trayterous /
The sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the tenth day of Nouember being the next Sunday after the discouerie of this late horrible treason. /
Come and see. The blisse of brightest beautie shining out of Sion in perfect glorie : being the summe of foure sermons preached in the Cathedrall Church of Glocester at commandment of superiours /
A godly sermon preached in the court at Greenwich the firste Sonday after the Epiphanie, Anno Domini. 1552 : and in the sixt yere of ye raigne of king Edward the sixt, the right godly and vertuous king of famous and blessed memory /
A sermon preached before the King at White-Hall The 24th. of Novemb. 1678 /
The substance of two sermons one touching composing of controversies, another touching unity of judgement and love amongst brethren : preached in two honourable conventions of parliament : the former, Jan. 27, 1657, the other, Feb. 4, 1658 /
Vituli labiorum, or, A thanksgiving sermon, in commemoration of our great deliverance from the horrid Powder-Plot, 1605 and also of Gods merciful discovery of a bloody conspiracy against His Majesties Person, and the Protestant religion, 1678. Both intended by the papists : Preached at St. Peter's, Exon, Nov. 5. 1678. In prosecution whereof the Churches persecutions, foreign and domestick, by the hands of popish votaries, ever since the Reformation, are briefly recapitulated. Their charge of novelty on our church and religion is retorted. The absurdity of many of their doctrines and principles, and how destructive unto civil government, is detected /
Seven sermons on several select subjects
A sermon preached at the Temple-Church, May 29. 1692 printed at the desire of the Bench-Table of the honourable Society of the Inner-Temple /
Sermons preached before his Maiestie, and vpon other speciall occasions viz. 1 The pillar and ground of truth. 2 The new life. 3 A sensible demonstration of the Deity. 4 Exact walking. 5 Samuels support of sorrowfull sinners /
The Godly mans ark, or, City of refuge, in the day of his distresse discovered in divers sermons, the first of which was preached at the funerall of Mistresse Elizabeth Moore : the other four were afterwards preached, and are all of them now made publick, for the supportation and consolation of the saints of God in the hour of tribulation : hereunto are annexed Mris. [sic] Moores evidences for heaven, composed and collected by her in the time of her health, for her comfort in the time of sickness /
Sermons preach'd on several occasions
Sermons, preached partly before His Majesty at White-Hall and partly before Anne Dutchess of York, at the chappel at St. James /
A brief refutation of the errors tolleration, erastianism, independency and separation delivered in some sermons from I Job. 4. I, preach'd in the year 1652 : to which are added four sermons preach'd on several occasions /
27 sermons preached by the ryght Reuerende father in God and constant matir [sic] of Iesus Christe, Maister Hugh Latimer, as well such as in tymes past haue bene printed, as certayne other commyng to our handes of late, whych were yet neuer set forth in print Faithfully perused [and] allowed accordying to the order appoynted in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions.
Six sermons
A sermon preached at Bow-Church, before the court of aldermen, on March 12, 1689/90 being the fast-day appointed by Their Majesties /
A sermon preached at the funeral of the most reverend Father in God, John, by the divine providence, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, primate and metropolitan of all England, who died at Lambeth the 22nd day of November, in the 65th year of his age, and was buried at St. Lawrence Jewry, in London, on the 30th of that month, Anno Dom. 1694
A divine herball Together with a forrest of thornes. : In five sermons. ... /
Mystical bedlam, or, the vvorld of mad-men
A brand, Titio erepta On the fift day of Nouember last, before the Honourable Lordes of his Maiesties Priuie Councell, and the graue iudges of the law, &c. /
A sermon preached before his Maiestie at White-Hall, on the 24 of March last being Easter day, and being also the day of the beginning of His Maiesties most gracious reigne. /
A most excellent and heauenly sermon vpon the 23. chapter of the Gospell by Saint Luke. The text. Luke 23.28. Weepe not for me, but weepe for your selues.
Ten sermons Preached by that eloquent divine of famous memorie, Th. Playfere Doctor in Divinitie
The Popes pittiful lamentation, for the death of his deere darling Don Ioan of Austria and deaths aunswer to the same. With an epitaphe vpon the death of the said Don Ioan. /
Three Christian sermons
The rowsing of the sluggard, in 7. sermons Published at the request of diuers godlie and well affected. /
Romphaiopheros The sword-bearer, or, The Byshop of Chichester's armes emblazoned /
A fourth volume containing one hundred and fifty sermons on several texts of Scripture in two parts : part the first containing LXXIV sermons : part the second containing LXXVI sermons : with an alphabetical table to the whole /
A collection of sermons upon several occasions
A liveles life, or, Mans spirituall death in sinne wherein is both learnedly and profitably handled these foure doctrines the spirituall death in sinne. The doctrine of humiliation. Mercy to be found in Christ. Continuance in sinne, dangerous : being the substance of severall sermons upon Ephes. 2. 1,2,3 : and you hath he quickned, who were dead in trespasses and sins, &c : whereunto is annexed a profitable sermon at Lincolnes Inne, on Gen. XXII. XIV /
A sermon preached vpon Sunday, beeing the twelfth of March. Anno. 1581, within the Tower of London in the hearing of such obstinate Papistes as then were prisoners there /
Two sermons lately preached at the Assizes in St. Maries Church in Leicester the former March 23, 1670, the latter July 27, 1671 /
Diverse sermons with a short treatise befitting these present times /
The saints submission and Sathans overthrow, or, Sermons on James 4.7
Tvvo sermons, preached at tvvo severall visitations, at Boston, in the diocesse and country of Lincolne
The combate betwixt Christ and the deuill foure sermons vpon the temptations of Christ in the wildrenes by Sathan, wherein are to be sene the subtle sleightes that the tempter vseth agaynst the children of God, and the meanes that God hath appointed to resiste him, sanctified to our vse in the example of our Sauiour Iesus Christ /
The kings tovvre and triumphant arch of London : a sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, August. 5. 1622 /
Foure godly and learned treatises intituled, I. A remedy against covetousnesse. II. An elegant and lively description of spirituall death and life. III. The doctrine of selfe-deniall. IV. Vpon the sacrament of the Lords Supper /
The doctrine of the saints infirmities Delivered in severall sermons by John Preston Doctor in Divinity, Mr. of Emanuel-Colledge in Cambridge. And late preacher of Lincolnes Inne.
An elegant and lively description of spirituall life and death delivered in divers sermons in Lincolnes-Inne, November the, M.DCXXIII. vpon Iohn, 5.25 /
The wisdom of believing in two sermons preach'd at court, April 7, and 14. 1700 /
A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie, by the reuerende Father in God the Bishop of Chichester, at Grenewiche, the 14[th] day of Marche 1573 Seene and allowed according to the order appoynted.
The priest's duty & dignity
A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, on the first Sunday in Lent: Martij 1. 1600 With a short discourse of the late Earle of Essex his confession, and penitence, before and at the time of his death /
The nevv covenant, or, the saints portion A treatise vnfolding the all-sufficiencie of God, and mans uprightnes, and the covenant of grace. delivered in fourteene sermons vpon Gen. 17. 1. 2. Wherevnto are adioyned foure sermons vpon Eccles. 9.1. 2. 11. 12. /
The saints safetie in evill times Delivered at St Maries in Cambridge the fift of November, upon occasion of the Povvder-Plot. Whereunto is annexed a passion-sermon, preached at Mercers Chappel London upon Good-Friday. As also the happinesse of enjoying Christ laid open at the funerall of Mr Sherland late recorder of Northampton. Together with the most vertuous life and heavenly end of that religious gentleman. /
Tvvo sermons vpon the first words of Christs last sermon Iohn XIIII. I
A sermon intended for Paul's Crosse, but preached in the Church of St. Paul's, London, the III. of December, M.DC.XXV Vpon the late decrease and withdrawing of Gods heauie visitation of the plague of pestilence from the said citie /
Deliuerance from the graue A sermon preached at Saint Maries Spittle in London, on Wednesday in Easter weeke last, March 28. 1627. /
King Dauids vow for reformation of himselfe. his family. his kingdome Deliuered in twelue sermons before the Prince his Highnesse vpon Psalm 101 /
The doctrine of fasting and praier, and humiliation for sinne Delivered in sundry sermons at the fast appointed by publique authority, in the yeere 1625. /
The sick-mans couch A sermon preached before the most noble Prince Henrie at Greenewich, March 12. Ann. 1604. /
The saints daily exercise A treatise concerning the whole dutie of prayer. Delivered in fiue sermons vpon I Thess. 5.17. /
The brides longing for her bride-groomes second comming A sermon preached at the funerall of the right worshipfull, Sir Thomas Crevv, knight, sergeant at law to his maiestie. /
Two sermons
The doctrine of the Sabbath· Delivered in the Act at Oxon. anno, 1622. /
The Christians end, or, The sweet soveraignty of Christ, over his members in life and death VVherein is contained the whole scope of the godly mans life, with divers rules, motives and incouragements, to live and die to Iesus Christ. /
A miracle of miracles, or, Christ in our nature Wherein is contained the vvonderfull conception, birth, and life of Christ, who in the fulnesse of time became man to satisfie divine iustice, and to make reconciliation betweene God and man. /
Beames of divine light breaking forth from severall places of holy Scripture, as they were learnedly opened, in XXI. sermons. The III. first being the fore-going sermons to that treatise called The bruised-reed, preached on the precedent words. /
Christs exaltation purchast by humiliation Wherein you may see mercy and misery meete together. Very vsefull I. For instructing the ignorant. II. For comforting the weake. III. For confirming the strong. /
A sermon preached at Barstaple vpon occasion of the late happy success of Gods Church in forraine parts. /
Sermo die lune in ebdomada Pasche
Hearts delight A sermon preached at Pauls crosse in London in Easter terme. 1593. /
The power of praier A sermon preached in the Cathedrall Church of Exeter in August. 1596. /
A sermon preached at the consecration of two archbishops and ten bishops, in the Cathedral Church of S. Patrick in Dublin, January 27, 1660
A sermon preached at St. Clemens Danes at the funeral of Mr. George Heycock
A sermon preached at the Collegiat Church of S. Peter in Westminster, on the 27 of March, being the day of His Majesties inauguration
No blinde guides in answer to a seditious pamphlet of J. Milton's intituled Brief notes upon a late sermon titl'd, The fear of God and the King /
Concio habita coram serenissimo, Iacobo, Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ et Hyberniæ Rege, fidei Defensore, &c. Apud curiam Hamptoniensem. De Iure ac potestate conuocandorum cœtuum Die Dominico 28. Septemb. Anno 1606. /
Three sermons preached by the Reverend and learned Dr. Richard Stuart ... to which is added, a fourth sermon, preached by the Right Reverend Father in God, Samuel Harsnett.
A sermon against self-love, &c preached before the Honourable House of Commons on the 5th of June, 1689 : being the fast-day appointed to implore the blessing of almighty God upon Their Majesties forces by sea and land, and success in the war now declared against the French-king /
Fire and brimstone from heaven, from earth, in hell, or, Three discourses I. Concerning the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah formerly, II. Concerning the burning of Æetna, or Mount Gibel more lately, III. Concerning the burning of the wicked eternally, with fire and brimstone /
A vindication of the present great revolution in England in five letters pass'd betwixt James Welwood, M.D. and Mr. John March, Vicar of Newcastle upon Tyne : occasion'd by a sermon preach'd by him on January 30. 1688/9.
A sermon preached at the anniversary meeting of the Sons of Clergy-men, in St. Paul's Cathedral, December 3, 1700
The gallants burden A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the twentie nine of March, being the fift Sunday in Lent. 1612 /
A new postil conteinyng most godly and learned sermons vpon all the Sonday Gospelles, that be redde in the church thorowout the yeare.
A sermon preached in the cathedrall church of the citie of Waterford in Febr. 1617. before the Right Honorable the Lord President of Munster, and the state : as also, before Sr William Iones knight, Lord Chiefe Iustice of Ireland, and Gerrard Loder Esquire, one of the iudges of the Common Pleas, the then iustices of assize held in the same place. At which time the charter of the same citie, being by diuers iuries found forfeit, was lastly surrendred /
A sermon preached at White-hall, on Easter day the 16. of April. 1620
A sermon preached before His Maiestie, at VVhitehall the fift of Nouember last, 1617
A sermon preached at the visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, John Lord Bishop of Chester, at Chester
Two assize sermons preached at Winchester the first Feb. 26, 1694, James Hunt of Popham, Esq. being sheriff of the county of Southampton : the second July 14, 1686, Charles Wither of Hall, Esq. being sheriff, &c. /
Tvvo sermons the former, concerning the right use of Christian liberty, preached at S. Pauls Crosse London. May 6. The later, concerning the perswasion of conscience, preached at a metropoliticall visitation at Grantham Lincoln : Aug. 22. 1634 /
A learned sermon preached before the King at VVhitehall, on Friday the 16 of March
Two learned and godly sermons
Ten sermons preached I. Ad clerum. 3. II. Ad magistratum. 3. III. Ad populum. 4 /
A sermon of Cuthbert Bysshop of Duresme made vpon Palme sondaye laste past, before the maiestie of our souerayne lorde kyng Henry the. VIII. kynge of England [and] of France, defensor of the fayth, lorde of Ireland, and in erth next vnder Christ supreme heed of the Churche of Englande.
The true remedie against famine and warres fiue sermons vpon the firste chapter of the prophesie of Ioel, wherein the councell that the holy Ghoste gaue the Israelites to redresse the famine which they felt and preuent the warres that were threatened to come vpon them; is applied in particular vnto our present time : Preached in the time of the dearth. 1586 /
Ecclesiastes The worthy church-man, or, The faithfull minister of Iesvs Christ : described by polishing the twelve stones in the high-priests pectorall, as they were first glossed and scholyed on in a Synod-sermon, and after enlarged by way of discourse, to his two brethren /
A man in Christ, or, A new creature to which is added a treatise, containing meditations from the creatures /
A sermon preached at Hampton Court on Sonday being the 12. day of Nouember, in the yeare of our Lord. 1570 : VVherein is plainly proued Babylon to be Rome, both by Scriptures and doctors /
Two sermons, preached at the Kings court, this Ianuary, 1620 concerning Davids adultery, and his politick practices /
A treatise of the sacraments according to the doctrin of the Church of England touching that argument Collected out of the articles of religion, the publique catechism, the liturgie, and the book of homilies. With a sermon preached in the publique lecture, appointed for Saint Pauls Crosse, on the feast of Saint Iohn Baptist, Iune 24. 1638. /
A godly and learned exposition of Christs Sermon in the Mount
Foure sermons vvherein is made a foure-fold discovery viz. of ecclesiasticall selfe-seeking, a wisemans carriage in evill times, the benefit of Christian patience, the right nature and temper of the spirit of the Gospel /
Of sincerity and constancy in the faith and profession of the true religion, in several sermons
The life of faith in two sermons to the university of Oxford, at St. Mary's Church there, on the 6th of January 1683/4 and June the 29th following /
Practical discourses on sickness & recovery in several sermons, as they were lately preached in a congregation in London /
A sermon preached in St. Peter's Westminster on Sunday, Jan. 6, 1660 at the consecration of the Right Reverend Fathers in God, Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Bristoll, Edward, Lord Bishop of Norwich, Nicholas, Lord Bishop of Hereford, William, Lord Bishop of Glocester
Seven sermons on, the wonderfull combate (for Gods glorie and mans saluation) betweene Christ and Sathan
The idea of Christian love
The tryal & triumph of faith, or, An exposition of the history of Christs dispossessing of the daughter of the woman of Canaan Delivered in sermons; in which are opened, the victory of faith; the condition of those that are tempted; the excellency of Jesus Christ and free-grace; and some speciall grounds and principles of libertinisme and antinomian errors /
The pathway to perfection A sermon preached at Saint Maryes Spittle in London on VVednesday in Easter weeke. 1593 /
The patriarchs portion, or, The saints best day Deliuered in a sermon at the funerall of Sir Thomas Reynell of Ogwell in Deuon. Knight, Aprill. 16. 1618. Wherein may be seene, 1 The shortnesse of mans life. 2 A Christians combat against 1 Sathan. 2 The world. 3 The flesh. 4 Sinne. 3 A preparation to die well. 4 The reward of glory after warfare /
Englands bondage and hope of deliverance a sermon preached before the honourable House of Parliament at St. Margarets in Westminster /
A sermon preach'd in the Collegiate-Church of Ripon, on Sunday the 22d of September, 1695 being the day appointed for a publick thanksgiving for the reduction of the town and castle of Namur ... /
Evangelical worship is spiritual vvorship as it was discussed in a sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Maior, at Pauls Church, Aug. 26. 1660 /
The merchants and mariners preservation and thanksgiving, or, Thankfulnesse returned, for mercies received set forth in a sermon of thanksgiving, preached at S. Andrewes Undershaft, Sept. 6. 1649. To the r. worshipfull, the Comittee of Merchants, trading for the eastern India, upon a late returne of seven of their ships together /
Of Christian magistracy A sermon preach'd in the Cathedral-Church of St. Peter in York, at the assizes held there, July the 26th, 1697 : Before the right honourable Mr. Justice Nevill and Baron Turton /
The last sermon of his grace John late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Preach'd before the King and Queen at White-Hall, February 25th, 1693/4/ : Together with his Grace's sermon on Phil.3.20.
A fruitfull sermon, on 1 Cor. 15. 18, 19
For God, and the King The summe of two sermons preached on the fifth of November last in St. Matthewes Friday-streete. 1636. /
An anniuersarie memoriall of Englands deliuery from the Spanish inuasion deliuered in a sermon on Psal. 48. 7,8 /
The Christian mans care A sermon on Matth. 6. 33. Together with a short catechisme for the simpler sort /
The honour of Christian churches and the necessitie of frequenting of divine service and publike prayers in them. Delivered in a sermon at VVite-Hall before the Kings most excellent Majestie on the eight day of December last being Sunday /
A sermon preached at St. Maries Spittle on Munday in Easter weeke the fourteenth day of Aprill, anno Dom. 1623 /
A sermon preached at St. Pauls March 27. 1640 Being the anniversary of his Majesties happy inauguration to his crowne /
The straight gate to heauen A sermon preached before the poore distressed prisoners in the Kings Bench common gaole, to their heauenly comfort /
A sermo[n]d [sic] spoken before the kynge his maiestie at Grenwiche, vppon good fryday: the yere of our Lord. M.CCCCCxxxvi
A sermonde made before the kynge his maiestye at grenewiche, vpon good frydaye. The yere of our Lorde God. M.D.xxxviij
A sermo[n] preached at Pawles Crosse on Sunday the thirde of Nouember 1577. in the time of the plague
A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the 17. of Nouember An. 1589 Inioyfull remembrance and thanksgiuing vnto God, for the peaceable yeres of her maiesties most gratious raigne ouer vs, now 32 /
The beavvties of Beth-el Containing : sundry reasons why euery Christian ought to account one day in the courtes of God, better then a thousand besides /
A funerall sermon preached at Watton in Hertfordshire, at the buriall of the ancient and worthy knight, Sir Philip Boteler, Decemb. 9. 1606
Two sermons preached at Thurlow in Suffolk on those words, Rom. 6.13 "Yield your selves to God" /
A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable George Earl of Berkley, governour, and the Company of Merchants of England trading in the Levant seas At St. Peter's Church in Broadstreet, Nov. 18. 1683 /
God and the King. Gods strength the Kings salvation A sermon preached at Aylesham in the county of Norfolk, upon the 29 day of May 1661, being the anniversary day of thanksgiving, for the thrice happy and glorious restauration of our most Gracious Soveraign King Charles the second, to the royal government of all his Majesties kingdoms and dominions /
A sermon preached before the Artillery Company of London, September 15, 1680 at St. Mary Le Bow, and at their request published
A sermon preached at White-Hall, before the Queen, on the 17th of June, 1691 being the fast-day /
A sermon lately preached on I Corinth. 3.15
A sermon, called Gods new yeeres-guift sent vnto England. Conteined in these wordes. So God loued the worlde, that he hath giuen his onely begotten sonne, that whosoeuer beleeueth in him, should not perish but should haue life euerlasting. Ioh. 3. 16.
The vvoman of Canaan a comfortable sermon of faith in temptations and afflictions : preached at Saint Buttolphes without Aldersgate in London, the 15. of February. 1573 /
The character of man laid forth in a sermon preach't at the court, March, 1⁰. 1634 /
A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the 9. of Februarie being the first Sunday in the Parleament, Anno. 1588. /
Certayne sermons, or homelies appoynted by the kynges Maiestie, to be declared and redde, by all persones, vicars, or curates, euery Sondaye in their churches, where they haue cure. Anno 1547.
The second tome of homilees of such matters as were promised, and intituled in the former part of homilees. Set out by the aucthoritie of the Queenes Maiestie: and to be read in euery parishe church agreeably.
The fyrste sermon of Mayster Hughe Latimer, whiche he preached before the Kinges Maiestie wythin his graces palayce at Westminster. M.D.XLIX. the. viii. of March Cu[m] gratia et priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
A moste faithfull sermo[n] preached before the Kynges most excelle[n]te Maiestye, and hys most honorable Councel, in his court at Westminster
A sermon of Master Latimer, preached at Stamford the. ix. day of October. Anno. M.ccccc. and fyftie
Twelue sermons viz. 1 A Christian exhortation to innocent anger. 2 The calling of Moses. ... 11 12 The sinners looking-glasse /
The arraignment and conuiction of vsurie That is, The iniquitie, and vnlawfulnes of vsurie, displayed in sixe sermons, preached at Saint Edmunds Burie in Suffolke, vpon Prouerb. 28.8. /
Iustifying and sauing faith distinguished from the faith of the deuils In a sermon preached at Pauls crosse in London, May 9. 1613. /
Scotlands welcome a sermon preached at Needham in the countie of Suff. on Tuesday, April 5, 1603, vpon Pro. 11. 10 : in the prosperitie of the righteous the citte reioyceth, and when the wicked perish, there is ioy /
The true inquisition, or, The sad soules search Preached at Newport, May 29. 1632 in the primary visitation of the worshipfull Mr. Edvvard Burbye, Archdeacon of Winton. /
A collection of sermons ... together with Notes upon Jonah /
XI. choice sermons preached upon selected occasions, in Cambridge. Viz. I. The preachers dignity, and duty: in five sermons, upon 2. Corinth. 5. 20. II. Christ crucified, the tree of life: in six sermons, on 1. Corinth. 2. 2. /
Christes miracles deliuered in a sermon. /
Three treatises tending to awaken secure sinners
Practicall divinitie: or, gospel-light shining forth in severall choyce sermons, on divers texts of scripture [brace] Viz. 1. The misery of earthly thoughts, on Isa. 55. 7. 2. A sermon of self-denial, on Luke 9. 23. 3. The efficacie of importunate prayer in two sermons on Collos. 1. 10. 5. A caveat against late repentance, on Luke 23. 24. 6. The soveraign vertue of the Gospel, on Psal. 147. 3 7 A funeral sermon, on Isa. 57. 1. /
A sermon of antichrist preached at Christ-Church, Dublin, Novemb. 12, 1676 /
God be thanked A sermon of thanksgiuing for the happy successe of the English fleetes, sent forth by the honourable company of aduenturers to the East Indies. : Preached to the honourable gouernors and committees, and the whole company, of their good ship, the Hope Marchant happily returened: at Deptford on Maundy Thursday last being the 29th of March. 1616. : Hereunto are added sundry necessary and vseful formes of prayer and thankes-giuing for the helpe of all such as trauell by sea, fitted to their seruerall occasions. /
A sermon preached before the King, Febr. 26th 1674/5
A sermon preached before the King, April 18th, 1675
A sermon preached before the King and Queen at White-Hall, the 27th of October being the day appointed for a publick thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the signal victory at sea, for the preservation of His Majesty's Sacred Person, and for his safe return to his people /
A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall, April the 9th, 1693, concerning the sacrifice and satisfaction of Christ
Six sermons I. Stedfastness in religion. II. Family-religion. III. IV. V. Education of children. VI. The advantages of an early piety : preached in the church of St. Lawrence Jury in London /
A seasonable vvatch-vvord unto Christians against the dreams & dreamers of this generation delivered in a sermon November 16th. 1665 /
David's distress and deliverance a sermon on I Samuel 30. 6. preached at Edinburgh March 22nd. 1696. By J:W: minster of the gospel.
The vanity of mans present state proved and applyed in a sermon on Psalm 39.5. With divers sermons of the saints communion with God, and safety under his protection, in order to their future glory, on Psalm 73. 23, 24, 25, 26. /
A sermon preached at the parish church of Solihull in Warwickshire, December 21. 1690 On occasion of the death of Anne, the wife of the reverend and worshipful Henry Greswold; precentor of the Cathedral of Lichfield, &c. and rector of Solihull aforesaid. /
A sermon concerning the doctrine, unity, and profession of the Christian faith preached before the University of Oxford : to which is added an appendix concerning the Apostles Creed /
A sermon preached before the right worshipful company of merchants trading into the Levant, at St. Olaves Hart-Street London, Tuesday June, 2. M.DC.LXVIII. /
Diverse select sermons upon severall texts of holy scripture
The divine authority of the scriptures a sermon peached at St. Martin's in the Fields, May 4. 1695 : being the fifth of the lecture for this present year, founded by the honourable Robert Boyle, Esquire /
A sermon preached at the Northampton-shire feast, November 8, 1683 being the first general meeting of such citizens and inhabitants in London, as were born within that county /
A sermon preached July 26, 1685 being the day of publick thanksgiving appointed by His Majesty for the late victory over the rebels, in the parish-churches of St. Mildred's Poultrey, and St. Ann's Aldersgate : published in vindication of that, and the author /
A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the second Sunday in Mychaelmas tearme last. 1590
An assize sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice Glyn and Mr. Serjeant Earle, judges of Assize at Bridgnorth in Shropshire, July the 2d, 1657 /
The spring of strengthning grace in the Rock of Ages, Jesus Christ demonstrated in a plain and short sermon preached at Twickenham in Middlesex, near Hampton-Court, April 16, 1648, /
God acknowledged, or, The true interest of the nation and all that fear God opened in a sermon preached December the 11th, 1695 : being the day appointed by the king for publick prayer and humiliation /
The dejected soules cure tending to support poor drooping sinners. With rules, comforts, and cautions in severall cases. In divers sermons, /
The banner of Corah, Dathan, and Abiram, display'd, and their sin discover'd in several sermons, preach'd at Bristol /
The glory and interest of nations professing the Gospel preached at a private fast, to the Commons assembled in Parliament /
The several ways of revelation a sermon preached at St. Martins in the Fields, Octob. 7, 1695 : being the seventh of the lecture for the said year, founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esquire /
Amoris Christiani Mnēmoneutikon, sive, Concio ad clerum habita in visitatione metropoliticâ Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Sarum, Jul. 12, anno Domini, 1686 /
Certaine sermons, vpon seuerall texts of Scripture
A true copy of the Welch sermon preached before the two princes, Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice, at Dover, a little before they imbarked themselves, with what they had plundered out of England and Wales, to passe beyond the seas
Dekas embolimaios a supplement to the Eniautos, or, Course of sermons for the whole year : being ten sermons explaining the nature of faith, and obedience, in relation to God, and the ecclesiastical and secular powers respectively : all that have been preached and published (since the Restauration) /
Sixteen sermons, preached on several subjects
Two discourses
The wisdom of being religious a sermon preached at St. Pauls /
Twenty sermons preached at Oxford before His Majesty, and elsewhere
An apostolicall injunction for unity and peace, or, A sermon preached by George Downame Master of Arts of Christs Colledge in Cambridge, to the parishioners of Saint Stephens in Walbrooke, at his departure from them
A sermon preached on Sundaye, being the .17. of March Anno. 1577. at S. Alpheges Church within Creplegate in London
A plaine and profitable exposition, of the parable of the sower and the seede wherein is plainly set forth, the difference of hearers, both good and bad : to which is added a learned answer to the Papists, in diuers points of controuersie betweene vs and them, the heads whereof are set downe in the pages following.
A discourse of offences delivered in two sermons Aug. 19, and Sept. 2, 1683 in the Cathedral church of Gloucester /
The great wickedness, and mischievous effects of slandering, represented in a sermon preached at St. Giles without Cripplegate, on Sunday Nov. 15, 1685
A sermon preached in St. Maries at Oxford the 24. of March being the day of his sacred Maiesties inauguration and Maundie thursday /
A sermon made at Blanford Foru[m] in the countie of Dorset on Wensday the 17. of Ianuarij last past at the session holden there, before the honorable and the worshyppefull of that shyre /
Christs ansvver vnto Iohns question, or, An introduction to the knowledge of Iesus Christ, and him crucified Deliuered in certaine sermons in the famous towne of New-castle vpon Tine /
Dauids teacher, or, The true teacher of the right-vvay to heauen discouering erroneous teachers and seditious sectuaries : preached at Paules-Crosse the 3. of September. 1609 /
A sermon of deliuerance preached at the Spittle on Easter Monday, 1626 : vpon entreatie of the Lord Maior and aldermen : published by authoritie : and dedicated to the Citie of London /
A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the 25. of Nouember. 1621 Vpon occasion of that false and scandalous report (lately printed) touching the supposed apostasie of the right Reuerend Father in God, Iohn King, late Lord Bishop of London /
Two sermons vpon the Act Sunday, being the 10th of Iuly. 1625 : deliuered at St Maries in Oxford.
Vitis Palatina a sermon appointed to be preached at VVhitehall vpon the Tuesday after the mariage of the Ladie Elizabeth her Grace /
A sermon preached at White-Hall the 5. day of November. ann. 1608
The Christians vvatch, or, An heauenly instruction to all Christians, to expect with patience the happy day of their change by death or doome preached at Prestbury Church in Cheshire, at the funerals of the right worshipfull Thomas Leigh of Adlington Esquire, the 16. of February anno 1601 /
The duty and happiness of doing good two sermons : the former, preached at the Yorkshire feast, in Bow-Church, Feb. 17, 1679 : the other, before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, at the Spittle, Apr. 14, 1680 /
A sermon about the government of the thoughts, preach'd before the King & Queen, at White-Hall, the 4th of March being the 2d Sunday in Lent, 1693/4 /
Moderation not sedition held forth in a sermon partly preached at St. Matthews Friday-Street the 5 of July 1663 ... /
Foure godlie and fruitful sermons two preached at Draiton in Oxford-shire, at a fast, enioyned by authoritie, by occasion of the pestilence then dangerously dispearsed. Likewise two other sermons on the twelfth Psalme. VVhereunto is annexed a briefe tract of zeale. /
Fiue sermons preached vpon sundry especiall occasions Viz. 1 The sinners mourning habit, in Whitehall, March 29. being the first Tuesday after the departure of King Iames into blessednesse : 2 A visitation sermon, in Christs Church, at the trienniall visitation of the right reuerend father in God the lord bishop of London : 3 The holy choice, in the chappell by Guildhall, at the solemne election of the right honorable the lord maior of London ... /
Christian constancy crovvned by Christ a funerall sermon on Apocalyps 2.10. preached at the buriall of M. VVilliam Winter, citizen of London : together with the testimonie then giuen vnto him. /
Maskil le-David Dauids instructer : a sermon preached at the visitation of the Free-Schole at Tunbridge in Kent, by the wardens of the Worshipfull Companie of Skinners /
The ioy of the iust vvith the signes of such : a discourse tending to the comfort of the deiected and afflicted, and to the triall of sinceritie : being the enlargement of a sermon preached at Black-Friers London, on Psal. 95. 11. /
A fruitfull sermon made in Poules churche at London in the shroudes, the seconde daye of February
A sermon preached the thyrd Sondaye in Lente before the kynges Maiestie, and his honorable counsell
A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the seauenth of May, M.DC.IX
The Gospel treasury opened, or, The holiest of all unvailing discovering yet more the riches of grace and glory to the vessels of mercy unto whom onely it is given to know the mysteries of that kingdom and the excellency of spirit, power, truth above letter, forms, shadows /
Fifteen sermons preach'd upon several occassions, and on various subjects
The common principiles of Christian religion clearly proved and singularly improved, or, A practical catechism wherein some of the most concerning-foundations of our faith are solidely laid down, and that doctrine, which is according to godliness, sweetly, yet pungently pressed home and most satisfyingly handled /
Salomons sweete harpe consisting of fiue words, like so many golden strings, toucht with the cunning hand of his true skill, commanding all other humane speech, wherein both cleargie and laitie may learne how to speake /
A coal from the altar, to kindle the holy fire of zeale in a sermon preached at a generall visitation at Ipswich /
Two sermons preached at Northampton at two severall assises there The one in the time of the shrevalty of Sir Erasmus Dryden Baronet. Anno Domini, 1621 : The other in the time of the shrevalty of Sir Henry Robinson Knight, anno Domini, 1629 /
Chorazin and Bethsaida's vvoe, or warning peece A judicious and learned sermon on Math. II. vers. 21. Preached at St. Maries in Oxford /
Tvvo sermons preached in Scotland before the Kings Maiesty the one, in his chappell royall of Holy-Roode-house at his Highnesse comming in : the other, in the church of Drumfreis at his Highnesse going out /
The royall guest, or, A sermon preached at Lent Assises, anno Dom. M.DC.XXXVI at the cathedrall of Sarum being the first Sunday of Lent, before Sr. Iohn Finch and Sr. John Denham His Majesties justices of assise /
Two sermons preached the one at S. Maries Spittle on Tuesday in Easter weeke. 1570. and the other at the Court at Windsor the Sonday after twelfth day, being the viij. of Ianuary, before in the yeare. 1569 /
Fellowship with God, or, XXVIII sermons on the I Epistle of John, chap. 1 and 2 wherein the true ground and foundation of attaining, the spiritual way of intertaining fellowship with the Father and the Son, and the blessed condition of such as attain to it, are most succinctly and dilucidly explained /
Stand still, or, A bridle for the times A discourse tending to still the murmuring, to settle the wavering, to stay the wandring, to strengthen the fainting : as it was delivered to the Church of God at Great Yarmouth, Anno 1643 /
Tvvo sermons the one commending the ministerie in generall : the other defending the office of bishops in particular : both preached, /
A sermon upon the wonderful deliverance by His Majesty from assassination, the nation from invasion
The wicked mans plot defeated, or, The wicked man laughed out of countenance
A sermon preached on the fast-day, Decemb. 22, 1680 at St. Margarets Westminster before the Honourable House of Commons /
A sermon preached before the King, at Whitehall, on the second of December, 1697 Being the day of thanksgiving for the peace. /
A sermon preach'd June 1, 1699, at Feckenham in Worcester-shire, before the trustees appointed by Sir Thomas Cookes, Kt. Bart. to manage his charity given to that place
The righteous taken away from the evil to come applied to the death of the late excellent Queen, in a sermon preach'd at St. Martin's Church, on Sunday, January the twentieth, 1694/5, before the mayor, baliffs, and commonalty of the city of Oxford /
Some remarks on the life, death, and burial of Mr. Henry Cornish, B.D., an eminent dissenting teacher who died on Sunday, Dec. 18, and was interr'd on Thursday, Dec. 22, 1698, in the church of Bisiter in the county of Oxford as received in a letter from a friend.
A sermon preached at Lambeth, April 21, 1645, at the funerall of that learned and polemicall divine, Daniel Featley, Doctor in Divinity, late preacher there with a short relation of his life and death /
A sermon preached at the magnificent coronation of the most high and mighty King Charles the IId King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. : at the Collegiate Church of S. Peter Westminster the 23d of April, being S. George's Day, 1661 /
A second volume of sermons
Reformation and desolation, or, A sermon tending to the discovery of the symptomes of a people to whom God will by no meanes be reconciled preached to the Honourable House of Commons at their late solemne fast, Decemb. 22, 1641 /
The right vnderstanding of the times opened in a sermon preached to the Honorable House of Commons, December 30, 1646, at Margaret Westminster, being the day of their solemne monethly fast /
A sermon of the baptizing of infants preached in the Abbey-Church at Westminster at the morning lecture, appointed by the honorable House of Commons /
A sermon preached on the 28th of June, at St. Giles in the Fields
[Hebrew] or Wisdome and prudence exhibited in a sermon before the right honourable the Lord Chief Justice Rainsford, and the Lord Chief Justice North. In their late western circuit. /
One and twenty sermons preach'd in Lambeth Chapel Before the Most Reverend Father in God Dr. William Sancroft, late Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury. In the years MDCLXXXIX. MDCXC. /
A sermon preached at St Maries in Oxford vpon Tuesday in Easter vveeke, 1617 Concerning the abuses of obscure and difficult places of holy Scripture, and remedies against them. /
The best bargaine A sermon preached to the Court at Theobalds. on Sunday, Sept. 21. 1623. /
An exhortation to mutual charity and union among Protestants in sermon preach'd before the King and Queen at Hampton-Court, May 21. 1689 /
A sermon preach'd before the honourable House of Commons, at St. Margaret's Westminster June 5th. 1689 being the fast day appointed by the King and Queen's proclamation, to implore the blessing of Almighty God upon Their Majesties forces by sea and land, and success in the war, now declared, against the French King /
The kingdom of God in power a sermon preached before the Right Honourable Sir John Shorter, Knight, Lord Mayor of the city of London, at Grocers-Hall, November the 20th, 1687 /
Sermons and discourses on several occasions
The earnest of our inheritance together with a description of the new heauen and the new earth, and a demonstration of the glorious resurrection of the bodie in the same substance. Preached at Pauls Crosse the second day of August. 1612. /
Abrahams tryall a sermon preached at the Spittle, in Easter weeke. Anno Domini 1602. /
A sermon preached in the Cathedrall Church in Norwich, the xxi. day of December, 1589
A sermon of the pestilence
Five pious and learned discourses 1. A sermon shewing how we ought to behave our selves in Gods house. 2. A sermon preferring holy charity before faith, hope, and knowledge. 3. A treatise shewing that Gods law, now qualified by the Gospel of Christ, is possible, and ought to be fulfilled of us in this life. 4. A treatise of the divine attributes. 5. A treatise shewing the Antichrist not to be yet come. /
Obedience to the gospell Two sermons, conteining fruteful matter, both of doctrine, and exhortation: very needefull to be knowne, and practised in these our dayes: vpon the words of the holy ghost, written by the Euangelist S. Luke, chapter 2. verses 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. conteining the effect of the birth of Christ, (reuealed by the Angell of God) in the sheepeherds, and others that heard of it. /
A sermon preached at Pawles Crosse on Sunday the ninth of December. 1576
A most godly and learned sermon preached at Pauls crosse the 17 of Nouember, in the yeare of our Lorde. 1583.
Perseuerantia sanctorum a sermon of perseuering in patience, repentance, and humiliation, in time of afflictions, preached before the lords of the Parliament, at the last generall fast, vpon Ash-wednesday, the 18. day of February 1628. at the Collegiat Church of S. Peter in Westminster /
A sermon preached before the Kings Maiestie on Sunday the seventeenth of February last, at White-Hall
[Sermon on Luke VIII]
Of the life or conuersation of a Christen man, a right godly treatise
The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, vpon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians
An humble plea for the quiet rest of God's ark in a sermon preached before the right honourable Sr. John Moore, Lord Mayor of the city of London, at St Mildred's church, Feb. 5. 1681/2. /
A sermon preached upon April xxiii. MDCLXXX. in the cathedral church of Bristol before the gentlemen of the artillery-company, newly raised in that city. /
Two sermons preached in the cathedral-church of Bristol, January the 30th 1679/80 and January the 31th 1680/81 being the days of publick humiliation for the execrable murder of King Charles the first /
A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at Westminster, March 31, 1647
The mourning-ring, in memory of your departed friend ...
Three sermons preached in St. Maries Church in Cambridg, upon the three anniversaries of the martyrdom of Charles I, Jan. 30, birth and return of Charles II, May 29, gun-powder treason, Novemb. 5
The Christian hearer's first lesson a sermon preached at St. Mary's Church in Nottingham on Thursday, Octob. the 4th, 1694 : the first day of a lecture preached there weekly by the ministers of that town and country : publish'd to satisfie the desire of some of the auditors /
God's anger, and Man's comfort two sermons /
A sermon preached in Yorke Minster, before his Excellence the Marques of Newcastle, being then ready to meet the Scotch Army, January, 28. 1643
The noble-mans patterne of true and reall thankfulnesse presented in a sermon preached before the Right Honourable House of Lords, at their late solemne day of Thanksgiving, June 15, 1643 : for the discovery of a dangerous, desperate and bloody designe tending to the utter subversion of the Parliament and of the famous city of London /
The glory and happines of a true Christian a sermon preached by Master Rogers at Needham in Norfolke the 28 of Iune. 1617.
Charitable reproof a sermon preached at the Church of St. Mary-le-Bow to the Societies for Reformation of Manners, the 25th of March, 1700 /
The infallibility of the Church of Rome examined and confuted in a letter to a Roman priest /
A sermon preached in Saint Maries Church in Oxford Vpon the anniversary of the Gunpowder-Treason /
Mr. James Janeway's legacy to his friends containing twenty seven famous instances of Gods providences in and about sea dangers and deliverances, with the names of several that were eye witnesses to many of them : whereunto is added a sermon on the same subject.
A sermon preached in Saint Maries in Oxford
In die Innocencium sermo pro episcopo puerorum
A Rowland for an Oliver, or, A sharp rebuke to a sawcy levite in answer to a sermon preach'd by Edward Oliver, M.A. before Sir Humphry Edwin late Lord Mayor of London, at St. Paul's Cathedral, on Sunday October 22. 1698 /
A sanctuary for the tempted being a discourse on Christ's friendly admonition to Peter : wherein the fall and rising of Peter, is at large considered ... delivered in sundry sermons, at first, and now, published for the benefit of God's church in general : to which is added, four sermons, preach'd upon sacramental occasions /
Sermons very fruitfull, godly, and learned
A sermon vpon part of the prophesie of Obadiah touching the destruction, as of Idumæans, so of Papists, and meanes whereby it must be wrought /
An explication of the hundreth and tenth Psalme wherein the severall heads of Christian religion therein contained; touching the exaltation of Christ, the scepter of his kingdome, the character of his subjects, his priesthood, victories, sufferings, and resurrection, are largely explained and applied. Being the substance of severall sermons preached at Lincolns Inne /
The shieldes of the earth A sermon preached before the reverend judges, Sir Richard Hutten, and Sir George Crooke, at the assizes holden at North-hampton : February 25. 1634 /
Thrēnoikos The house of mourning, furnished with directions for preparations to meditations of consolations at the houre of death. Delivered in XLVII. sermons, preached at the funeralls of divers faithfull servants of Christ /
Peters fall Two sermons vpon the historie of Peters denying Christ. Wherin we may see the causes of mans falling from God, and the manner how, both of the wicked thorough incredulitie, and of the godly by infirmitie : and also the way that God hath set downe in his worde to rise againe /
All in all. ...
The life of faith in death· Exemplified in the liuing speeches of dying Christians /
A cordiall for Christians in the time of affliction, or, A sermon preached at Kethering Lecture
Two sermons, for these who are to come to the table of the Lord With diverse prayers fit for the necessities of the Saincts at diverse occasions /
The glorie of the latter temple greater then of the former Opened in a sermon preached at the consecration or restitution of the Parish Church of Flixton in the island of Louingland in the county of Suffolke; being sometimes the mother church of the East-Angles. 11. March. 1630 /
A full survey of Sion and Babylon, and a clear vindication of the parish-churches and parochial-ministers of England ..., or, A Scripture disproof, and syllogistical conviction of M. Charles Nichols, of Kent ... delivered in three Sabbath-dayes sermons in the parish church of Deal in Kent, after a publick dispute in the same church with the said Mr. Charles Nichols, upon the 20. day of October 1653 /
A notable sermo[n] of ye reuerende father Maister Hughe Latemer whiche he preached in ye Shrouds at paules churche in Londo[n], on the. xviii. daye of Ianuary. 1548.
A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Benjamin Whichcot, D.D. and minister of S. Lawrence Jewry, London, May 24th, 1683
The Christian conflict and conquest set forth in a sermon at Pauls-crosse, upon Sunday the 19th of Iuly, 1635. By W.E.B.D. of St Mary Hall in Oxford
A sermon concerning the wandring of the mind in God's service preached before the Queen, at White-Hall, February 15, 1690/1 /
The one thing necessary Preached in a sermon at Pauls, before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and the aldermen of the City of London, Aug. 31. 1656. By Thomas Watson, minister of Stephens Walbrook, London.
The profitableness of piety opened in an assize sermon preach'd at Dorchester, March 24 1670/1 : before the Right Honourable Sir Richard Rainsford Knight, one of the judges of the Kings Bench at the request of the Right Worshipful Robert Seymer Esquire, His Majesties High-Sheriff of the County of Dorset /
Enōtikon, or, A sermon of the vnion of Great Brittannie, in antiquitie of language, name, religion, and kingdome: preached by Iohn Gordoun Deane of Sarum, the 28 day of October 1604, in presence of the the Kings Maiestie at Whitehall
The destruction of Sodome a sermon preached at a publicke fast, before the honourable assembly of the Commons House of Parliament, at St. Margarets Church in Westminster. /
A learned and comfortable sermon of the certaintie and perpetuitie of faith in the elect especially of the prophet Habakkuks faith /
A remedie against sorrow and feare, delivered in a funerall sermon
A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-Hall, May the Xth. M.DC.XC.I
A sermon preach'd before the Lord-Mayor and court of Aldermen in the church of St. Mary le Bow, on Thursday the 26th of November, being the day of the publick thanksgiving
Two mariage sermons the former on Prov. 19. 14. /
An homelye or sermon of good and euill angels preached by the Reuerend D. Vrbanus Rhegius, pastor and superintendent of Christes Church at Zelle in Saxony. Anno. 1537. /
Twenty sermons formerly preached XVI ad aulam, III ad magistratum, I ad populum /
The advancement of Christs interests the governing end of a Christians life a second sermon preached before the Right Honourable Sir John Shorter, Knight, Lord Mayor of the city of London at Grocers-Hall, January the 9th, 1687/8 /
[Dauids euidenece [sic], or, The assurance of Gods loue] [declared in seuen sermons]
Virginia's God be thanked, or, A sermon of thanksgiving for the happie successe of the affayres in Virginia this last yeare
Iethro's iustice of peace a sermon preached at a generall assises held at Bury St. Edmunds, for the countie of Suffolke /
A sermon preached at Flitton in the countie of Bedford at the funerall of the Right Honourable Henrie Earle of Kent, the sixteenth of March 1614 /
Saints memorials, or, Words fitly spoken, like apples of gold in pictures of silver being a collection of divine sentences /
A sermon preached before the King upon the twenty seventh of February, 1669/70
Sermons made by the most reuerende Father in God, Edwin, Archbishop of Yorke, primate of England and metropolitane
The fourth sermon preached at Hampton Court on Tuesday the last of Sept. 1606
A sermo[n] preached before the Quenes Maiestie
A good vvife Gods gift and, a vvife indeed : tvvo mariage sermons /
The dignitie of chiualrie set forth in a sermon preached before the Artillery Company of London, Iune xiij. 1626 /
The saints qualification, or, A treatise I. Of humiliation, in tenne sermons. II. Of sanctification, in nine sermons whereunto is added a treatise of communion with Christ in the sacrament, in three sermons /
An exposition of the third chapter of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians also two sermons of Christian watchfulnesse. The first upon Luke 12 37. The second upon Revel. 16.15. An exposition of part of the second chapter of the Epistle to the Philipp. A sermon upon Mal. 4. 2.3. /
The arriereban a sermon preached to the company of the military yarde, at St. Andrewes Church in Holborne at St. Iames his day last /
An exposition vpon the prophet Ionah Contained in certaine sermons, preached in S. Maries church in Oxford. /
A peace-offring to God for the blessings we enioy vnder his Maiesties reigne with a thanksgiuing for the Princes safe returne on Sunday the 5. of October. 1623 : in a sermon preached at Manitree in Essex, on Thursday the 9. of October, next after his Highnesse happy arriuall /
Evangelicall sacrifices In xix. sermons. I. Thankfull commemorations for Gods mercy in our great deliverance from the papists powder-plot. 2. The successefull seeker. 3. Faith triumphant. 4. Speciall preparations to fit us for our latter end in foure funerall sermons. 5. The faithfull covenanter. 6. The demand of a good conscience. 7. The sword of the wicked. /
A sermon preached at St. Lawrence Jewry, before the Lord-Mayor, Aldermen, and Livery-men, of the city of London, on Saturday the 28th of September, 1695 at the election of the Lord-Mayor for the year ensuing /
The wonderfull combate (for Gods glorie and mans saluation) betweene Christ and Satan Opened in seuen most excellent, learned and zealous sermons, vpon the temptations of Christ, in the wilderness, &c. Seene and allowed.
BV4253.J36 F78 1603 A fruitfull meditation, containing, a plaine and easie exposition, or laying open of the 7, 8, 9, and 10 verses of the 20. chap. of the reuelation, in forme snd [sic] maner of a sermon. Set downe by the most Christian King, and sincere professor, and chiefe defender of the trueth: Iames the first, King of England, France and Ireland; and the sixt of Scotland. 1
BV4253 .J4 The burning yet un-consumed bush, or, The holinesse of places discuss'd held forth in two farewel-sermons at Christ-Church London, August 17th, 1662 / 2
BV4253 .J64 1620 Diues and Lazarus, or rather, Diuellish diues. 1
BV4253 .J66 1638 Diues and Lazarus, or rather, Diuellish diues. 1
BV4253 .J66 1692 A farewel-sermon preached to the united parishes of St. Mary Woolnoth & St. Mary Woolchurch-Haw in Lombard-Street 4
BV4253 .K5 The ready way to get riches:, or, The poor man's counsellor. Teaching them how of [sic] poor & miserable, they may become wealthy and happy. : Very seasonable for these times, wherein all are poor, or notpleased; or both when they need be neither. 1
BV4253.L39 1693 The duty & property of a religious housholder opened in a sermon delivered at Charlestown, on Lords Day December 25. 1692 / 1
BV4253.L55 1646 Innocency and trvth jvstified let the quintescence of sweetnesse which is in the Lord Jesus Christ be always your delight. 1
BV4253 .M36 Two sermons both preached at Northampton, one at the assizes March 1693, the other at a visitation October the 10th, 1694 2
BV4253 .M37 Seven select lectures of Mr. Cotton Mather of New-England, or, Seasonable discourses upon some common but woful distempers wherein men gratify the grand enemy of their salvation and upon the remedies of those distempers by a singular providence of God preserved from the hands of the French ... and now published by an English gentleman who providentially litt upon them. 2
BV4253 .M37 1690 Addresses to old men, and young men, and little children. In three discourses. I. The old mans honour; or, The hoary head found in the way of righteousness. A discourse recommending unto old men, a saving acquaintance with the Lord Jesus Christ. II. The young man's glory, or, A wreath of graces for the head of youth. A discourse recommending unto young men, a blessed victory over the Devil. III. The little childs lesson, or, A child wise unto salvation. A discourse instructing and advising little children to the exercises of early piety. To which may be added, A short Scriptural catechism, accommodated unto their capacities / 1
BV4253.M38 1684 Some important truths concerning conversion, and the improving seasons of grace; prayer in families, and in secret: delivered in several sermons / 1
BV4253.M38 1691 Little flocks guarded against grievous wolves. an address unto those parts of New-England which are most exposed unto assaults, from the modern teachers of the misled Quakers. In a letter, which impartially discovers the manifold haeresies and blasphemies, and the strong delusions of even the most refined Quakerism: and thereupon demonstrates the truth of those principles and assertions, which are most opposite thereunto. Withjust reflections upon the extream ignorance and wickedness; of George Keith; who is the seducer that now most ravines upon the churches in this wilderness / 1
BV4253.M38 B75 1695 Brontologia sacra: The voice of the glorious God in the thunder: explained and applyed in a sermon uttered by a minister of the Gospel in a lecture unto an assembly of Christians abroad, at the very same time when the thunder was by the permission and providence of God falling upon his own house at home. : Whereunto are added some reflections formed on the Lords-Day following by the voices of thunders, upon the great things which the great God is now doing in the world. : A discourse useful for all men at all times, but especially intended for an entertainment in the hours of thunder. 1
BV4253.M38 C3 1692 The cause and cure of a wounded spirit: in a discourse which layes open the manifold and amazing wounds of a troubled conscience, and pours the balsame of seasonable counsils and comforts into those terrible wounds. : Being two sermons, / 1
BV4253.M38 M5 1692 A midnight cry. An essay for our awakening out of that sinful sleep, to which we are at this time too much disposed; and for our discovering of what peculiar things there are in this time, that are for our awakening. / 1