Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT180.H54 C37 1995 The unknown God : negative theology in the Platonic tradition, Plato to Eriugena / 1
BT180.H54 C56 2014 His hiding place is darkness : a Hindu-Catholic theopoetics of divine absence / 1
BT180.H54 C56 2014eb His hiding place is darkness : a Hindu-Catholic theopoetics of divine absence / 1
BT180.H54 R43 2018 The hiddenness of God / 1
BT180.J8 The horrors and terrors of the hour of death and day of judgment that seize upon all impenitent and unbelieving sinners with some holy directions to die well and also the great danger of a long-delayed and death-bed repentance : to all which are addedsundry examples of God's dreadful judgements against violent breakers of his holy commandments. / 1
BT180.J8 B76 1650 An alarm to all impenitent [s]inners. Or, [T]he spirit of bondage raised up in judgement and allayed in mercy. [D]eclared in a short treatise of the sweetnesse of God's love discovered in the bitterness of his wrath. / 1
BT180.J8 C68 1551 An exhortatyon or warnynge, to beware of greater plagues & troubles, then are yet come vppon thys realme, for the synnes and wyckednes that hath bene, & is yet dayly commytted there in. 1
BT180.J8 C68 1648 Breach of covenant, a ruinating sinne. as it was preached at Clare in Suff. Novemb. 3. And now published for the good of adjoyning parts, especially those of Hinkford Hundred in Essex. / 1
BT180.J8 D38 1642 Gods fearefvll ivdgement vpon divers cavaliers. Being a lamentable relation, the like was never read of, nor heard before: / 1
BT180.J8 H6 The young-man's duty: or, Good council for young-men. Shewing the happiness of being good betimes. [W]ith an alarm from the eternal God, to drowsie saints and secure sinners. As also the young-mans objections an[s]wered, and the old-mans doubts resolved. / 1
BT180.J8 (INTERNET) Strange and true nevvs from Staffordshire, or, A true narrative concerning a young man lying under almighty Gods just vengeance, for imprecating God's judgment upon himself, and pleading his innocency though he knew himself guilty
The sirenes, or, Delight and judgment represented in a discourse concerning the great day of judgment and its power to damp and imbitter sensual delights, sports, and recreations /
BT180.J8 .K54 The godly mans gain and the wicked mans woe, or, Good news from heaven for the righteous plainly shewing the wonderful manifestation of the love of God to their souls, their blessed and happy condition both in this life, and that which is to come : likewise, thedreadful [sic] condition of the wicked ... : lastly, some seasonable warnings, and perswasions, for poor sinners to prepare for judgement ... / 1
BT180.J8 L65 Quatuor novissma: Or, Meditations upon the four last things, 1
BT180.J8 R35 Concerning the judgements of God; for and against what they are decreed, and what judgement is in it self. : And also what is the eternal judgement of God against the wicked and ungodly. 1
BT180.J8 R64 Cherubims. Cherubims. 1
BT180.J8 .W1 Englands summons: or, Londons alarum from Heaven. With a caveat to all cities, towns, counties, and families in the same. / 1
BT180.N2 Naming God : Christian and Muslim perspectives / 1
BT180.N2 B813 2022 Philosophy of the name / 2
BT180.N2 D516 Il testo tachigrafico del De divinis nominibus. : (Vat. gr. 1809) 1
BT180.N2 I96 2008 All the names of the Lord : lists, mysticism, and magic / 1