Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT110 .G73 The doctrine of the glorious Trinity not explained, but asserted by several texts as they are expounded by the ancient fathers and later divines for the satisfaction of such as doubt, the conviction of such as deny, and the confirmation of such as believe this mysterious article of the Christian faith / 1
BT110 .G84 De Trinitate / 1
BT110 .H5414 1999 La Trinité / 1
BT110 .H64 Impar conatui, or, Mr. J.B. the author of an answer to the animadversions on the Dean of St. Paul's vindication of the Trinity rebuk'd and prov'd to be wholly unfit for the great work he hath undertaken : with some account of the late scandalous animadversions on Mr. Hill's book intituled A vindication of the primitive fathers ... : in a letter to the Reverend Mr. R.E. / 2
BT110 (INTERNET) A letter to a friend concerning a postscript to the Defense of Dr. Sherlock's notion of the Trinity in unity, relating to the Calm and sober enquiry upon the same subject
Animadversions upon Dr. Sherlock's book, entituled A vindication of the holy and ever-blessed Trinity, &c together with a more necessary vindication of that sacred and prime article of the Christian faith from his new notions, and false explications of it /
A letter to the reverend the clergy of both universities, concerning the Trinity and the Athanasian creed with reflections on all the late hypotheses, particularly Dr. W's, Dr. S--th's, the Trinity placed in its due light, The 28 propositions, The calm discourse of a Trinity in the Godhead, and the defence of Dr. Sherlock's notions : with a short discourse concerning mysteries.
A table of the additions and alterations made in the second edition of the Animadversions upon Dr. Sherlock's book of the Trinity
A fourth letter concerning the sacred Trinity in reply to what is entituled An answer to Dr. Wallis's three letters /
The doctrine of the blessed Trinity, briefly explained in a letter to a friend
A seventh letter, concerning the sacred Trinity occasioned by a second letter from W.J. /
The two great mysteries of Christian religion the ineffable Trinity, [the] vvonderful incarnation, explicated to the satisfaction of mans own naturall reason, and according to the grounds of philosophy /
Tritheism charged upon Dr. Sherlock's new notion of the Trinity and the charge made good in an answer to the defense of the said notion against the Animadversions upon Dr. Sherlock's book, entituled, A vindication of the holy and ever-blessed Trinity, &c. /
A fifth letter, concerning the sacred Trinity in answer to what is entituled, the Arians vindication of himself against Dr. Wallis's fourth letter on the Trinity /
A seasonable vindication of the B. Trinity being an answer to this question, why do you believe the doctrine of the Trinity? /
A short history of Valentinus Gentilis, the tritheist tryed, condemned, and put to death by the Protestant reformed city and church of Bern in Switzerland, for asserting the three divine persons of the Trinity, to be [three distinct, eternal spirits, &c.] /
An answer to Dr. Sherlock's examination of the Oxford decree in a letter from a member of that university to his friend in London.
An answer to Dr. Wallis's three letters concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity
A sixth letter, concerning the sacred Trinity in answer to a book entituled, Observations on the four letters, &c. /
The divine trinunity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, or, The blessed doctrine of the three coessentiall subsistents in the eternall Godhead without any confusion or division of the distinct subsistences or multiplication of the most single and entire Godhead acknowledged, beleeved, adored by Christians, in opposition to pagans, Jewes, Mahumetans, blasphemous and antichristian hereticks, who say they are Christians, but are not /
A discourse in vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity with an answer to the late Socinian objections against it from Scripture, antiquity and reason, and a preface concerning the different explications of the Trinity, and the tendency of the present Socinian controversie /
The doctrine of the Trinity and transubstantiation compared as to Scripture, reason, and tradition. in a new dialogue between a Protestant and a papist : wherein an answer is given to the late proofs of the antiquity of transubstantiation in the books called Consensus veterum and Nubes testium, &c.
A second letter concerning the Holy Trinity pursuant to the former from the same hand : occasioned by a letter there inserted from one unknown /
An answer to a late Dialogue between a new Catholick convert and a Protestant to prove the mystery of the Trinity to be as absurd a doctrine as transubstantiation : by way of short notes on the said dialogue.
The reflections on the XXVIII propositions touching the doctrine of the Trinity, in a letter to the clergy, &c. maintain'd, against the Third defence of the said propositions
A brief declaration and vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity as also of the person and satisfaction of Christ /
Certain propositions by which the doctrin of the H. Trinity is so explain'd, according to the ancient fathers, as to speak it not contradictory to natural reason together with a defence of them, in answer to the objections of a Socianian writer, in his newly printed Considerations on the explications of the doctrin of the Trinity : occasioned by these propositions among other discourses : in a letter to that author.
A defence of Dr. Sherlock's notion of a Trinity in unity in answer to the animadversions upon his vindication of the doctrine of the holy and ever Blessed Trinity : with a post-script relating to the calm discourse of a Trinity in the Godhead : in a letter to a friend.
A calm and sober enquiry concerning the possibility of a Trinity in the Godhead in a letter to a person of worth : occasioned by the lately published considerations on the explications of the doctrine of the Trinity by Dr. Wallis, Dr. Sherlock, Dr. S--th, Dr. Cudworth, &c.
Considerations on the explications of the doctrine of the Trinity by Dr. Wallis, Dr. Sherlock, Dr. S-th, Dr. Cudworth, and Mr. Hooker as also on the account given by those that say the Trinity is an unconceivable and inexplicable mystery written to a person of quality.
An apology for writing against Socinians, in defence of the doctrines of the Holy Trinity and incarnation in answer to a late earnest and compassionate suit for forbearance to the learned writers of some controversies at present /
A modest examination of the authority and reasons of the late decree of the vice-chancellor of Oxford, and some heads of colleges and halls concerning the heresy of three distinct infinite minds in the Holy and Ever-blessed Trinity /
A vindication of the doctrine of the holy and ever blessed Trinity and the Incarnation of the Son of God occasioned by the Brief notes on the Creed of St. Athanasius and the Brief history of the Unitarians or Socinians and containing an answer to both /
A vindication of the sermons of His Grace John Archbishop of Canterbury concerning the divinity and incarnation of our B. Saviour : and of the Lord Bishop of Worcester's sermon on the mysteries of the Christian faith, from the exceptions of a late book, entituled, Considerations on the explications of the doctrine of the Trinity : to which is annexed, a letter from the Lord Bishop of Sarum to the author of the said vindication, on the same subject.
BT110 .J3 The doctrine of the fathers and schools consider'd. concerning the articles of a trinity of divine persons, and the unity of God, in answer to the animadversions on the Dean of St. Paul's vindication of the doctrine of the holy and ever blessed Trinity ... / 2
BT110 .J6 1527a Psalterium decem cordarum : in quo de summa Trinitate eiusque distinctione par pulchre indagatur, de numero psalmorum et eorum archanis ac mysticis sensibus, de psalmodia, de modo et vsu psallẽdi simul et psallẽtium / 1
BT110 .J6 2009 Psalterium decem cordarum / 1
BT110 .L47 A Letter to the reverend Doctor South upon occasion of a late book entituled Animadversions upon Dr. Sherlock's book in vindication of the Trinity. 2
BT110 .M84 Epître sur l'unité et la Trinité, Traité sur l'intellect, Fragment sur l'ame / 1
BT110 .N93 1693 Considerations on the explications of the doctrine of the Trinity by Dr. Wallis, Dr. Sherlock, Dr. S-th, Dr. Cudworth, and Mr. Hooker as also on the account given by those that say the Trinity is an unconceivable and inexplicable mystery / 2
BT110 .N93 1694 Considerations on the explications of the doctrine of the Trinity occasioned by four sermons preached by His Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury : a sermon preached by the Lord-Bishop of Worchester : a discourse by the Lord-Bishop of Salisbury : a sheet by a very learned hand containing twenty eight propositions : a treatise by an eminent dissenting minister, being a calm discourse concerning the possibilty of a Trinity : and by a book in answer to the animadversions on Dr. Sherlock's vindication of the Trinity : in a letter to H.H.
Considerations on the explications of the doctrine of the Trinity occasioned by four sermons preached by His Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury : a sermon preached by the Lord-Bishop of Worchester : a discourse by the Lord-Bishop of Salisbury :
BT110 .O7 Entretien d'Origène avec Héraclide / 1
BT110 .R565 1960 La Trinité / 1
BT110 .R86 1971 Ruperti Tuitiensis De Sancta Trinitate et operibus eius / 1
BT110 .S34 1996 Consummatio caritatis : eine Untersuchung zu Richard von St. Victors De Trinitate / 1
BT110 .S43 1694 A vindication of the doctrine of the holy and ever blessed Trinity and the incarnation of the Son of God occasioned by the brief notes on the creed of St. Athanasius and the brief history of the Unitarians, or Socinians, and containing an answer to both / 2
BT110 .S5 1531a De Trinitatis erroribus libri septem / 1
BT110 .S5 1965 De Trinitatis erroribus libri septem / 1
BT110 .S53 1553a Christianismi restitvtio. : Totius ecclesiæ apostolicæ est ad sua limina vocatio, in integrum restituta cognitione Dei, fidei Christi, iustificationis nostræ, regenerationis baptismi, et cœnæ domini manducationis / 1