Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1440 .B7 1770 A New version of the Psalms of David : fitted to the tunes used in churches / 1
BS1440 .B7 1770b A new version of the Psalms of David : fitted to the tunes used in churches / 1
BS1440 .B7 1771 A new version of the Psalms of David : Fitted to the tunes used in churches. / 1
BS1440.B7 (INTERNET) Remarks upon a late pamphlet entituled, A brief and full account of Mr. Tate's and Mr. Brady's New version of the Psalms
A new version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches
BS1440 .B72 1703 A supplement to the New version of Psalms, by Dr. Brady, and Mr. Tate : containing, the Psalms in particular measures; the usual hymns; Creed; Lord's Prayer; Ten Commandments, for the Holy Sacrament, &c. with Gloria Patri's, and tunes (treble and bass) proper to each of them, and all the rest of the Psalms. 1
BS1440 .B73 1973 Psalms/now / 2
BS1440 .C37 1700 The Psalms of David 2
BS1440.C5 1611 The CL. Psalmes of Dauid in prose and meeter. Where-unto is added, prayers commonly used in the kirkes, and privat houses: with a perpetuall Kalendar, and all the changes of the moone that shal happen, for the space of 19. yeeres to come. Duelie calculated to the Meridian of Edinburgh. 1
BS1440 .C5 1615 The CL. Psalmes of David in Scottish meter: after the forme that they are vsed to bee sung in the Kirke of Scotland. 1
BS1440 .C5 1625 The CL. Psalmes of David, in Scottish meter: after the forme that they are vsed to bee sung in the Kirke of Scotland. 1
BS1440.C5 1629 The CL. Psalmes of David in prose and meeter. With their whole vsuall tunes newly corrected and amended. 1
BS1440 .C520 Paul Claudel répond les Psaumes. 1
BS1440.D8 D37 De C.L. psalmen Dauids. 1
BS1440 .D86 1666 Dabidēs emmetros, sive, Metaphrasis libri psalmorum græcis versibus contexta / 2
BS1440 .F54 2002 Opening to you : Zen-inspired translations of the Psalms / 1
BS1440 .G46 1661 Psalms of David in meeter. Newly translated and diligently compared with the original text, and former translations: More plain, smooth and agreeable to the text, then any heretofore. / 1
BS1440 .G66 1684 The psalter, or, Psalms of David paraphras'd in verse set to new tunes and so design'd that by two tunes onely the whole number of psalms (four onely excepted) may be sung, one of which tunes is already known (being the usual tune of the C. psalm) : the other tunes onely are new, but any one of them being learnt all the other psalms may be sung by that one onely tune : as on the contrary any one psalm may be sung by all the new tunes, so that a greater facility for those who are less able to sing, or a greater variety for those who are more able, cannot reasonably be desired or afforded /
The psalter, or, Psalms of David paraphras'd in verse set to new tunes and so design'd that by two tunes onely the whole number of psalms (four onely excepted) may be sung, one of which tunes is already known (being the usual tune of the C. psalm) : the other tunes onely are new, but any one of them being learnt all the other psalms may be sung by that one onely tune : as on the contrary any one psalm may be sung by all the new tunes, so that a greater facility for those who are less able to sing, or a greater variety for those who are more able, cannot reasonably be desired or afforded /
BS1440 . G66 1685 The psalter, or psalms of David paraphras'd in verse set to new tunes : to which is now subjoyn'd an additional version in the common metres, where above one hundred pslams may be sung to the common old tunes now used in churches / 1
BS1440 .G66 1685 The psalter or psalms of David paraphras'd in verse. Set to new tunes [by R. Goodridge] 1
BS1440 (INTERNET) The Psalter of David with titles and collects according to the matter of each psalme.
Psalmes, or songs of Sion
A paraphrase upon the Psalms of David
A paraphrase on the book of Job as likewise on the songs of Moses, Deborah, David : on four select psalms, some chapters of Isaiah, and the third chapter of Habakkuk /
Petrarchs seuen penitentiall psalmes paraphrastically translated : with other philosophicall poems, and a hymne to Christ vpon the crosse. /
Naboth's vinyard, or, The innocent traytor copied from the orginal of Holy Scripture : in heroick verse.
The translation of certaine psalmes into English verse
Psalms and hymns composed and fitted for the present occasion of publick thanks-giving, October 24, 1651
The Book of Psalms in metre close and proper to the Hebrew, smooth and pleasant for the metre, plain and easie for the tunes : with musical notes, arguments, annotations, and index : fitted for the ready use and understanding of all good Christians.
The psalter of David with titles and collects according to the matter of each Psalme : whereunto is added Devotions for the help and assistance of all Christian people, in all occasions and necessities.
The book of prayses, called the Psalmes, the keyes and holly things of Dauid
The whole booke of Psalmes
The Psalmes of David translated into lyrick-verse, according to the scope, of the original. And illustrated, with a short argument, and a briefe prayer, or meditation; before, & after, every Psalme
The Psalms of David in English meeter
The Psalms of David in meeter with the prose interlined /
Certayne psalmes chosen out of the psalter of Dauid, commonlye called the .vii. penytentiall psalmes
The Psalmes of Dauid in meter The plaine song beeing the common tunne to be sung and plaide vpon the lute, orpharyon, citterne or base violl, seuerally or altogether, the singing part to be either tenor or treble to the instrument, according to the nature of the voyce, or for foure voyces: with tenne short tunnes in the end, to which for the most part all the Psalmes may be vsually sung, for the vse of such as are of mean skill, and whose leysure least serueth to practise /
The Psalms of David
A paraphrase upon the divine poems