Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR304 .W53 1591 De neutralibus & medijs, grosly Englished, iacke of both sides a godly and a necessarie catholike admonition, touching those that be neuters, holding vpon no certaine religion, nor doctrine, and such as hold with both partes, or rather of no part : very necessary to stay and stablish Gods elect in the true catholicke faith against this present wicked world. 1
BR305 Die Reformation und das Elsaß Festschrift zur 400jährigen Jubelfeier der Reformation.
Die deutsche Reformation zwischen Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit /
BR305 .A8 Aspects de la propagande religieuse / 1
BR305 .B3 1971 The Reformation : a religious and historical sketch.
The Reformation; a religious and historical sketch.
BR305 .B35 The Reformation of the sixteenth century. 1
BR305 .B35 1956 The Reformation of the sixteenth century / 1
BR305 .B47 1928 How the Reformation happened / 1
BR305 .B47 1956 How the reformation happened / 1
BR305 .B4713 1945 Cómo aconteció la Reforma / 1
BR305 .C3438 1881 La fe cristiana : consideraciones sobre "La revolución religiosa" de D. Emilio Castelar y otras obras heréticas / 1
BR305 .D6 Die Reformation, ihre innere Entwicklung und ihre Wirkungen im Umfange des Lutherischen Bekenntnisses / 1
BR305 .D74 Vier Documente aus römischen Archiven : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Protestantismus vor, während und nach der Reformation / 1
BR305 . F5 1873 The reformation / 1
BR305 .F5 1873 The reformation. 1
BR305 .G4 The two reformations in the 16th century : a study of the religious aspects and consequences of Renaissance and humanism / 1
BR305 .G74 The Reformation era, 1500-1650. 1
BR305 .H28 The Age of Reformation. 1
BR305 .H3313 History of the reformation in Germany and Switzerland chiefly / 1
BR305 .H5 Heimliche Kirche. : Ketzerchronik aus den Tagen der Reformation. / 1
BR305 .H57 1936 Historia del mundo en la edad moderna. 1