Call Number (LC) Title Results
BJ1551 .S85 1684 Strange and dreadful news from Queens-street, London. Or A terrible warning for whore-mongers, and debauched persons: in the sad and dismal example of Ed. Harris Esq; who sadly expired on the 26 of July 1684. 1
BJ1551 .S87 1628 Christian observations and resolutions, or, The daylie practise of the renewed man, turning all occurrents to spirituall uses, and these uses to his vnion with God I. centurie : vvith a resolution for death, &c. / 1
BJ1551.T4 (INTERNET) Thrifts equipage Viz. fiue diuine and morall meditations, of 1. Frugalitie. 2. Prouidence. 3. Diligence. 4. Labour and care. 5. Death. 1
BJ1551 .T74 A cap of grey hairs for a green head, or, The fathers counsel to his son, an apprentice in London to which is added a discourse on the worth of a good name / 2
BJ1551 .T79 The planter's speech to his neighbours & country-men of Pennsylvania, East & West Jersey and to all such as have transported themselves into new-colonies for the sake of a quiet retired life : to which is added the complaints of our supra-inferior inhabitants. 2
BJ1551 .T88 1614 The dove, and the serpent in which is conteined a large description of all such points and principles, as tend either to conversation, or, negotation. 1
BJ1551 .T92 Essays politic and moral, and Essays moral and theological / 1
BJ1551 .T94 1631 Vade mecum, or, essayes morall, theologicall 1
BJ1551 .V58 1546 Introduction to wisedome ; Banket of sapience ; Preceptes of Agapetus 1
BJ1551 .V58 1563 Introduction to wisedome ; Banket of sapience ; Preceptes of Agapetus 1
BJ1551 .W37 Two very usefull and compendious theological treatises the first shewing the nature of wit, wisdom, and folly : the second describing the nature, use, and abuse of the tongue and speech, whereby principally wisdom and folly are expressed : wherein also are divers texts of Scripture touching the respective heads explained /
Two very usefull and compendious theological treatises the first shewing the nature of wit, wisdom, and folly : the second describing the nature, use, and abuse of the tongue and speech, whereby principally wisdom and folly are expressed :
BJ1551 .W37 1639 Spare-minutes, or, Resolued meditations and premeditaed [sic] resolutions 1
BJ1551 .W37 1640 Spare-minutes, or, Resolued meditations and premeditated resolutions 1
BJ1551 .W37 1641 Spare-minutes, or, Resolved meditations and premeditated resolvtions 2
BJ1551 .W44 1530 Here begynneth a goodly treatyse, and it is called, A notable lesson, otherwyse it is called The golden pystle 1
BJ1551 .W457 A treatise of nobility wherein nobleness of birth, honourable achievements and virtuous acquisitions are duly weighed and valued / 2
BJ1551 .W58 Two seventeenth-century prefaces : Zootomia, 1654 / 1
BJ1551 .W58 1648 VVithout offence to the lawes of God and man onely by mathematicall arts and naturall sciences: a certaine true and probable answer may be given to any lawfull demaund whatsoever, as by the testimony of the learned among all nations and in all ages, and innumerable example[s] of our owne experience have invincibly confirmed. 1
BJ1552 .A5613 2004 Anne of France : lessons for my daughter / 1
BJ1552 .A5613 2004eb Anne of France : lessons for my daughter / 1