Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF172 .R66 1983 Mi faccio Turco : esperienze ed immagini dell'islam nell'Italia moderna / 1
BF172 .S75 1980 The Alexander technique : joy in the life of your body / 1
BF172 .S75 1981 The Alexander technique : joy in the life of your body / 1
BF173 Core concepts in classical psychoanalysis : clinical, research evidence and conceptual critiques /
Melanie Klein's narrative of an adult analysis /
Civilization and its discontents /
The Self in Transformation /
Writing the structures of the subject : Lacan and topology /
The practice of Lacanian psychoanalysis : theories and principles /
An apocryphal dictionary of psychoanalysis /
Truth matters : theory and practice in psychoanalysis /
Psychoanalysis, History and Subjectivity : Now of the Past.
Maps for Psychoanalytic Exploration.
NORBERT ELIAS AND SIGMUND FREUD the psychoanalytic foundations of the civilizing process.
The interpersonal tradition : the origins of psychoanalytic subjectivity /
Routledge library editions.
Lacanian psychoanalysis between the child and the other : exploring the cultures of childhood /
The complete works of W.R. Bion.
Psychology of Theft and Loss Stolen and Fleeced.
Commentaries on John Gedo's beyond interpretation /
Core concepts in contemporary psychoanalysis : clinical, research evidence and conceptual critiques /
On the Early Development of Mind.
Race in psychoanalysis : aboriginal populations in the mind /
The revision of psychoanalysis /
TILT : teaching individuals to live together /
Narrative therapy approaches for physical health problems : facilitating preferred change /
The play within the play : the enacted dimension of psychoanalytic process /
Updating Midlife : Psychoanalytic Perspectives.
Psychological reflections : an anthology of Jung's writings, 1905-1961 /
Psychology and alchemy /
The late Sigmund Freud, or, The last word on psychoanalysis, society, and all the riddles of life /
Women in the Budapest school of psychoanalysis : girls of tomorrow /
Jung and philosophy /
The psychoanalytic study of society.
A Final Accounting Philosophical and Empirical Issues in Freudian Psychology.
The psychoanalytic understanding of consciousness, free will, language, and reason : what makes us human? /
The growth of mind /
Everything is permitted, restrictions still apply : a psychoanalytic perspective on social dislocation, narcissism, and post truth /
Three papers of W.R. Bion /
Ferenczi's influence on contemporary psychoanalytic traditions : lines of development : evolution of theory and practice over the decades /
The Essential Writings of Sabina Spielrein : Pioneer of Psychoanalysis.
Attacks on linking revisited : a new look at Bion's classic work /
Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis /
The Work of Daniel Lagache : Selected Papers 1938-1964 /
Eigen in Seoul : Madness and Murder /
Out of This World : Suicide Examined /
The 5 to 10 Year-Old Child /
Identity, Narcissism, and the Other : Object Relations and their Obstacles /
The clinical paradigms of Melanie Klein and Donald Winnicott : comparisons and dialogues /
Staying Attached : Fathers and Children in Troubled Times /
Revival: Principles of Abnormal Psychology (1928) /
Embodied Analyst From Freud and Reich to relationality.
Illusion, disillusion, and irony in psychoanalysis /
Psychoanalytic concepts and technique in development : psychoanalysis, neuroscience and physics /
What happens when the analyst dies : unexpected terminations in psychoanalysis /
Psychoanalysis and other matters : where are we now? /
Truth, reality, and the psychoanalyst : Latin American contributions to psychoanalysis /
Psychoanalysis and dreams : Bion, the field and the viscera of the mind /
The emergence of analytic oneness : into the heart of psychoanalysis /
Interpretation in couple and family psychoanalysis : cross-cultural perspectives /
Lo Psicótico : Aspectos de la Personalidad /
Psychic Home: Psychoanalysis : Psychoanalysis, consciousness and the human soul.
Textbook of applied psychoanalysis /
The trauma of birth /
Psychoanalysis, scientific method, and philosophy
The psychoanalysis of the absurd : existentialism and phenomenology in contemporary psychoanalysis /
Lacanian coordinates : from the logic of the signifier to the paradoxes of guilt and desire /
Traumatised and Non-Traumatised States of the Personality : a Clinical Understanding Using Bion's Approach /
Studying Lacan's seminar VI : dream, symptom, and the collapse of subjectivity /
A Non-Oedipal Psychoanalysis? : a Clinical Anthropology of Hysteria in the Work of Freud and Lacan /
Introduction to Jungian Psychology : Notes of the Seminar on Analytical Psychology Given in 1925.
Women and Creativity : a Psychoanalytic Glimpse Through Art, Literature, and Social Structure.
Surprise And The Psycho-Analyst : On the Conjecture and Comprehension of Unconscious Processes.
The knife and the butterfly : a story of a Jungian analysis /
Ferenczi and Beyond : Exile of the Budapest School and Solidarity in the Psychoanalytic Movement During the Nazi Years.
Ethical Seduction of the Analytic Situation : the Feminine/Maternal Origins of Responsibility for the Other.
Change through time in psychoanalysis : transformations and interventions, the three level model /
Art and Analysis : an Adrian Stokes Reader.
On Freud's "Screen Memories."
Hostile and malignant prejudice : psychoanalytic approaches /
Freud and the Buddha.
The annual of psychoanalysis.
Los Pioneros del Psicoanálisis en Sudamérica.
Freud on the psychology of ordinary mental life /
Psychic Reality in Context : Perspectives on Psychoanalysis, Personal History and Trauma.
Psychoanalytic Reflections on a Changing World.
The Historical and Philosophical Context of Rational Psychotherapy : the Legacy of Epictetus /
The Complete Works of W.R. Bion.
La matriz de la mente : Las relaciones de objeto y psicoanalitico /
Irrepressible truth : on Lacan's 'The Freudian thing' /
Klein /
Oedipus and the Oedipus Complex : a Revision /
Paradoxes in Lacanian psychoanalysis /
Cybernetics of Prejudices in the Practice of Psychotherapy /
Body as psychoanalytic object : clinical applications from Winnicott to Bion and beyond /
Invention in the real /
Donor conception for life : psychoanalytic reflections on new ways of conceiving the family /
Tea with Winnicott /
On Freud's "Formulations on the two principles of mental functioning" /
The foundations of psychoanalytic theories : project for a scientific enough psychoanalysis /
The new analyst's guide to the galaxy : questions about contemporary psychoanalysis /
Eigen in Seoul : faith and transformation /
A basic theory of neuropsychoanalysis /
Idiomatic expressions and somatic experience in psychoanalysis : relational and inter-subjective perspectives /
Ferenczi's confusion of tongues theory of trauma : a relational neurobiological perspective /
Maps for psychoanalytic exploration /
An introduction to W.R. Bion's 'a memoir of the future' : authoritative, not authoritarian, psychoanalysis /
The analytic field and its transformations /
Twenty-First Century Psychoanalysis /
The psycho-analytical process /
Psychoanalysis and the politics of the family the crisis of initiation /
Mindbrain, Psychoanalytic Institutions, and Psychoanalysts : a New Metapsychology Consistent with Neuroscience.
100 years of the IPA : the centenary history of the International Psychoanalytical Association 1910-2010 : evolution and change /
From Freud to Kafka : the paradoxical foundation of the life-and-death instinct /
The mentalization guidebook /
From reverie to interpretation : transforming thought into the action of psychoanalysis /
The new Klein-Lacan dialogues /
The ego and the mechanisms of defence /
Rescuing psychoanalysis from Freud and other essays in re-vision /
Introduction to the Work of Melanie Klein /
The émigré analysts and American psychoanalysis : history and contemporary relevance /
The Creativity of Social Dreaming /
On Freud's "Femininity" /
Clinical Dialogues on Psychoanalysis with Families and Couples /
Psychic Assaults and Frightened Clinicians : Countertransference in Forensic Settings /
W. R. BIONS THEORIES OF MIND a contemporary introduction.
The Second Century of Psychoanalysis : Evolving Perspectives on Therapeutic Action /
A critical examination of psycho-analysis /
Fairy Tales and the Social Unconscious : the Hidden Language /
Children's Phantasies : the Shaping of Relationships /
Conversations with Michael Eigen /
Conversations at the Frontier of Dreaming /
Primary Love and Psychoanalytic Technique /
Post-existentialism and the Psychological Therapies : Towards a Therapy without Foundations /
Being with Older People : a Systemic Approach /
The Mind of the Paedophile : Psychoanalytic Perspectives /
Wild Thoughts Searching for a Thinker : a Clinical Application of W.R. Bion's Theories /
EROS AND CIVILIZATION a philosophical inquiry into freud.
Living and containing psychoanalysis in institutions : psychoanalysts working together /
Changing Sexualities and Parental Functions in the Twenty-First Century : Changing Sexualities, Changing Parental Functions /
From Budapest to psychoanalysis : three portraits and their analytic frames /
Living Your Own Life : Existential Analysis in Action /
Melanie Klein Revisited : Pioneer and Revolutionary in the Psychoanalysis of Young Children /
Psychoanalysis and Culture : a Kleinian Perspective /
The Anatomy of Regret : From Death Instinct to Reparation and Symbolization through Vivid Clinical Cases /
The Economics of Libido : Psychic Bisexuality, the Superego, and the Centrality of the Oedipus Complex /
In Search of the Spiritual : Gabriel Marcel, Psychoanalysis and the Sacred /
The poetry of the word in psychoanalysis : selected papers of Pere Folch Mateu /
An Evolutionary Leap : Colin Wilson on Psychology /
Lost Goddesses : a Kaleidoscope on Porn /
The clinical paradigms of Donald Winnicott and Wilfred Bion : comparisons and dialogues /
Psychoanalytic Theory, Therapy and the Self /
Insight and Interpretation : the Essential Tools of Psychoanalysis /
Lalangue, Sinthome, Jouissance, and Nomination : a Reading Companion and Commentary on Lacan's Seminar XXIII on the Sinthome /
The Complete Works of W.R. Bion Volume 14 /
The psychoanalytic therapy of severe disturbance /
Andre Green at the Squiggle Foundation /
Attachment and new beginnings reflections on psychoanalytic therapy /
La parole et la topologie : Pourquoi et comment la parole implique-t-elle la topologie?
Freud and Said contrapuntal psychoanalysis as liberation praxis /
Transformations : change from learning to growth /
Scientific Pollyannaism : From Inquisition to Positive Psychology /
The Aesthetic Dimension of the Mind : Variations on a Theme of Bion /
FREUDIAN MATRIX OF ANDRE GREEN towards a psychoanalysis for the twenty.
Trauma, psychoanalysis and history /
Witnessing and psychoanalysis : as if it never happened /
Lacanian psychoanalysis : a contemporary introduction /
Psychoanalytic studies of change an integrative perspective /
Psychoanalysis is an antiphilosophy /
Freud in Cambridge /
Analytical psychology in a changing world : the search for self, identity and community /
Psychoanalysis at Its Limits Navigating the Postmodern Turn.
Understanding Perversion in Clinical Practice : Structure and Strategy in the Psyche /
Psychoanalytic intersections : selected writing of the Austen Riggs Center Erikson Institute visiting scholar program /
Social defenses against anxiety : explorations in a paradigm /
Psychology and the East /
The economics of the libido : psychic bisexuality, the superego, and the centrality of the Oedipus complex /
The cut and the building of psychoanalysis. Sigmund Freud and Emma Eckstein /
Mentalizing in the Development and Treatment of Attachment Trauma /
Future Psychoanalysis : Toward a Psychology of the Human Subject /
Illusions and Disillusions of Psychoanalytic Work /
Wittgenstein's folly : philosophy, psychonalysis and language games /
The Dynamics of Change : Tavistock Approaches to Improving Social Systems /
The Routledge handbook of language and mind engineering /
The Desire of Psychoanalysis : Exercises in Lacanian Thinking.
Introduction to Contemporary Psychoanalysis : Defining terms and building bridges /
Changing Sexualities and Parental Functions in the Twenty-First Century.
The essential Jung /
A Short Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Psicoanálisis y familia /
El psicoanalisis el rescate de un saber perdido.
Collected writings of Giles Clark : recycling madness with Jung, Spinoza and Santayana /
On coming into possession of oneself : transformations of the interpersonal field /
Psychological and philosophical studies of Jung's teleology : the future-orientation of mind /
What do our terms mean? explorations using psychoanalytic theories and concepts /
The political clinic psychoanalysis and social change in the twentieth century
Psychotherapy with Severely Deprived Children /
The Topological Transformation of Freud's Theory /
Winnicott y la perspectiva relacional en el psicoanálisis
The I Ching : Points of Balance and Cycles of Change /
Primary love and psycho-analytic technique /
On Freud's The Unconscious /
Dignity Matters : Psychoanalytic and Psychosocial Perspectives /
The Unborn Child : Beginning a Whole Life and Overcoming Problems of Early Origin /
The Tavistock Seminars /
A Different Wisdom : Reflections on Supervision Practice: Guide to Supervision /
Freud's legacy in the global era /
Deconstructing the Feminine : Psychoanalysis, Gender and Theories of Complexity /
Personality structure and human interaction : the developing synthesis of psychodynamic theory /
The Enigma of the Suicide Bomber : a Psychoanalytic Essay /
The Woman Within : a Psychoanalytic Essay on Femininity /
The Emergent Self : an Existential-Gestalt Approach /
Love and Other Emotions : On the Process of Feeling /
The Inner World and Joan Riviere : Collected Papers 1929-1958 /
Intrusiveness and Intimacy in the Couple /
Enduring Loss : Mourning, Depression and Narcissism Throughout the Life Cycle /
Holistic therapy for people with dissociative identity disorder /
The Constitution of the Psychoanalytic Clinic : a History of its Structure and Power /
The Oedipus Complex Today : Clinical Implications /
Group Analysis in the Land of Milk and Honey /
Mistrust : Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms /
Landscapes of the Dark : History, Trauma, Psychoanalysis /
The Nursery Age Child /
Dark Fantasy : Regressive Movements and the Search for Meaning in Politics /
Elements of Psychoanalysis /
Lacan's Clinical Technique : Lack(a)nian Analysis /
El malestar en la cultura /
Assessment in Child Psychotherapy /
Beyond Belief : Psychotherapy and Religion /
From Soma to Symbol : Psychosomatic Conditions and Transformative Experience /
Explorations between psychoanalysis and neuroscience : at the edge of mind and brain /
Fly Away Fear : Overcoming your Fear of Flying /
The legacy and promise of Hans Loewald /
What do our terms mean? : explorations using psychoanalytic theories and concepts /
Continuity and Change in Psychoanalysis : Letters from Milan.
Final Contributions to the Problems and Methods of Psycho-analysis /
Foundations for Conceptual Research in Psychoanalysis /
Depth psychology, cult survivors, and the role of the daimon : oppression, agency, and authenticity /
The Work of Confluence : Listening and Interpreting in the Psychoanalytic Field /
A skin for thought : interviews with Gilbert Tarrab on psychology and psychoanalysis /
Freely associated : encounters in psychoanalysis with Christopher Bollas, Joyce McDougall, Michael Eigen, Adam Phillips, Nina Coltart /
The Wolf-Man and Sigmund Freud /
Distance Psychoanalysis : the Theory and Practice of Using Communication Technology in the Clinic /
Relatedness in a Global Economy /
Dark Matters : Exploring the Realm of Psychic Devastation /
An analytic journey : from the art of archery to the art of psychoanalysis /
Is It Too Late? : Key Papers on Psychoanalysis and Ageing /
How Does Psychotherapy Work? /
Decline & fall of the Freudian empire /
Unbearable Affect : a Guide to the Psychotherapy of Psychosis /
Lacanian Psychoanalysis with Babies, Children, and Adolescents : Further Notes on the Child /
Ferenczi for Our Time : Theory and Practice /
Sweet Dreams : Erotic Plots /
Bion in Brazil : Supervisions and Commentaries /
The Making of Psychotherapists : an Anthropological Analysis /
The Unconscious as Infinite Sets : an Essay in Bi-logic /
Her Hour Come Round at Last : a Garland for Nina Coltart /
Living Psychoanalysis From theory to experience.
The Values of Psychotherapy /
Not the Future We Ordered : Peak Oil, Psychology, and the Myth of Progress /
Freud on the Acropolis : reflections on a paradoxical response to the real /
Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? : a Memorial to W.R. Bion /
The linked self in psychoanalysis : the pioneering work of Enrique Pichon Riviere /
Psychology and morals : an analysis of character /
Symbiosis and Ambiguity : a Psychoanalytic Study.
Obsessional neurosis : Lacanian perspectives /
Immigrants and Refugees : Trauma, Perennial Mourning, Prejudice, and Border Psychology /
Stepping into Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy : Key Ingredients of Change /
Coaching in Education : Getting Better Results for Students, Educators, and Parents /
Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry /
The Privacy of the Self /
Perspectives on Supervision /
Psychoanalysis and Education : Minding a Gap /
Object Relations and Social Relations : the Implications of the Relational Turn in Psychoanalysis /
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy After Child Abuse : the Treatment of Adults and Children Who Have Experienced Sexual Abuse, Violence, and Neglect in Childhood /
Vital Signs : Psychological Responses to Ecological Crisis /
Dreamwork and Self-Healing : Unfolding the Symbols of the Unconscious /
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in the Kleinian Tradition /
How to Survive Without Psychotherapy /
Bion in Buenos Aires : Seminars, Case Presentation and Supervision /
Love and Therapy : In Relationship /
Forensic Group Psychotherapy : the Portman Clinic Approach /
Developments in Psychoanalysis /
On Latency : Individual Development, Narcissistic Impulse Reminiscence and Cultural Ideal /
Greed : Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms /
Containment in the Community : Supportive Frameworks for Thinking about Antisocial Behaviour and Mental Health /
The Significance of Dreams : Bridging Clinical and Extraclinical Research in Psychoanalysis /
Taboo or Not Taboo? Forbidden Thoughts, Forbidden Acts in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy : Forbidden Thoughts, Forbidden Acts in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy /
Corresponding Lives : Mabel Dodge Luhan, A.A. Brill, and the Psychoanalytic Adventure in America /
Emotion and the Psychodynamics of the Cerebellum : a Neuro-Psychoanalytic Analysis and Synthesis /
Bion's Legacy to Groups /
The Evolution of Family Patterns and Indirect Therapy with Adolescents /
Countertransference in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents /
Pluralism and unity? : methods of research in psychoanalysis /
Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy : Theory and Technique /
The Vale of Soulmaking : the Post-Kleinian Model of the Mind /
The subversive edge of psychoanalysis /
From the Trenches : a Victim and Therapist Talk about Mind Control and Ritual Abuse /
From Anxiety to Zoolander : Notes on Psychoanalysis /
Psychoanalytic perspectives
Contemporary psychoanalytic studies
BF173 23 Playing and reality revisited : a new look at Winnicott's classic work / 1
BF173-175.5 Psychoanalytic Practice : 2 Clinical Studies / 1
BF173 .Ar672 2013eb Un encuentro de mentes : mutualidad en el psicoanálisis / 1
BF173.A2 Modern psychoanalysis
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy
The Psychoanalytic quarterly
The International journal of psychoanalysis
Cahiers jungiens de psychanalyse
International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Education
Psychosis, Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry in Postwar USA : On the borderland of madness /
BF173 .A2A34 Affectio societatis revista electrónica del Departamento de Psicoanálisis, Universidad de Antioquia. 1
BF173.A2 A5 vol. 32, 2004eb Psychoanalysis and women 1
BF173.A2 .A54 The Annual of psychoanalysis 1
BF173.A2 A54 Science and psychoanalysis. 1
BF173.A2 A55 American imago 1
BF173.A2 A63 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association.
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
BF173.A2 C55x La clinique lacanienne 1
BF173.A2 C6 Contemporary psychoanalysis. 1
BF173.A2 D47 Desde el jardín de Freud revista de psicoanálisis. 1
BF173.A2 .F67 Forum der Psychoanalyse 1
BF173.A2 G45 Genesis 1
BF173.A2 I57 Proceedings. 1