Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
B178 .M67 2000 | Myth and philosophy from the pre-Socratics to Plato / | 1 |
B178 .M67 2000eb | Myth and philosophy from the Presocratics to Plato / | 2 |
B178 .N43 2016 | Philosophie und Aristokratie : die Autonomisierung der Philosophie von den Vorsokratikern bis Platon / | 1 |
B178 .P48 2013 | Durable goods : pleasure, wealth and power in the virtuous life / | 1 |
B178 .V4 1985 | Mythe et pensée chez les Grecs : études de psychologie historique / | 1 |
B178 .V413 1983 | Myth and thought among the Greeks / | 1 |
B178 .V413 2006 | Myth and thought among the Greeks / | 1 |
B178 .V422 | Mythe et pensée chez les grecs : études de psychologie historique. | 1 |
B179 .A35 | Zoroaster's influence on Greek thought. | 1 |
B179 .C384 2012 | Plato's Apology, Crito and Phaedo of Socrates. | 1 |
B180 | Greek philosophers in the Arabic tradition / | 1 |
B180̀1 | Cartesian empiricisms / | 1 |
B180Ì1 | Cartesian empiricisms / | 1 |
B181 |
In Sensible Judgement. Beitr?ge zur fiktionalen Geistesgeschichte. |
2 |
B181 .A3 | The vitality of Platonism : and other essays / | 1 |
B181 .A76 1991 | Atoms, pneuma, and tranquillity : Epicurean and Stoic themes in European thought / | 1 |
B181 .A76 1991eb | Atoms, pneuma, and tranquillity : Epicurean and Stoic themes in European thought / | 1 |
B181 .D48 2016 | In sensible judgement | 1 |
B181 .H45 | Die Gegenwart der Griechen im neueren Denken : Festschrift fur Hans Georg Gadamer zum 60. Geburtstag / | 1 |
B181 .K57 2001 | Vom Griechenland / | 1 |