Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
A 13.78:NE-706 |
Reexamination of effects of paraformaldehyde on tissues around tapholes in sugar maple trees / Reexamination of effects of paraformaldehyde on tissues around tapholes in sugar maple trees |
3 |
A 13.78:NE-707 |
Characterizing Virginia's private forest owners and their forest lands / Characterizing Virginia's private forest owners and their forest lands |
2 |
A 13.78:NE-708 |
Geologic and tributary influences on the chemistry of a headwater stream / Geologic and tributary influences on the chemistry of a headwater stream |
2 |
A 13.78:NE-709 |
FIA photointerpretation in southern New England : a tool to determine forest fragmentation and proximity to human development / FIA photointerpretation in southern New England a tool to determine forest fragmentation and proximity to human development / |
3 |
A 13.78:NE-710 |
Understory tree characteristics and disturbance history of a central Appalachian forest prior to old-growth harvesting Understory tree characteristics and disturbance history of a central Appalachian forest prior to old-growth harvesting / |
3 |
A 13.78:NE-711 | Performance of a cut-to-length harvester in a single-tree and group-selection cut / | 2 |
A 13.78:NE-712 |
Cost of maple sap production for various size tubing operations / Cost of maple sap production for various size tubing operations |
3 |
A 13.78:NE-713 | Temperature and soil moisture regimes in and adjacent to the Fernow Experimental Forest / | 2 |
A 13.78:NE-714 |
Habitat diversity in uneven-aged northern hardwood stands : a case study / Habitat diversity in uneven-aged northern hardwood stands a case study / |
3 |
A 13.78:NE-715 | Cost comparisons for three harvesting systems operating in northern hardwood stands / | 2 |
A 13.78:NE-716 |
Specific gravity of coarse woody debris for some central Appalachian hardwood forest species / Specific gravity of coarse woody debris for some central Appalachian hardwood forest species |
3 |
A 13.78:NE-717 |
Effect of harvesting regime on beech root sprouts and seedlings in a North-Central Maine Forest long Affected by Beech Bark disease / Effect of harvesting regime on beech root sprouts and seedlings in a north-central Maine forest long affected by beech bark disease |
2 |
A 13.78:NE-718 | Origin of sigmoid diameter distributions | 1 |
A 13.78:NE-719 |
Modeling the regeneration of northern hardwoods with FORGEN Modeling the regeneration of northern hardwoods with FOREGEN / |
2 |
A 13.78:NE-720 |
Comparison of methods to determine disk and heartwood areas / Comparison of methods to determine disk and heartwood areas |
2 |
A 13.78:NE-721 |
Coping with multicollinearity : an example on application of principal components regression in dendroecology / Coping with multicollinearity an example on application of principal components regression in dendroecology / |
2 |
A 13.78:NE-722 | A model of forest floor carbon mass for United States forest types | 1 |
A 13.78:NE-723 |
Tree survival and growth following ice storm injury / Tree survival and growth following ice storm injury |
2 |
A 13.78:NE-724 | Fire history of a Ridge and Valley oak forest | 1 |
A 13.78:NE-725 |
Characterization of high elevation central Appalachian wetlands / Characterization of high elevation central Appalachian wetlands |
2 |