Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.78:NE-191 The use and market for wood in the electrometallurgical industry / 1
A 13.78:NE-192 Nature and extent of macropores in forest soils and their influence on subsurface water movement / 1
A 13.78:NE-193 Preliminary work in developing sawbolt grading systems for white oak / 1
A 13.78:NE-194 Toward integrated control ; proceedings. 1
A 13.78:NE-195 Management of young and intermediate stands of upland hardwoods / 1
A 13.78:NE-196 A second look at the heavy half of the camping market / 1
A 13.78:NE-197 The relative importance of factors that determine log-hauling costs / 1
A 13.78:NE-198 Configuration of Appalachian logging roads / 1
A 13.78:NE-199 Interim hardwood tree grades for factory lumber / 1
A 13.78:NE-200 Hardwood? carpet? or tile? : A comparison of flooring costs under residential conditions / 1
A 13.78:NE-201 A survey of plants in Gujarat, India, for alkaloids, saponins, and tannins / 1
A 13.78:NE-202 Growth of the camping market in the Northeast / 1
A 13.78:NE-203 Early crop-tree release in even-aged stands of Appalachian hardwoods / 1
A 13.78:NE-204 An appraisal of oak wilt control programs in Pennsylvania and West Virginia / 1
A 13.78:NE-205 Sawlog grades for eastern white pine / 1
A 13.78:NE-206 The landowner & the snowmobiler--problem or profit? / 1
A 13.78:NE-207 Physical distribution of oak strip flooring in 1969 / 1
A 13.78:NE-208 Diameter-limit cutting in Appalachian hardwoods : boon or bane? / 1
A 13.78:NE-209 Production & germination of paper birch seed and its dispersal into a forest opening / 1
A 13.78:NE-210 Response of Fusarium solani to fluctuating temperatures / 1