Call Number (LC) Title Results
378.788B M1276e The economic fringe demands of labor / 1
378.788B M1277 The religious faith of William Cobbett / 1
378.788B M1284p Personnel administration in the Kansas Corporation Commission / 1
378.788B M131 Boiler losses and efficiences as found by the A.S.M.E. test code / 1
378.788B M131a Boiler losses and efficiences as found by the A.S.M.E. test code / 1
378.788B M1311 Steam turbine economics / 1
378.788B M1313a Accounting under the 1937 Income Tax Act of the state of Colorado / 1
378.788B M1318 Ideas of education found in the eighteenth century essays / 1
378.788B M13185s Studies of the anticonvulsive properties of certain pyrimidine and carbamate derivatives / 1
378.788B M1319 How much mythology should a high school pupil know in order to interpret literature read in English classes / 1
378.788B M132 Design of a reinforced concrete office building / 1
378.788B M1321 An experimental study of the effects of two plans of distributing study and discussion in the unit method of teaching history / 1
378.788B M1325 Entomologists in Colorado / 1
378.788B M1338p Progressive legislation in Colorado, 1907-1917 / 1
378.788B M1339r Respiratory efficiency of tracheal gills and general body surface in some damselfly naiads / 1
378.788B M1343d The design and construction of an improved electronic stimulator / 1
378.788B M137 Physical exercise among women secondary-school teachers of Iowa / 1
378.788B M1374o An objective analysis of ten selected home economics textbooks / 1
378.788B M1375 The strength and elastic properties of Portland cement slag concrete / 1
378.788B M1376 Political and economic aspects of the recent American silver policy / 1