Call Number (LC) Title Results
20-1:H.DOC.10 Thaddeus Laughlin. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the opinion of the Attorney General, in the case of Thaddeus Laughlin. December 14, 1827. Read, and laid upon the table 1
20-1:H.DOC.11 Letter from Henry M. Shreve to the Hon. C.A. Wickliffe, upon the subject of the navigation of the Mississippi River. December 14, 1827. Read, and referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals 1
20-1:H.DOC.12 Ratio of representation under fifth census. Documents submitted by Mr. Peter Little, of the House of Representatives. December 12, 1827. Printed by order of the House of Representatives 1
20-1:H.DOC.13 Resolutions and remonstrance of the Agricultural Society of St. Andrew's Parish, S.C., against any further increase of the duties on imports, &c. December 14, 1827. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures 1
20-1:H.DOC.14 Resolutions and remonstrance of the Agricultural Society of St. John's, Colleton, S.C., against any further increase of the duties on imports, &c. December 14, 1827. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures 1
20-1:H.DOC.15 South Carolina. Memorial of the inhabitants of Fairfield District, S. Carolina, praying a revision of the tariff, &c. December 14, 1827. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures 1
20-1:H.DOC.16 South Carolina. Memorial of the citizens of Columbia, S.C., praying a revision of the tariff, &c. December 18, 1827. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures 1
20-1:H.DOC.17 Memorial of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, in behalf of the inhabitants who suffered by the destruction of property during the late war. December 20, 1827. Referred to the Committee of Claims 1
20-1:H.DOC.18 Francis Henderson, &c. Memorial and petition of Francis Henderson and Francis Henderson, Jun., on behalf of themselves and family, heirs and representatives of John Laurens, deceased. December 19, 1827. Referred to the Committee on Revolutionary Claims 1
20-1:H.DOC.19 Cadwallader Wallace. Memorial of Cadwallader Wallace. December 24, 1827. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands 1
20-1:H.DOC.20 South Carolina. Memorial of the inhabitants of Barnwell District, in S.C., remonstrating against any additional duties on imported woollen goods. December 24, 1827. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures 1
20-1:H.DOC.21 South Carolina. Memorial of the citizens of Orangeburg, S.C., against any increase of duties on woollen goods of foreign manufacture. December 24, 1827. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures 1
20-1:H.DOC.22 American water rotted hemp. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of 2d March, 1827, in relation to experiments on American water rotted hemp. December 24, 1827. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures 1
20-1:H.DOC.23 South Carolina -- Abbeville District. Memorial of the citizens of Abbeville District, S.C., against an increase of duties on imported goods. December 27, 1827. Read, and laid on the table 1
20-1:H.DOC.24 South Carolina -- Edgefield District. Memorial of the citizens of Edgefield, against the woollens bill. December 27, 1827. Read, and laid upon the table 1
20-1:H.DOC.25 Balances on the books of Fourth Auditor. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting an abstract of balances on the books of the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury which have remained due and unsettled more than three years prior to 30th September last. Together with a list of officers who have failed to render their accounts according to law. December 27, 1827. Read, and laid upon the table 1
20-1:H.DOC.26 Louisiana. Memorial of the Mayor, aldermen, and inhabitants of New Orleans. December 31, 1827. Referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims 1
20-1:H.DOC.27 New Jersey. Petition of the manufacturers of Paterson, in the State of New Jersey. December 31, 1827. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures 1
20-1:H.DOC.28 South Carolina. Remonstrance of the citizens of Beaufort District, S.C., against any further increase of the duties on imports. December 31, 1827. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures 1
20-1:H.DOC.29 Massachusetts -- wool growers of Berkshire. Memorial of the wool growers and manufacturers of Berkshire, State of Massachusetts. December 31, 1827. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures 1