Call Number (LC) Title Results
1999-53-009 Washington Summit Communique 1
1999-53-013 Trilateral Summit Joint Press Statement 1
1999-53-014 The Auckland Challenge APEC Economic Leaders' Declaration. 1
1999-53-015 Joint United States-Norway Statement 1
1999-53-016 Joint Declaration by President William Jefferson Clinton and European Commission President Romano Prodi 1
1999-53-017 Joint Statement by President Clinton and Prime Minister Kjell Bondevik 1
1999-53-018 United States-European Union Summit Statement on the World Trade Organization 1
1999-53-019 United States-European Union Summit Statement on Chechnya 1
1999-53-020 United States-European Union Summit Statement on Southeast Europe 1
1999-56-01 International Public Information (IPI) 1
1999-56-02 National Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention 1
1999-57-001 H.R. 1875 - Interstate Class Action Jurisdiction Act of 1999 1
1999-57-002 H.R. 1883 - Iran Nonproliferation Act of 1999 1
1999-57-003 H.R. 391 - Small Business Paperwork Reduction Act of 1999 1
1999-57-004 H.J. Res. 33 - Constitutional Amendment Against Flag Desecration 1
1999-57-005 H.J. Res. 37 - Constitutional Amendment Requiring Two-Thirds Votes on Certain Tax Measures 1
1999-57-006 H.J. Res. 57 - Disapproving the Extension of Nondiscriminatory Trade Treatment to China 1
1999-57-007 H.J. Res. 58 - Disapproving the Extension of Jackson-Vanik Waiver Authority for Vietnam 1
1999-57-008 H.R. 10 - Financial Services Act of 1999 1
1999-57-009 H.R. 1000 - Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century 1