Call Number (LC) Title Results
1922-EO-3701 [Grace S. Prentiss made eligible for the Fairfax, Oklahoma, postmastership examination without regard to the two-year residence requirement of E.O. 3455 of May 10, 1921] 1
1922-EO-3702 [E.O. of Aug. 2, 1875, reserving certain lands in Florida for lifesaving purposes, amended to authorize the Coast Guard to permit the construction of an inlet to connect the Atlantic Ocean and New River Sound] 1
1922-EO-3703 [Army transports Dix and Burnside transferred from the War Department to the Shipping Board] 1
1922-EO-3704 [Army transports Marne, Aisne, Ourcq, Tours, and Cantigny, transferred from the War Department to the Shipping Board] 1
1922-EO-3705 Oklahoma 1
1922-EO-3705-A [Additional compensation for enlisted men of the Marine Corps for proficiency in use of arms prescribed] 1
1922-EO-3705-B [Regulations governing increased pay for duty involving flying for the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard prescribed] 1
1922-EO-3706 [Offices of Register and Receiver at the Del Norte and Sterling Land Offices, Colorado, consolidated] 1
1922-EO-3707 [Sum of <DL>343,440 allocated to Rear Admiral Summer E. W. Kittelle, Governor of the Virgin Islands, for expenditures for necessary expenses incident to the occupation of said Islands] 1
1922-EO-3708 [Elsie M. Robertson made eligible for promotion from messenger girl to clerk in the Agriculture Department without regard to Civil Service Rules] 1
1922-EO-3709 [Regulations governing the charges for rent, fuel, electric current and miscellaneous services furnished for living quarters of Panama Canal and Panama Railroad employees, amended] 1
1922-EO-3710 [Offices of Register and Receiver at the Dickinson Land Office, North Dakota, consolidated] 1
1922-EO-3711 [Certain described portion of the Fort Keogh Military Reservation, Montana, placed under the Interior Secretary for disposal] 1
1922-EO-3712 [Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions excepted from examination, Subdivision III (on Treasury Department positions), Paragraph 13 amended to except all persons in the Public Health Service actually employed in leprosy investigation stations] 1
1922-EO-3713 [Louis Vallone made eligible for reinstatement as an opener and packer in the Customs Service without regard to length of separation from the service] 1
1922-EO-3714 [E.O. 3560 of Oct. 14, 1921, amended to extend to Spanish-American War veterans the preference granted World War veterans in connection with presidential postmaster examinations] 1
1922-EO-3715 [Junior engineers and deck officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey excluded from the operation of the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 22, 1910] 1
1922-EO-3716 Jefferson National Forest, Montana [diminution] 1
1922-EO-3717 [Rating of Benjamin B. Gorman's examination papers for the Coldwater, Michigan, postmastership authorized without regard to the age limits prescribed in E.O. 3455 of May 10, 1921] 1
1922-EO-3718 Amending further the provisions of the E.O. of Aug. 8, 1918, concerning travel between the U.S. and neighboring countries 1