Call Number (LC) Title Results
1921-44-306 [Commutation of sentence for embezzling mail matter Robert J. Vermande] 1
1921-44-307 [Commutation of sentence for forging money order Howard De Hart] 1
1921-44-308 [Commutation of sentence for transporting liquor interstate Clifford K. Martin] 1
1921-44-309 [Commutation of sentence for embezzling postal funds and forging Postal Savings Certificates Joseph P. Larocco] 1
1921-44-310 [Commutation of sentence for defacing building Peter Jackson] 1
1921-44-311 [Conditional commutation of sentence for counterfeiting Ignazio Lupo (alias Ignatio Lupo)] 1
1921-44-312 [Commutation of sentence for selling liquor without paying special tax Frank Bryant] 1
1921-44-313 [Commutation of sentence for possessing liquor Mary Lourin] 1
1921-44-314 [Commutation of sentence for retailing liquor without paying special tax John Fatherree] 1
1921-44-315 [Commutation of sentence for illicit distilling Will Higdon] 1
1921-44-316 [Commutation of sentence for retailing liquor without paying special tax E. A. Todd (alias Red Todd)] 1
1921-44-317 [Commutation of sentence for transporting a woman interstate for immoral purpose Charles G. Davis] 1
1921-44-318 [Commutation of sentence for illicit distilling D. C. Cutshaw] 1
1921-44-319 [Commutation of sentence for manufacturing liquor and possessing distilling apparatus Felix Gallardo] 1
1921-44-320 [Commutation of sentence for violation of the White Slave Traffic Act Robert Pummery] 1
1921-44-321 [Commutation of sentence for possession of distilling apparatus and maintaining common nuisance Frank Kratzer] 1
1921-44-322 [Pardon of August Griebe for violation of the National Prohibition Act] 1
1921-44-323 [Pardon of Frank L. Ferguson for embezzling postal funds] 1
1921-44-324 [Pardon of Rollin C. Stitser for forging Treasury check] 1
1921-44-325 [Pardon of Robert H. Towe for removing and concealing spirits on which tax had not been paid] 1