Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 F17 F543r no.679 2001 Report of the FAO Expert Consultation on the Use of Irrigation Systems for Sustainable Fish Production in Arid Countries of Asia, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 25-29 September 2001. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.680 2002 Report of the Technical Consultation on Improving Information on the Status and Trends of Capture Fisheries : Rome, 25-28 March 2002 = Rapport de la Consultation technique sur l'amélioration de l'information concernant la situation et les tendances des pêches de capture : Rome, 25-28 mars 2002 = Informe de la Consulta Técnica sobre la Introducción de Mejoras en la Información Acerca de la Situación y las Tendencias de la Pesca de Captura : Roma, 25-28 de marzo de 2002. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.681 2002 Report of the session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.681 Suppl. 2002 Report of the Symposium on Inland Fisheries Management and the Aquatic Environment : the effects of fisheries management on freshwater ecosystems, Windermere, United Kingdom, 12-15 June 2002 : held in connection with the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission Twenty-second Session, Windermere, United Kingdom, 12-19 June 2002. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.683 2001 National reports and technical papers presented at the First Meeting of the WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on the Development of Sustainable Moored Fish Aggregating Device Fishing in the Lesser Antilles : Le Robert, Martinique, 8-11 October 2001. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.683 Suppl. 2002 National reports and technical papers presented at the first meeting of the WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on the Development of Sustainable Moored Fish Aggregating Device Fishing in the Lesser Antilles, Le Robert, Martinique, 8-11 October 2001 / 1
1000 F17 F543r no.684 Report of the ... session of the Scientific Advisory Committee = Rapport de la ... session du Comité scientifique consultatif / 1
1000 F17 F543r no.685 2002 Report of the Sardine ((Sardina pilchardus) Otolith Workshop, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation, 28-31 August 2001 = Rapport de L'atelier sur l'otolithe de sardine (Sardina pilchardus), Kaliningrad, Fédération de Russie, 28-31 août 2001. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.686 Report of the FAO Working Group on the Assessment of Small Pelagic Fish off Northwest Africa = Rapport du Groupe de travail de la FAO sur l'évaluation des Petits Pélagiques au large de l'Afrique Nord-occidentale. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.688 2002 Report of the second ad hoc meeting of the intergovernmental organizations on work programmes related to subsidies in fisheries, Rome, 4-5 July 2002. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.690 2003 Report of the Expert Consultation on Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management : Reykjavik, Iceland, 16-19 September 2002 = Rapport de la Consultation d'experts sur la gestion des pêches axée sur les écosystèmes : Reykjavik, Islande, 16-19 septembre 2002 = Informe de la Consulta de Expertos sobre la Ordenación Pesquera Basada en el Ecosistema, Reykjavik, Islandia, 16-19 septiembre de 2002. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.692 2002 Report of the Expert Consultation to Review Port State Measures to Combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing : Rome, 4-6 November 2002. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.695 2002 Report of the Norway-FAO Expert Consultation on the Management of Shared Fish Stocks : Bergen, Norway, 7-10 October 2002. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.695 suppl. 2003 Papers presented at the Norway-FAO Expert Consultation on the Management of Shared Fish Stocks : Bergen, Norway, 7-10 October 2002. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.696 2002 Report of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission Workshop on Vessel Monitoring Systems : Saly, Senegal, 14-17 October 2002. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.697 2002 Report of the Expert Consultation of Regional Fisheries Management Bodies on Harmonization of Catch Certification ; La Jolla, United States of America, 9 - 11 January 2002 / 1
1000 F17 F543r no.698 2003 Report of the Expert Consultation on Identifying, Assessing and Reporting on Subsidies in the Fishing Industry : Rome, 3-6 December 2002. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.700 2003 Report of the International Workshop on the Implementation of International Fisheries Instruments and Factors of Unsustainability and Overexploitation in Fisheries : Mauritius, 3-7 February 2003. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.701 2004 Report of the Expert Consultation on Small-Scale Fisheries Management in Sub-Saharan Africa : Accra, Ghana, 12-14 December 2001. 1
1000 F17 F543r no.702 Report of the ... session of the Committee on Fisheries. 1